Not sure if its anything super relevant right now, but if anybody were wondering, I've got system patches. Seems to be the same for both the Live Oak, FL and Tennille, FL site.
11/24/21 22:40:27.078380 add_patch: tgid(62464) is patched to sg(64821)
11/24/21 22:40:27.078456 add_patch: tgid(62720) is patched to sg(64821)
11/24/21 22:40:27.078482 add_patch: tgid(62208) is patched to sg(64821)
11/24/21 22:40:27.269687 add_patch: tgid(62161) is patched to sg(64820)
11/24/21 22:40:27.269750 add_patch: tgid(62165) is patched to sg(64820)
11/24/21 22:40:27.269761 add_patch: tgid(62164) is patched to sg(64820)
11/24/21 22:40:27.269769 add_patch: tgid(62163) is patched to sg(64820)
11/24/21 22:40:27.461633 add_patch: tgid(62169) is patched to sg(64820)
11/24/21 22:40:27.461699 add_patch: tgid(62168) is patched to sg(64820)
11/24/21 22:40:27.461711 add_patch: tgid(62167) is patched to sg(64820)