scnfrq, I cannot confirm if ALL law agencies will be encrypted. But so far, I can confirm five who are going to be. So, if I had to take bets, it sounds like all law traffic will be encrypted completely. All Fire/EMS agencies will be in the clear. The County radios I've played around with (non-law enforcement radios) do not have the capabilities to monitor law enforcement, as the law talk groups are not programmed in. As such, even fire departments or EMS will not be able to monitor law enforcement. There are however talk groups for interop that police, fire and EMS will be able to switch to if needed to communicate with one another at the scene of an incident. The whole system was touted for "interoperability", but doesn't seem like it's so interoperable. I mean, if fire chief needed to communicate with his law enforcement, he'd have to radio the dispatcher and the dispatcher would have to inform the law agency to switch to "xx interop talkgroup" to communicate. I can't name my sources for privacy reasons, but my information is coming from official channels. ...and like I said, I've had the privilege to play around with a few of the mobiles and portables.
Thanks for the info. I totally agree about interop. That's all every news story for the past 3 years has talked about. The concern about agencies not being able to talk to each other began with the Albion tornado in 1985. Now they finally have a chance to fix it, and they are recreating the same problems? We'll just have to see how it all plays out.......