As a lawyer and a scanner buff i have been watching this and every post about encryption. This is my take on it.
As mmckenna stated with the califorina bill that was not passed based off fedreal rules.
" there are so many loopholes that it's never going to accomplish what it is trying to" "federal rules regarding the handling of CJI/PII, and a state cannot just decide to ignore those".As of right now there are no fedreal rules that mandate encryption. It is left up to each agency to make that call. True a law suit can be filled but you have to realize that federal law trumps(no Pun intended) state and local law. and yes you can appeal to high court but again it goes back to federal law. I dont recall ever seeing a lawsuit that was filed won of "that the public has a right to listen". People can say its a violation of the 1st Amendment . No because congress has not made it a law to be able to listen to police communications.
The only law i and many others have found is in the ecpa that states its not lawfull to listen to encrypted communications. Just because the public wants something and files a lawsuit does not mean its going to happen. So nypd has 2 choices regarding a feed either do it or dont do it.
Now as for Richee and his aurgements :
yes he is right that a lawsuit can be filled and appealed. But he his aurgument is that because it worked in chicago and its going to work in new york is not correct. And just because a deputy chief wants it to happen does not mean it will .
Another thihg to look at is it feasible for them to put up a feed. with as many channels they have is it worth it ? are they willing to take x number of radios and use them for streaming, what channels do use. a logistical nightmare. Now for the media who gets it and what do they get . If you look at past history access has been given when they purchase a department issued radio or a app like motorola wave or tango tango . some departments have went as far as having them sign legal documents that say the radio or app is not to leave the news desk. Nothing for news stringers.
Richee , You have to take what u say with a grain of salt. you do have a lot of facts that make vaild points. And others have facts that are also valid. No one wants encryption by anymeans. You have stated that people are trying to control you or force you to accpect the fact that it might not happen. I dont see that at all . All they are telling you that it might not happen . if i you think i am calling you out i am not.
Just tring to get you to understand what might happen .