Everything NYPD encryption.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 26, 2008


Feb 23, 2013
New York City
Does this mean no more BNN? ;) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Same, I left them years ago when they raised their prices and citizen launched. Looking on the citizen app map, it looks like E area in PBBN is rather quiet with alerts. They might be using SOD in the meantime to fill in the gaps
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Member without Bit-Error
Jun 18, 2007
A whole article written around not being able to make money taking pictures of people suffering and demanding things of the police while bashing them in the next sentence... Poor leg to try and stand on if you ask me...


Mar 15, 2010
Reading about the demise of listening to the largest Police Dept in the United States is really sad. The amount of key ups and whistling from Baofengs and the sheer number of whackers streaming either innocently or trying to commit crime, as well as wrongful information being posted to social media, call chasing whackers showing up on scene has certainly led to this, so hopefully no one is surprised. Technology has abused our non-right to listen to public safety communications and we are reaping what was sown.


May 27, 2023
Cities are moving to encrypt the radios because crime is through the roof

When the former mayor of Chicago was running for re-election she decided to hide the weekend killings it’s bad for business

As for NYPD they will learn the hard way once a 85 or 13 comes over and the cop can only get one transmission and it is not heard sadly either they will be killed or severely injured

Then they will go back to analogue and try and fix the issue. The union will push to keep it analogue because of tragedy

FDNY almost learned the hard way in 2003. When a member was trapped in a basement and could not be heard

Digital is good when it works

NYPD will never make it with digital the dept has no radio discipline and most of the cops out there are in fear for their lives so screaming on the air won’t change

As for people bashing one another don’t waste your time

If censoring people’s opinions about this topic you think it will change the outcome of this practice of encryption your wrong

You want change you got to make noise

I plan on contacting Sharpton and the other organizers you will see how fast the encryption will be turned of

I am not a fan of Al but if he can make noise and get the dept shaking in their boots why not

If you censor people saying the truth your helping them destroy the hobby because your keeping quite and Gov is pushing you around

You want something make noise about. Even a infant is intelligent enough to know if he/she is hungry they cry and make noise to get what they want

Making noise got police departments to back off the criminals

Now make noise and I promise you telling the politicians your holding your vote they will backdown

Optics is bad for business this is why encryption is here


Premium Subscriber
Sep 28, 2009
Cities are moving to encrypt the radios because crime is through the roof

When the former mayor of Chicago was running for re-election she decided to hide the weekend killings it’s bad for business

As for NYPD they will learn the hard way once a 85 or 13 comes over and the cop can only get one transmission and it is not heard sadly either they will be killed or severely injured

Then they will go back to analogue and try and fix the issue. The union will push to keep it analogue because of tragedy

FDNY almost learned the hard way in 2003. When a member was trapped in a basement and could not be heard

Digital is good when it works

NYPD will never make it with digital the dept has no radio discipline and most of the cops out there are in fear for their lives so screaming on the air won’t change

As for people bashing one another don’t waste your time

If censoring people’s opinions about this topic you think it will change the outcome of this practice of encryption your wrong

You want change you got to make noise

I plan on contacting Sharpton and the other organizers you will see how fast the encryption will be turned of

I am not a fan of Al but if he can make noise and get the dept shaking in their boots why not

If you censor people saying the truth your helping them destroy the hobby because your keeping quite and Gov is pushing you around

You want something make noise about. Even a infant is intelligent enough to know if he/she is hungry they cry and make noise to get what they want

Making noise got police departments to back off the criminals

Now make noise and I promise you telling the politicians your holding your vote they will backdown

Optics is bad for business this is why encryption is here
"I plan on contacting Sharpton and the other organizers you will see how fast the encryption will be turned of (sic)"
Al Sharpton is a sad little man and he can howl at the moon I/F/O 1 PP, but theres no money in this issue for him, so good luck going pinning your hopes on him to reverse a plan 10 years in the making. The entire NYPD will be encrypted end-to-end no matter what war dance he does. Especially since the riots showed how badly the normal un-encrypted fm communications can be dirupted by a few dozen unlocked radios in the hands of a bunch of wanna-be revolutionaries. The NY Media doesnt care because they will receive delayed unencrypted feeds direct to their newrooms. The other force involved with this project are the feds, who still use a fair amount of the system and arent happy that any nitwit with a $30 radio can derail a joint investigation or surveillance. Al Sharpton....ROFLMAO


Feb 23, 2013
New York City
I really don't see the point speculating what will happen. NYPD already made the investment and are moving to P25E, you can throw all the tantrums here but it won't make any difference.

There's proper channels for that, reach out to your community board members and council members and voice your concerns there.
Aug 27, 2022
This won't stop those who really want to listen, digital modes have a major vulnerability, If the radio detects a bad quality control channel, it falls backs to regular digital non encrypted so that the communications can still hold, Knowing this all one needs to do if near a cop car in constant communications with control channel, All you need to know is the frequencies for your area and use a Hackrf sdr to transmit *noise* on the side bands, This creates a semi interference zone that can go out about 100 meters or so, The police does not notice a loss of communication quality, This is weak signal and won't wipe out the control channel but is just enough to locally make their radios digital encryption mode to off for the duration of the conversation as the system detects possible high packet loss and goes to fail safe mode, the channel is in the clear, So all you need to do is listen in locally with another rtl sdr dongle and just decode the digital mode and you hear the conversation.

Cowthief ?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2008
Milford, Ct. perched high above Long Island Sound
I really don't see the point speculating what will happen. NYPD already made the investment and are moving to P25E, you can throw all the tantrums here but it won't make any difference.

There's proper channels for that, reach out to your community board members and council members and voice your concerns there.
Yes all true, but it will probably go on deaf ears trying to voice any concerns. My small city here in Ct. with a population of 50K was the second department in the whole country to go encrypted way back in the 90's. Let's just say there are other things to listen to for clues as to what is happening around you.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 28, 2009
"Hey saber 3 when they start screaming on the radio and they can not get over we will see"

Evidently the "Real Cop" never seen the commercials where the APX radios are transmitting perfectly readable speech in front of a fire engine siren blasting yelp, wail, hi-lo ect. out at 100+db. Or used an a P25 radio.

But please do keep us informed about your efforts to get that sad little man, whose "sell by" date has long expired along with his relevance to reverse multi-million dollar program.

PS; Tell us what the is the dept. ORI?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 13, 2021
"I plan on contacting Sharpton and the other organizers you will see how fast the encryption will be turned of (sic)"
Al Sharpton is a sad little man and he can howl at the moon I/F/O 1 PP, but theres no money in this issue for him, so good luck going pinning your hopes on him to reverse a plan 10 years in the making. The entire NYPD will be encrypted end-to-end no matter what war dance he does. Especially since the riots showed how badly the normal un-encrypted fm communications can be dirupted by a few dozen unlocked radios in the hands of a bunch of wanna-be revolutionaries. The NY Media doesnt care because they will receive delayed unencrypted feeds direct to their newrooms. The other force involved with this project are the feds, who still use a fair amount of the system and arent happy that any nitwit with a $30 radio can derail a joint investigation or surveillance. Al Sharpton....ROF
Operative words are: Bizarre Rant


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
I see Ems is enc to now what about parking enforcement
You're conflating two very different things. You're looking at the NYCICN trunked system, where some of the FDNY fire and EMS talkgroups are multi-cast from their conventional counterparts. The talkgroups are encrypted, the conventional analog is not. In any event, it's off-topic in this thread regarding NYPD.