Extremely unhappy and disatistified with Uniden tech support at the moment!

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I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Padded envelope considering it was being shipped in state at a FedEx store I forgot the box at home, but FedEx sat on it for more days than needed.

Oh, dude.

You lost this one. I agree, pay the $70 bucks and learn from this. Sometimes mistakes like this are expensive, but they serve as excellent learning experiences. You won't win this with Uniden. Especially now that you've posted it on an open forum.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2003
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Oh, dude.

You lost this one. I agree, pay the $70 bucks and learn from this. Sometimes mistakes like this are expensive, but they serve as excellent learning experiences. You won't win this with Uniden. Especially now that you've posted it on an open forum.

I agree entirely. The unfortunate thing is that for a company as large as Uniden is, if it truly was their fault that the scanner was damaged while in their possession, they would own up to it no matter what the cost. It appears from the picture that the antenna can still be connected, so at the minimum they could have at least fixed their original paid repair.

Either way Customer Service has all but disappeared just about everywhere. :cautious:


Jul 18, 2003
I agree entirely. The unfortunate thing is that for a company as large as Uniden is, if it truly was their fault that the scanner was damaged while in their possession, they would own up to it no matter what the cost. It appears from the picture that the antenna can still be connected, so at the minimum they could have at least fixed their original paid repair.

Either way Customer Service has all but disappeared just about everywhere. :cautious:
Yes you are right and no way am I paying another $69 so this nightmare can continue, either they make good on this reinstate the warranty and give the customer the benefit of the doubt, or they can kiss this 30+ years customer good bye and if they continue to do this watch their stocks go down in conjunction with their poor customer service, it seems like that matters these days is the stock holders and the customers no longer are first.


Jul 18, 2003
I agree entirely. The unfortunate thing is that for a company as large as Uniden is, if it truly was their fault that the scanner was damaged while in their possession, they would own up to it no matter what the cost. It appears from the picture that the antenna can still be connected, so at the minimum they could have at least fixed their original paid repair.

Either way Customer Service has all but disappeared just about everywhere. :cautious:
Yes you are right and no way am I paying another $69 so this nightmare can continue, either they make good on this reinstate the warranty and give the customer the benefit of the doubt, or they can kiss this 30+ years customer good bye and if they continue to do this watch their stocks go down in conjunction with their poor customer service, it seems like all that matters these days is the stock holders and the customers no longer are first. Welcome to the "New Normal"
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Jul 18, 2003
Oh, dude.

You lost this one. I agree, pay the $70 bucks and learn from this. Sometimes mistakes like this are expensive, but they serve as excellent learning experiences. You won't win this with Uniden. Especially now that you've posted it on an open forum.
Tell you what dude, you pay the 70 bucks, let me tell you something I'm 57 and all the years I have been doing business in the U.S. I have never encountered this type of treatment as a customer, Make a customer wait 21 days to get their unit back only to learn it was fixed properly to have it sent back and refuse to fix it due some unknown mishap and void the warranty what kind of crap is that! I have always been given the benefit of the doubt, I paid my repair fee they didn't repair it and now they expect me to give them more money for something I'm not responsible for, HELL NO, like I said earlier a used unit on ebay won't cost that much more, so why bother with a shoddy repair that may never be done right. Either way I'm done with Uniden.
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I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
I agree entirely. The unfortunate thing is that for a company as large as Uniden is, if it truly was their fault that the scanner was damaged while in their possession, they would own up to it no matter what the cost. It appears from the picture that the antenna can still be connected, so at the minimum they could have at least fixed their original paid repair.

Depends on the calibre of technicians they have. Since everyone wants their products at the cheapest prices, it leads to products being produced overseas. When they break, they get sent to a service center in the USA. Someone, probably not paid a whole lot, has to figure out what's wrong with it. Since these sorts of issues can be caused by a lot of different things, knowing for sure it's been fixed is sometimes difficult.
There's been plenty of times in my career where I've received a trouble ticket for something, but I'm unable to reproduce the issue when I'm on site. I do my best to cover all the basics, try to force it into a failure, but it's not always possible. Sometimes the cause is something completely external to the device.
So, I always did the best I could, and really regretted it when I got the dreaded "call back". Those were never something I wanted, but reality is that it happens.

Either way Customer Service has all but disappeared just about everywhere. :cautious:

Customer service can vary, but expecting consumer electronics manufacturers to have the same level of support as say, Kenwood, Motorola, Harris, etc, that's just not realistic.

It absolutely sucks when it happens. It's happened to me, but you move on. Life is too short to get wound up over such things.
Pay the $70, get it fixed, have them look at the original issue, go from there. Usually talking to them calmly and nicely will get you a long ways. Getting upset with someone who answers the phone/e-mail usually has the opposite effect. I think if this was approached with a positive attitude and a bit of humbleness, things might turn out better.

But then again, shipping something like this in a padded envelope? All bets are off. If it's been dropped hard enough to damage the antenna jack, I'd be concerned there was other internal damage. If a customer did that to me, I'd probably react the same way. Usually when I ship stuff back to a manufacturer, they have extremely clear requirements about how they are packed, how they are shipped, and how they are insured. If I stuffed an expensive item in a padded envelope and it showed up damaged at the other end, I wouldn't expect the manufacturer to bend over backwards to fix it.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Tel; you what you pay the 70 bucks, let me tell you something I'm 57 and all the years I have been doing business in the U.S. I have never encountered this type of treatment as a customer, I have always been given the benefit of the doubt, I paid my repair fee they didn't repair it and now they expect me to give them more money for something I'm not responsible for, HELL NO

Chill dude. I'm not on your case over this, just trying to point out an alternate point of view.

You took an expensive radio and shipped it to the manufacturer in a unsuitable package. The radio arrived with damage that was likely from shipping. The manufacturer will look at that damage and rightfully suspect that their may be other unseen damage inside the radio.
It's not Uniden's fault this happened. They won't want to warranty repair a radio that's been damaged like that. That sort of damage falls outside the warranty. If the radio arrived new to you in the same packaging you sent it in, and it arrived with damage, you would have sent it back and wanted your money returned. Expecting Uniden to eat the cost is a bit unrealistic, but who knows….

I shipped a $40K service monitor back to Viavi a few months ago for its annual calibration. The manufacturer sent very specific instructions on how to pack it, how to ship it, and how much to insure it for. If I'd packed that in a padded envelop and it arrived damaged, there's no way I'd expect them to fix it on their dime.

Shipping insurance can be a wise investment. Hopefully you have that.


Mar 15, 2010
Why can't Uniden leave the the connector alone and fix the original problem for free since they screwed it up as an option? Also, most receiving dept's note any package damage or poor packaging upon receipt and document. At least we do. That was a hard drop to do that kind of damage in a padded envelope.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 29, 2013
I would only add that for better or worse, Uniden (at least with respect to current products) is competing against itself. Only Uniden makes scanners which support Simulcast and/or trunk track DMR & NXDN. So boycotting Uniden isn't an option for most people, unless you go with narrower commercial alternatives such as Unication.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Why can't Uniden leave the the connector alone and fix the original problem for free since they screwed it up as an option? Also, most receiving dept's note any package damage or poor packaging upon receipt and document. At least we do. That was a hard drop to do that kind of damage in a padded envelope.

I agree, however, if it was dropped hard enough to damage the SMA connector, how would Uniden know there wasn't displaced components, cracked circuit board, damaged solder joint between the antenna jack and circuit board, etc? Where does the "Just fix the power button" thing stop if there's more damage to the radio? So, they fix the power button, but due to the drop, it still won't turn on. Customer would still be unhappy. No one wins, someone has to eat the cost.

The original problem should have been fixed right the first time by Uniden, but reality is, sometimes it doesn't happen that way. I get it, it's disappointing when that happens.

But all bets are off when it gets shipped improperly and there's a risk of other damage.

Easy solution would have been to not ship it in a padded envelope, go back home, get the box, and do it right.

Treat it as a hard lesson learned. Don't expect someone else to eat the cost for you.
And the OP kind of blew it when they mentioned the padded envelope thing on an open forum.

Seriously, I do understand the level of frustration, but sometimes you gotta man up and own your own mistakes.


May 7, 2005
...I'm 57 and all the years I have been doing business in the U.S. I have never encountered this type of treatment as a customer...I have always been given the benefit of the doubt...

You have been fortunate if this is the first time that you have been disappointed by a company for which you are likely an almost immeasurably small portion of their business. Your stress level will go down if you will just decide what other brand you are going to buy and move on.


Mar 15, 2010
I agree, however, if it was dropped hard enough to damage the SMA connector, how would Uniden know there wasn't displaced components, cracked circuit board, damaged solder joint between the antenna jack and circuit board, etc? Where does the "Just fix the power button" thing stop if there's more damage to the radio? So, they fix the power button, but due to the drop, it still won't turn on. Customer would still be unhappy. No one wins, someone has to eat the cost.

The original problem should have been fixed right the first time by Uniden, but reality is, sometimes it doesn't happen that way. I get it, it's disappointing when that happens.

But all bets are off when it gets shipped improperly and there's a risk of other damage.

Easy solution would have been to not ship it in a padded envelope, go back home, get the box, and do it right.

Treat it as a hard lesson learned. Don't expect someone else to eat the cost for you.
And the OP kind of blew it when they mentioned the padded envelope thing on an open forum.

Seriously, I do understand the level of frustration, but sometimes you gotta man up and own your own mistakes.
Sort of agree but then again had they fixed it correctly the first time none of this would have happened. There is also no proof it was actually done in shipping, we are just ASSuming. Like any good company there needs to be some compromise, a meet in the middle solution that can and should be worked out.

Maybe they just don't care because they know the future of scanning is listing to hams talking about their hemorrhoids?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Middle River, MD
As others I already said the only issue I see is your shipping method.

Having worked around shipping and receiving the scanner in a padded envelope wouldn't last long at any package company. Needs a strong box with packing, so it can't be crushed or move around during handling.

Remember your package rides on many trucks with a lot of different size shipments and weights and goes onto miles of conveyer belts. it needs to be packaged to survive all the bumps. jolts or falls during it.

Also it's also best to insure anything of value.


Apr 3, 2008
Port Charlotte FL
maybe it was hit by something else.
the guy across the street from me had four 4 foot long vice clamps delivered to his house.
as the truck was parked there, there was a vey loud crash inside the truck.
he told the driver he was expecting a delivery, and the driver yelled "NO" and then drove away quickly.
i was standing in my yard the whole time.
he was later notified the deliver would take place the next day.
his clamps were fine, but i don't know about what they could have landed on.
about 40 pounds in total.
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