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Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
Phil ..thanks for the work on the".bin" files . I am still getting used to the PRO-197 and the PSREdit500 program. Looks like alot of time went into the conversion and it is greatly appreciated.

Glad to help, Jeff.


Phil :cool:


Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
Bump Request For Uhf File

I have received a request for the latest G Band P25 Search files.

Post #28 has the very latest files including the UHF file.

I have not changed them since that posting. I am maintaining only my own area search files which keep getting updated as I get new hits. This would do no one any good unless they are in my area.

It is getting very quiet on searches. I need more action! I did get one new TSA P25 hit on channel 7 - 172.8250 R NAC 293, and that is about it for a long time now.

Phil :cool:


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
Phil ..thanks for the work on the".bin" files . I am still getting used to the PRO-197 and the PSREdit500 program. Looks like alot of time went into the conversion and it is greatly appreciated.

You could have done it yourself in about 5 minutes. Just install the free trial version of WIN-500, use that to load the data into your radio. Then launch PSREdit-500, and save the data from your radio to a PSREdit-500 file!

But yes, Phil should certainly be recognized for all the time and effort he's put in on this project, and making the data available to RR members!


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2005
Lakeland Florida
I have received a request for the latest G Band P25 Search files.

Post #28 has the very latest files including the UHF file.

I have not changed them since that posting. I am maintaining only my own area search files which keep getting updated as I get new hits. This would do no one any good unless they are in my area.

It is getting very quiet on searches. I need more action! I did get one new TSA P25 hit on channel 7 - 172.8250 R NAC 293, and that is about it for a long time now.

Phil :cool:

Hi Phil,

I wanted to chime in with my thanks for these files,incredible stuff! I downloaded them a while back but just haven't had the time to play with them, plugged the VHF in tonight and gonna let it run and log for a few days and work its magic. I would like to place a link to this thread in my Yahoo Fed Monitoring Group if you don't mind, furthermore, would you mind if I uploaded these files to my group as well? The only reason I ask is just in case this thread falls off the site (which I "doubt" for a long LONG time) Your call on both items, I figure you get contacted about these fairly often, didn't know if you may mind a few more if I include these in my group.

Thanks again for these great files, outstanding!

Steve Isoldi - K2AUX

Moderator - FederalFreqs
Federal Frequency Monitoring
FederalFreqs : Federal Frequency Monitoring


Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
Go For It!

Hi Phil,

I wanted to chime in with my thanks for these files,incredible stuff! I downloaded them a while back but just haven't had the time to play with them, plugged the VHF in tonight and gonna let it run and log for a few days and work its magic. I would like to place a link to this thread in my Yahoo Fed Monitoring Group if you don't mind, furthermore, would you mind if I uploaded these files to my group as well? The only reason I ask is just in case this thread falls off the site (which I "doubt" for a long LONG time) Your call on both items, I figure you get contacted about these fairly often, didn't know if you may mind a few more if I include these in my group.

Thanks again for these great files, outstanding!

Steve Isoldi - K2AUX

Moderator - FederalFreqs
Federal Frequency Monitoring
FederalFreqs : Federal Frequency Monitoring


You are welcome, and thank you. You have my permission on both. You may link and you may upload the files to your site. I offer them freely to everyone. It helps us all! And they do work!

Just last night I let the UHF file have a go at it, and sure enough I got a new one. 410.6000 NAC 293. It was a band opening and it popped the scanner several times before I got a NAC lock. That NAC 293 locked several times too, but it was never strong enough to get any clear voice. And this is around 01:00 in the middle of the night! You are going to clean up with these files. ;)

The P25 scan method is a little slower than the regular open search method, but you get no trash or falsing. You just get solid intel, so these files are great for unattended searching. You can narrow down the search by turning off sections of the band (broken into scan lists) to speed things up if you know of a specific area you want to focus on. I have a couple of freqs I need a NAC on, so I put priority on them to help pay closer attention to those. It's just a matter of time. My "active" versions of these files keep getting updated with everything I know about (including the alpha tags of knowns, suspects, and external intel I trust), and everything I no longer need to search, so it keeps getting a little faster and quieter with each update. I even added my normal scan list into the "Favorites" list (because I had the memory space to do it) so I can cross check the new hits with my normal knowns. Or sometimes it gets too slow and I just want to hear something!, so I scan my Favorites. :D

Another thing I added to my "Home" scan file is a "Skywarn" scan list of all my regular stuff that I normally scan, but without NAC, CTCSS, DCS codes. These are set to AUTO SEARCH instead. This gives me the option to "monitor" and search for new codes if I suspect there is a signal there with something different than normal squelch codes. Many times I see the scan pause on a channel and I wonder why it is doing that. This gives me that visibility. 99% of the time it is some computer generated garbage. :mad: But you never know if you don't listen.

Thanks to all that are thanking me for the files...There is no need to do so...Just report what you are getting on your searches! That will be thanks enough. :D

Phil :cool:


Jun 1, 2003
Live Free or Die St.
G Vhf .bin File

Nice job Phil,
I loaded it into my pro197, so far so good.
I added 162.4625, its not in your file. I know its inbetween 2 weather chs but its listed for usaf in the consolidated freq list in police call.


Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
Nice job Phil,
I loaded it into my pro197, so far so good.
I added 162.4625, its not in your file. I know its inbetween 2 weather chs but its listed for usaf in the consolidated freq list in police call.

Roger that, Ron. I thought about the "in betweens" there, and opted not to. But sure, why not? Just add 'em in.

So did you get anything new yet? I have been searching for four days now, and I am not getting anything new. That is because I have near everything already! :D The last time the bands really opened up here, I cleaned up. Still, I like that hunt for something new. There has to be some low usage freqs that will one day come alive...I hope anyway.

Almost time for Manhunters. Yeah! :)

Phil :cool:


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2005
Lakeland Florida

You are welcome, and thank you. You have my permission on both. You may link and you may upload the files to your site. I offer them freely to everyone. It helps us all! And they do work!

Just last night I let the UHF file have a go at it, and sure enough I got a new one. 410.6000 NAC 293. It was a band opening and it popped the scanner several times before I got a NAC lock. That NAC 293 locked several times too, but it was never strong enough to get any clear voice. And this is around 01:00 in the middle of the night! You are going to clean up with these files. ;)

The P25 scan method is a little slower than the regular open search method, but you get no trash or falsing. You just get solid intel, so these files are great for unattended searching. You can narrow down the search by turning off sections of the band (broken into scan lists) to speed things up if you know of a specific area you want to focus on. I have a couple of freqs I need a NAC on, so I put priority on them to help pay closer attention to those. It's just a matter of time. My "active" versions of these files keep getting updated with everything I know about (including the alpha tags of knowns, suspects, and external intel I trust), and everything I no longer need to search, so it keeps getting a little faster and quieter with each update. I even added my normal scan list into the "Favorites" list (because I had the memory space to do it) so I can cross check the new hits with my normal knowns. Or sometimes it gets too slow and I just want to hear something!, so I scan my Favorites. :D

Another thing I added to my "Home" scan file is a "Skywarn" scan list of all my regular stuff that I normally scan, but without NAC, CTCSS, DCS codes. These are set to AUTO SEARCH instead. This gives me the option to "monitor" and search for new codes if I suspect there is a signal there with something different than normal squelch codes. Many times I see the scan pause on a channel and I wonder why it is doing that. This gives me that visibility. 99% of the time it is some computer generated garbage. :mad: But you never know if you don't listen.

Thanks to all that are thanking me for the files...There is no need to do so...Just report what you are getting on your searches! That will be thanks enough. :D

Phil :cool:

Thanks Phil, Haven't had time to reply but thanks! Great files, been using the VHF one and just logging away for the 10-11 days, and lots of goodness there.

I've been noticing a few false P25 hits, like on BP ones, I'll get some sporadic NAC hits of "04C" and "004" like so, I've never witnessed the live logging of these anonmolies to compare what the scanner is actually seeing compared to what the log is throwing down;

03:36:07, 0545, CONV , 168 P25 SCAN , 168.975000, P25, 004
03:37:15, 0545, CONV , 168 P25 SCAN , 168.975000
03:39:01, 0545, CONV , 168 P25 SCAN , 168.975000, P25, 004
03:45:43, 0545, CONV , 168 P25 SCAN , 168.975000, P25, 001

or in some cases the logging window will add the previously decoded NAC onto the next hit, as I'm sure the BP is not using a NAC other than 001?

12:36:35, 0545, CONV , 168 P25 SCAN , 168.975000, P25, 001
12:39:16, 0871, CONV , 173 P25 SCAN , 173.050000, P25, 670
12:39:43, 0545, CONV , 168 P25 SCAN , 168.975000, P25, 670

Then this 3 different NAC's on 173.9375?

03:15:54, 0942, CONV , 173 P25 SCAN , 173.937500, P25, 167
09:40:26, 0942, CONV , 173 P25 SCAN , 173.937500, P25, 330
09:54:13, 0942, CONV , 173 P25 SCAN , 173.937500, P25, 001

I'm new on this Win500 software, but is there a way to where it will auto lock a freq out of the scanlists once it gets a hit and logs it? Now were talking lazy!

What I also did is take the data and created a profile of this within the ARC500 software, I'm a beta tester for the Pro Beta version of that which includes logging, on the logging screen it includes a function the "Log and Lockout". I used that for a bit and seemed like it did just that, but not actually locking it out permanent, I'll switch to that for a few days and see what I come up with on that!

Again, thanks for the effort, I'm gonna get these files into the Yahoo Group this weekend.



It would be nice to know where you are. says you are in Arizona, rather than NY or NJ as one might expect from your ham call.


Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
To Steve

Interesting results, Steve. I have seen the issue when the previous NAC recorded carries over to the next weak signal hit where the NAC was too weak to decode. I think it is the software doing this and not the scanner, but I could be wrong. I need more observation time.

I used to get many hits without a NAC (I think I have everything around me because I get nothing new anymore). Most are on legit signals too weak to decode the NAC code. Others have been on known computer interference noise. My daughter's computer is an RFI noise box! (Mine is super quiet) It happens, but not often enough to fool me.

I have NOT seen any wrong NAC codes being displayed other than that carry-over issue. In my experience, even with the occasional carry-over issue, you get a much larger majority of correct NAC code hits, so it is easy to tell what is correct.

Despite the few glitches, it has worked out very well for me. As far as moving the knowns out of the scan list, I have to move them to my "favorites" list. There is no automatic way to do this.

Phil :cool:


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2005
Lakeland Florida
Interesting results, Steve. I have seen the issue when the previous NAC recorded carries over to the next weak signal hit where the NAC was too weak to decode. I think it is the software doing this and not the scanner, but I could be wrong. I need more observation time.

I used to get many hits without a NAC (I think I have everything around me because I get nothing new anymore). Most are on legit signals too weak to decode the NAC code. Others have been on known computer interference noise. My daughter's computer is an RFI noise box! (Mine is super quiet) It happens, but not often enough to fool me.

I have NOT seen any wrong NAC codes being displayed other than that carry-over issue. In my experience, even with the occasional carry-over issue, you get a much larger majority of correct NAC code hits, so it is easy to tell what is correct.

Despite the few glitches, it has worked out very well for me. As far as moving the knowns out of the scan list, I have to move them to my "favorites" list. There is no automatic way to do this.

Phil :cool:

My thought it's the software too, pretty hard to catch it in the act though. My next move here for the week is use the ARC500 Pro Beta with the logging, I still get a lot of hits here too with PL, so what I've done is make a file for the ARC500 software to do is search the SQ Mode & SQ Code and to Log and Lockout. That way I get a nice clean sweep with no repeats. Nice when letting it run for a week and not have to sift thru tons of data.

My only caveat is that it wont log freq's that have multiple NAC's if it locks out a freq after a hit. I'm not sure if it locks out the freq in the softwares list or just ignores it instead, I'll have to see. I didn't notice it auto locking stuff out after hits.

Oh well, Hey, we cant complain on this stuff. I remember the old days before computers and internet became so integrated into the hobby, especially from a rig control and programming aspect. Spent MANY hours slugging through Police Call and trying to figure what was what, now that was work!! I was submitting about 40-50 corrections a year to Gene for the NYC Pub Safety Stuff in the early to mid 90's, the fun of it was the thrill of the chase and getting the good info out there. Same applies here, just more technical now with everything, and we get spoiled.

I saw your comment in this thread about the "UXX" stuff in Consolidated Frequency Tables in Police Call's Govt listings. Were these Police Call listings for the govt spectrum fairly accurate? I got into scanning in 1990 or so and never saw any really official published fed listing as (I always heard there were), just Police Call, Tom Kneitel's books and the Artsci "Fed Master File" books and the like.

Last edited:


Federal listings became scarce after President Reagan classified them in 1982.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 17, 2002
Bountiful, UT
I loaded your file into my 500, and got three hits within a few minutes. Two I allready knew about, the third is a new one for me. Thank-you for all the work you did on this. We do not have a lot of G traffic arond here. Msot of them have gone to the UCAN trunking system with encryption.


Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
My thought it's the software too, pretty hard to catch it in the act though. My next move here for the week is use the ARC500 Pro Beta with the logging, I still get a lot of hits here too with PL, so what I've done is make a file for the ARC500 software to do is search the SQ Mode & SQ Code and to Log and Lockout. That way I get a nice clean sweep with no repeats. Nice when letting it run for a week and not have to sift thru tons of data.

My only caveat is that it wont log freq's that have multiple NAC's if it locks out a freq after a hit. I'm not sure if it locks out the freq in the softwares list or just ignores it instead, I'll have to see. I didn't notice it auto locking stuff out after hits.

Oh well, Hey, we cant complain on this stuff. I remember the old days before computers and internet became so integrated into the hobby, especially from a rig control and programming aspect. Spent MANY hours slugging through Police Call and trying to figure what was what, now that was work!! I was submitting about 40-50 corrections a year to Gene for the NYC Pub Safety Stuff in the early to mid 90's, the fun of it was the thrill of the chase and getting the good info out there. Same applies here, just more technical now with everything, and we get spoiled.

I saw your comment in this thread about the "UXX" stuff in Consolidated Frequency Tables in Police Call's Govt listings. Were these Police Call listings for the govt spectrum fairly accurate? I got into scanning in 1990 or so and never saw any really official published fed listing as (I always heard there were), just Police Call, Tom Kneitel's books and the Artsci "Fed Master File" books and the like.


Oh yea, the UXX listing was like a big road sign saying LOOK HERE! :D Many turned out to be "hot". In those days it was very time consuming without computer logging and fast scanners like we have today. I remember my first searcher (Regency Touch) and how slow it was. You had to search 1 MHz at a time or it was so time consuming that you would get next to nothing. The RCMA list, and later the "Scanner Master" reference book, was a good place to start as they were 90% correct. Tom's books (RIP) were full of errors and I did not get much from them. I also love "the hunt". Trying to understand the system design is also fun for me. Once I get all the freqs and understand the system, I get bored. And yes, as Dave said, Reagan shut the door on that IRAC info. Too bad. That is when the "police state" government started and the public airwaves became not so public anymore. Florida has the nerve to claim transparency in government with it's "Sunshine Law" and "My Florida" doublespeak. The state trunked system is full time encrypted ESK Provoice. And they did this just after people were able to hear the Motorola system (which was a great system) with P25 scanners. They don't want you to know anything about what they are doing. Hey, I believe sensitive information should be encrypted, but routine stuff??? That is a little overkill, no?

Anyway, I used to like the ARC software on my BC785D. It captured a bunch of PL tones for me. But the scanners end up being the limiting factor because they do not allow you to scan or search for PL/DPL/NAC only. If you want PL or DPL searching, you have to suffer with CSQ as well, and that hangs on noise. I have requested Uniden and GRE add a future feature to search for only squelch coded transmissions as an option. I know some people still want to search CSQ as well. As for the auto-lockout feature in ARC500, I would not use it for two reasons. 1) You might get a false that corrupts your record keeping, and you would have no more hits to verify that. 2) I would want to know just how active a new frequency hit is before I move it out of the search. Often times it is a band opening that brings me new hits. Time stamping a few times on the same freq gives me more to go on.

Keep us up to date on ARC500. It sounds like some good features are being developed. ;)

Phil :cool:

PS - gldavis, in just a few minutes you got a new one? Wow! Think of what you will get in a few weeks! Enjoy!


Feb 24, 2001
Federal listings became scarce after President Reagan classified them in 1982.

Someone else who remembers who classified federal frequencies and when! Ironic since he had campaigned using "an open and transparent government for the people" as an issue. Because of this many are surprised to hear who was responsible for this.
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Apr 25, 2004
SE Florida
My thought it's the software too, pretty hard to catch it in the act though. My next move here for the week is use the ARC500 Pro Beta with the logging, I still get a lot of hits here too with PL, so what I've done is make a file for the ARC500 software to do is search the SQ Mode & SQ Code and to Log and Lockout. That way I get a nice clean sweep with no repeats. Nice when letting it run for a week and not have to sift thru tons of data.

My only caveat is that it wont log freq's that have multiple NAC's if it locks out a freq after a hit. I'm not sure if it locks out the freq in the softwares list or just ignores it instead, I'll have to see. I didn't notice it auto locking stuff out after hits.

Oh well, Hey, we cant complain on this stuff. I remember the old days before computers and internet became so integrated into the hobby, especially from a rig control and programming aspect. Spent MANY hours slugging through Police Call and trying to figure what was what, now that was work!! I was submitting about 40-50 corrections a year to Gene for the NYC Pub Safety Stuff in the early to mid 90's, the fun of it was the thrill of the chase and getting the good info out there. Same applies here, just more technical now with everything, and we get spoiled.

I saw your comment in this thread about the "UXX" stuff in Consolidated Frequency Tables in Police Call's Govt listings. Were these Police Call listings for the govt spectrum fairly accurate? I got into scanning in 1990 or so and never saw any really official published fed listing as (I always heard there were), just Police Call, Tom Kneitel's books and the Artsci "Fed Master File" books and the like.



It is the scanner doing that. I caught it in the act. I have a fairly good band opening right now from Orlando south and even west and have been watching the activity. I watched a USSS hit of NAC001 get carried over to a newly confirmed USPS PI freq (in Orlando...406.3375). The Orlando USPS signal was weak, but after the false NAC001 it did finally report the correct NAC482. So I think we now know it is the scanner and not the software.

Phil :cool:
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