Oh crap is there any scanner that will work ?
The following scanners work on P25 Phase II TDMA systems.
Radio Shack Pro 668
Whistler WS1080/1095
Whistler WS1088/1098
Uniden BCD436/536HP
Uniden Homepatrol 2
Oh crap is there any scanner that will work ?
Oh crap is there any scanner that will work ?
The Uniden BC325P2 and BC996P2 also receive Phase 2.
Hello, new guy here on RR, 40 year retired FF'er. I see Gloucester County PD has encrypted 700 mhz now, will one of those scanners allow me to hear ? My son is in the PD and I like knowing he is safe and we serve as town watch so we dont know what's going on to help now.
Thank you U2brent. Well that is a bummer about not being able to listen in. Mike has a point, what about the Neighbor Watch programs, and things of that nature helping PDs. I can see some tactical channels encrypted but not the operations channels. I think their new portables cost $3500 each.....ouch! But they needed something reliable to work with as their safety was in jeopardy many times from poor radio comm.Kudos to your son's service & yours as well.. However; You won't be able to listen in though; unless he gives you a spare portable from his PD.
why on earth do they need normal police work encrypted
So now we cant here what is going on and for the last couple years the press not given us anything
this is wrong
we have a right to know
guess it time to contact a lawyer the need to open it up
Thank you U2brent. Well that is a bummer about not being able to listen in. Mike has a point, what about the Neighbor Watch programs, and things of that nature helping PDs. I can see some tactical channels encrypted but not the operations channels. I think their new portables cost $3500 each.....ouch! But they needed something reliable to work with as their safety was in jeopardy many times from poor radio comm.
Can anyone confirm or deny that the fire talkgroupos will be encrypted or not?