It will mean a lot of work, both submission wise and admin wise, but the outcome will mean alot better data for not just the products using the DB but also every scanner and user. Thats why it's important to try and get it right the first time as minor fixes are easier than fixing whole systems.
Besides typos there are alot of duplicate frequencies that need removed. A frequency that either has no tone or a single tone only needs to be in one place in a county not multiple times.
One example is:
Hancock County, Indiana (IN) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
One frerquency is listed twice
151.7750 DCS071 Sheiff TAC
151.7750 DCS071 Mt Vernon Schools
This frequency is licensed to the school district, not the sheiffs dept and it should be in the database only once under the school district. Yes, the sheriffs dept and local police also have the channel but they use it only when working events at the schools and rare occasions that police need to remove a student from a bus, medical emergencies on buses or bus accidents. In fact, recent changes this past year made it used more by Fortville Police and McCodsville Police than the Sheriffs Dept. because 3 schools are no longer in the county but the town of Fortville. The sheiffs dept now only has one elementary school in the county. Simply put though the channel should only be listed for the oganization it is licensed too and in this case it is only licensed to the school district and not any police department.
One example of a multiple use of a channel that is correct is:
Madison County, Indiana (IN) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference and frequency 154.3100 which is used by multiple fie departments but each has a different PL tone
So there are lots of little fixes needed as well as geotagging to be done, but in the long run we'll end up with a much cleaner and leaner database.