Home Patrol Questions and Answers- Please # your question

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Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
Chester County, PA

What bugs are you talking about when you say. "....when you early adopters get all of the bugs out of it, then I'll think harder about it..." ???

Blew the dust off my BCD-396T to get it ready for local airshow and was listening to some local conventional PS. The squelch tail was annoying and was curious if Uniden has ever tried applying tone to solving the problem?

And no, I haven't got my HP-1 yet. After cruising the rr.com db for my areas of interest, I'm not interested in an HP-1 yet. I'm busy contributing geotag information, though, and when you early adopters get all of the bugs out of it, then I'll think harder about it. :)


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC

Why the rolleyes Man?

Just stating fact....radio works as advertised and Paul (UPMan) has already said multiple times in multiple places/forums that there may be additional features added in the future....kind of like how UID support was added to the XT line of radios after initial release....

Marshall KE4ZNR


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I guess I'm wrong, let me check the Uniden site for the Uniden Software for the 996XT.

I am gonna assume you are referring to UASD...no one at Uniden ever promised a UASD for the XT line of radios....I can understand those that assumed that a XT version of the software would be available but no one at Uniden ever promised nor made any official announcements about the UASD programming software. Which, of course, has nothing to do with possible Home Patrol future firmware features. Yet Paul has already said in many places multiple times that there is the possibility of future features possibly being added to the HP.

Marshall KE4ZNR


Jul 23, 2005
The HP-1 has huge possibilities for upgrades and even specific software possibilities as well. At the same time I could see besides Asaafs Power Patrol software even a BCTool version and a Pro96com or Unitrunker version. The latter two could possibly have on screen output. Things could be very inteesting for this unit.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 21, 2004
Ashburn, Va.
Double Sweet

From a previous post, have had this little GEM running for 6 plus hours here in Ashburn, Va. Using the supplied antenna, receiving Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Montgomery County and Washington DC. Also IAD (Dulles). Uniden again you have a winner


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
What bugs are you talking about when you say. "....when you early adopters get all of the bugs out of it, then I'll think harder about it..." ???

There are two kinds of 'bugs' I'm talking about. The first are problems with the radio and the database system, one was just reported and fixed in very short order. It was a bug in the way Uniden's custom rr.com db processing software interpreted a 'rebanding flag'.

...the other are holes in the rr.com db that impact how location based scanning works. I was reading a mini trip report from someone who took a radio from CT to MA and had issues with MSP. I know for a fact that my state is pretty sparse with geotags. Much of the tagged data is simply inheritance from the county geotags. The result is that city municipalities, local attractions, etc are enabled county wide.

...let me say that none of these issues are deal breakers, but thy detract from the overall experience.

For now, instead of learning a new radio, I'm trying to geotag all of my 'local' systems. Then I'll branch out to other areas of California.


Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
Chester County, PA
Bugs- not

OK, so I wrote the trip report from CT to Mass. So that's purely a database/tagging issue, although I'd prefer the HP not jump to another system when it loses one I am holding on, but I wouldn't call that a bug either.

On the re-banding thing I didn't hear that was a bug either, just a database problem where the wrong value was in a band plan I thought...

I agree these things could (and will) be better, but I'm just pointing out that they're not really 'bugs' with the radio's firmware or Sentinel SW per se.

There are two kinds of 'bugs' I'm talking about. The first are problems with the radio and the database system, one was just reported and fixed in very short order. It was a bug in the way Uniden's custom rr.com db processing software interpreted a 'rebanding flag'.

...the other are holes in the rr.com db that impact how location based scanning works. I was reading a mini trip report from someone who took a radio from CT to MA and had issues with MSP. I know for a fact that my state is pretty sparse with geotags. Much of the tagged data is simply inheritance from the county geotags. The result is that city municipalities, local attractions, etc are enabled county wide.

...let me say that none of these issues are deal breakers, but thy detract from the overall experience.

For now, instead of learning a new radio, I'm trying to geotag all of my 'local' systems. Then I'll branch out to other areas of California.


Jan 28, 2006
Bloomingdale Illinois
External speaker

Has anyone hooked up a external speaker to the Home Patrol?I have a Drake MS8 speaker that I have always used on my scanners and would like to use it on this unit.Have tried adapters from Best Buy and the Shack to convert 3.5 mm to 2.5 mm for the line out socket with zero results.Does not even mute the audio on the radio.UPman or anyone else have an answer it would really be appreciated.


Feed Provider
Mar 1, 2004
Harrison, New Jersey
Does anyone know if the New Jersey State Police Trunked System Troop B is supported ?
Got my radio in today and notice no NJ State Police system if so where is located I have every service agency opened up.

Thank You.

Tony Mondaro
Harrison, NJ


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
how do you shut off location control ?


Easiest way:

In Sentinel select Edit->Edit Profile.
Then look under the 2nd tab "Favorites Lists".
Highlight the Favorites Lists you want to turn off
Location Control and hit the Little "Location Control" OFF option
on the bar right above the favorites lists.
Marshall KE4ZNR


Feed Provider
Mar 1, 2004
Harrison, New Jersey
Where can I purchased the cable that would go to the Home Patrol to a GPS unit and what is the cable called a direct link would be greatly helpful to a non tach such as myself.

Thanks !!

Tony M.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Where can I purchased the cable that would go to the Home Patrol to a GPS unit and what is the cable called a direct link would be greatly helpful to a non tach such as myself.

Thanks !!

Tony M.

My understanding is that such a cable isn't available yet. Looks like the unit uses the same serial cable as the recent Uniden radios. So if you have a 246, 330, 396 or 996 radio, you can use the programming cable. But.... You'll also need a null modem adapter between the DB-9 between the cable and the GPS.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
My understanding is that such a cable isn't available yet. Looks like the unit uses the same serial cable as the recent Uniden radios. So if you have a 246, 330, 396 or 996 radio, you can use the programming cable. But.... You'll also need a null modem adapter between the DB-9 between the cable and the GPS.

I can confirm that the cabling information above is correct, including the null modem adapter, which you can find at Radio Shack, on eBay, or any other similar stores. I successfully used my Garmin GP18 Serial "hockey puck" GPS in this manner, as I had with a 396XT and 996XT.
Sep 29, 2010
chandler, arizona
Just a novice

One of the problems I see is Radio Reference doesn't publish unknown talkgroups. This is for both the XT and HP-1. Many users have submitted information on new Trunk Systems like Control Channel, Site ID, etc. But RR doesn’t publish unknown talkgroups. Last month I submitted a new trunk system in my area with 70 talkgroups. The only reason they were not published was the fact they have not been ID yet. I think unidentified TG should be published to allow other users to help ID these groups. This is even truer when it comes to the HP-1 which does not have search capabilities. But then again, the HP-1 is more for the novice user.
I like the point you make about groups not included in the database. I am a novice and have ordered the HP-1 just for that reason. But just because I may be a novice doesn't mean I wouldn't find unknown groups interesting. Many years back I had scanners and they were a lot more user friendly. Little more complicated now and just don't have the time, so I am hoping this HP-1 will be the ticket.
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