At the moment i am trying to figure out how am i going to listen in
new to SDRTrunk anyhow getting hits off it today this is the first page of info ....
View attachment 93034
If you haven't, I think you are going to have to create a PLaylist for that system using the Playlist editor. Then you will have to add talkgroups that you want to listen to, to that playlist. I believe there is a "catchall" you can add so that it'll play everything, but off the top of my head I cannot think of it. I'm betting somebody else will chime and tell you what that is.
And the radio IDs appear to be 39xxxxx (county number 39 - Huron) and 18xxxxx (county number 18 - Cuyahoga), which is interesting. That's the way the numbering is on MARCS. Hmm. And on MARCS, 255xx TGs are Huron county TGs. And there you show 25500.
So somehow, this is seeing some MARCS-related traffic on it. I'm not a radio system guy, but it looks like this Huron system might be hooked into MARCS by some other method (whilst not actually being a MARCS site).
25500 is probably either some Huron Co P/F/EMs talkgroup or a talkgroup belonging to Cleveland Communications, and I'm wondering if the 18xxxxx radio IDs aren't Cleveland Communications doing testing on TG 25500.