Looks like Santa Monica City Council approved plans to migrate to ICIS and has set aside $5.0mil of its captial improvement project funding for radio upgrades starting with the 2014-2015 budget year.
From what I can gather they are looking at a 10-year user agreement with ICIS.
Public Safety Radio Infrastructure
This project will replace the City's obsolete 15 year old public safety radio infrastructure used by Police, Fire, Public Works, Code
Enforcement and others. The equipment is outdated and soon will not be supported by the manufacturer. Replacement is
necessary to continue public safety radio communications and to integrate with the regional Interagency Communications
Interoperability System - ICIS.
From what I can gather they are looking at a 10-year user agreement with ICIS.
Public Safety Radio Infrastructure
This project will replace the City's obsolete 15 year old public safety radio infrastructure used by Police, Fire, Public Works, Code
Enforcement and others. The equipment is outdated and soon will not be supported by the manufacturer. Replacement is
necessary to continue public safety radio communications and to integrate with the regional Interagency Communications
Interoperability System - ICIS.