Does anybody hear any traffics on this? I never hear anything and wondered if it's still simulcast.
24809b0DCHP AltadenaSimulcast - CHP Altadena Brown Channel
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Just another question that came to mind is what does Pasadena primarily use for New Years Eve activity. Seems that other agencies will need to communicate with them during that time. One of the mutual aid
Pasadena and LASD pair together and they use the mutual aid A-tac east. There is a post last december about this subject...
CHP Altadena 2480 seems to be an ongoing full-time patch, albeit ENC for quite some time now, just like the other Pasadena PD ICIS TGs.
albeit huh? If they are encrypted than the database needs to change from "D" to "E". Thanks
Not really, I've heard it in the clear many times as well.