The last ICIS minutes are posted and this seems the most notable item:
b. Discussion regarding Subscribership of Los Angeles Metropolitan Police Apprehension Crime
Task Force (LA-IMPACT) JPA
Ray Edey stated LA IMPACT was a subscriber in past years to Montebello. Their operations
were much smaller then and in 2010 LA IMPACT left ICIS for financial reasons. There has been
much growth, a new board, a county wide presence, and new funding in that time. The Technical
Committee has reviewed their information and LA IMPACT will not represent a greater impact
on any one cell than other. The Antelope Valley Howser site will actually be used more by
IMPACT than other agencies, but that is currently an underutilized cell. Tech committee
recommended they be readmitted – but this time, as a subscriber of to the ICIS system. LA
IMPACT will be treated as a full agency user for use as their primary surveillance
communications. This is regional law enforcement. Expected subscriber fees amount to $18,300
per year (100 radios x $15.25 per month)