I learned my lesson well with the SDS100, waiting until the very last week before the large battery production runs to buy mine. Waiting all those weeks and reading reviews and complaints and tirades and hesitant to pull the trigger, all for naught. If I would have adhered to all of the negative advice given here I would have missed out on one fantastic radio. You know what they say about opinions, and that's all that is posted here when you get right down to it. Personal hands-on experience and your own knowledgeable expertise speaks volumes. I hope future would-be buyers are not influenced or intimidated by the on-coming hordes of Uniden haters that will undoubtedly do their best to undermine the success of Uniden's SDS200. Think for yourselves and simply buy from a retail outlet with a 30-day money back guarantee and you'll have nothing to lose. I can't recall even one post from anyone here that bought the SDS100 and it did not work for them and they were stuck with the radio. Either they kept the scanner, or they got a refund. Don't miss out on this one!