KSICS Coordinated Talk Groups vs RR Listings
OK folks, we're getting very close to having ALL of the coordinated talk groups from the KDOT templates received under the Open Records request added to the database now (about 75 or less out of the 1300 or so talk groups to go last time I compared). We need to start providing some overall ground-truth to what is in the database now.
I have run a comparison of the two lists and come up with several needing to be checked further:
164 KDOT District 4 Car to Car
379 Highway Patrol Troop A Patch to Johnson County TRS KHP
381 Highway Patrol Troop H Chanute Ops
750 KBI Wichita
751 KBI Tactical Wichita
2167 Crawford County Fire Common
4229 Fairmont Township Fire
4230 Alexandria Township Fire
These groups are either listed as "Not Assigned" in the KDOT list or are in conflict with what KDOT says the talk group should be used for. A couple of them, TGs 750 and 751, I am fairly sure are outdated as I haven't heard them in more than a year and a half. I believe TG 751 has moved to TG 374 and TG 750 has moved to TG 387 and 388. Has anyone else heard any recent traffic on these two older talk groups? Let us know if you have.
If those people in SE Kansas and the Johnson, Neosho, Crawford, and Leavenworth Counties areas could listen or track them with software on some of the sites in their area over time to see if these group pop up on either an affiliation or channel-grant list and then submit it to the database, that would be great. (I know, absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence)
There are others I’m sure. Some of the agencies are likely not using the assigned talk groups the way they told KDOT they would be used or have possibly just been “co-opted” by one group for something else. If you notice something odd about the assigned designation to the traffic you are hearing (i.e. LAW traffic on a Building Inspector TG), post it here. Once it’s confirmed it isn’t just a temporary move or one-time thing, we can get the database annotated.
By the way, A MAJOR THANKS to all the database people who have put in the time and effort to get this data on the RR and provide this information to all of us....