Sounds like the new channels have receivers well outside their designated use areas. I heard one comm tech on Teal 2 check in from the 91 freeway. Another tech headed west along the 118 and was still clear as a bell as he cruised the 23 through Moorpark and Thousand Oaks. Tomorrow morning they plan on doing a Teal 2 tour along the coast.
TEAL was on OAT, Lukens, Mount Thom and near Waterman Mountain. With those sites they should get into South Ventura county fine and the last site probably covers the 91 freeway... During testing today I hear a hum on the signal despite a strong signal. I also noticed more noise on the signal when Chippers were reporting in from the 405 valley area. The 101 area sounded better. I'm just glad to hear both sides of the convo
On a side note:
I noticed last night around 9 PM PST that there were some people talking on TEAL 2 who weren't Chippers. They had strong accents.
"You're 10-2 on Teal 2"