I generally agree with JamesO in message #107 above. Yes, I have expressed some frustration not knowing about anticipated dates for some of the new applications, and yes, I had headphone problems requiring a return for replacement on both my 536HPs, and yes, I have had some P25 decode issues on one particular trunking system. But I still think the new Unidens are great scanners (have 2 536HPs and one 436HP). As many others have stated throughout threads all over RRDB, these scanners have a steep learning curve.
Yes, I would like to see some of new features finally implemented. But the last thing I (meaning all of us collectively) want to do is to drive Uniden crazy so they decide the hell with the scanner business. Paul Opitz may be committed to this hobby, but some of the corporate people, especially the Japanese, who by nature really do not like a lot of discord, may look at the bottom line, and say, maybe its not worth all the hassle.
If GRE were making big money on scanners, I'm sure they would have found another place in Asia somewhere to make their scanners. "They could not find another location" (translation: they were'nt making enough money on scanners to make it worth their while.). If you read my posts, it may sound like I vacillate, frustration vs singing the praises of UPMan (and to some extent Uniden). Yes, I would like to know about Siren and the analyze mode, but even more importantly, I hope Uniden (and perhaps Whistler) stay in business.
There is a difference between being irked about some feature, and stating that you are going to call a lawyer about your legal rights. Give me a break, we're talking about 600 dollar scanners. The judge will say, well you don't even own one, or if you did, why didn't your just return it for a refund. Then he (she) will ask you to pay the court costs for wasting their time.
Some think that Whistler must be soaking this all up and is going to come out with something fantastic. I think the Whistler guys are reading these posts and saying, you know, maybe we don't want to touch any of this s... with a 10 foot pole.
If Uniden gets out of the scanner business, it will save a lot of PDs from having to encrypt. Sure, we'll have the older scanners, but eventually, without new scanner toys to play with, the hobby will eventually die. It's dying slowly anyway, so let's not hasten its demise. Yes, I would like the apps, but no, I do not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Steve AA6IO