I don't work for Uniden. I work for a major Canadian city, and an unrelated but local regional fire/rescue service.
I am smart enough to know that there was never any guarantee that the Siren app would be released simultaneously with the radio. There was a general statement that it would be available in the first quarter of 2014, which is about to have elapsed. I am also smart enough to know that deadlines slip; it's a fact of life. I am also smart enough to know that the radio works fine without the app. The overwhelming majority of the "problems" that people like yourself are ranting and raging and foaming at the mouth over are either invented in your own minds (some from "making mountains out of molehills" as the saying goes - in other words, taking an extremely minor issue and making it an unfathomable failure that "I'll have to have my lawyer look into") or caused by not using the radios properly, or expecting them to do something they're not capable of.
I'm a huge fan of the Analyze function on my HP1 radios and on computers via programs like Unitrunker and PRO96COM. I am mildly miffed by the fact that the x36 units shipped without functional Analyze modes. I, however, am not screaming and whining and crying all over an Internet forum about it, or virtually lighting torches and picking up pitchforks to demand that Uniden pay me back for "a feature I paid good money for" (which isn't true - I paid for the scanner, not one particular feature). I am sitting here waiting patiently for Analyze to be enabled, trying to be optimistic that the longer the code remains in test status, the better it potentially can be when it finally gets released to production. I'm not throwing a tantrum like an infant and demanding that justice be done, and making up conspiracy theories about Uniden being in collusion with RR, or accusing them of "false advertising".
I liken the delivery of my 436 to the delivery of the brand new truck I picked up in October, which doesn't sync properly with my phone. Am I returning my truck? Picketing the Ford dealer? Threatening to "have my lawyer check" what my options are? No. I'm dealing with it and hoping that the next update of Sync will work with the Galaxy 4 (and that there will be an update before I move on to a G5).
All you clowns who insist on being hysterical about everything from how the display on the radio looks to whether or not a support application has been released are making the RadioReference Forums nigh-unbearable for the rest of us who are more sensible and level-headed. Plus, you're making RR look even worse than the rap it gets now from other corners of the Internet. You need to learn to take a breath.. go outside.. and take a few moments where you're not slobbering all over your keyboard about what all Uniden - or anyone else - has done wrong. It'll do you, us, Paul Opitz, and everyone else involved, a whole ton of good.