Marine Radio and hunters

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Here we go with the hams bashing hams bit again and this isn't even an Amateur Radio forum. See how easy simple ape minds are distracted? 14.275


Jul 31, 2005
Bristol, VA
elk2370bruce said:
Oh Please!! This is the kind of nonsense that belongs on (and confined to - or better yet, quarantined to) No-code techs,"General-Lights", and "Extra-Lights" (their words) and anyone not born with a straight key in their crippled, arthritic, and ancient hand causes world-wide deterioration of the ionosphere, ring worm, global warming, the failures of church and state, dismissal of the laws of physics, flatulence, and the decline and fall of civilization as we know it.

You left out erectile dysfunction and its the leading cause of divorce among couples under 30 in certain trashy parts of Alabama


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
kb2vxa said:
Here we go with the hams bashing hams bit again and this isn't even an Amateur Radio forum. See how easy simple ape minds are distracted? 14.275

Why not, there is enough kidding and bashing of non-hams here. We are, you will admit, ( you, me, and others) are an equal opportunity offender of those who don't have a clue. Why is this group exempt? They sure beat the hell out of us in their little corner of the cyberworld. So far, the only one who admits to being distracted by 14.275 trash QSO's is you. Tag! You're it.
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Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
elk2370bruce said:
Oh Please!! This is the kind of nonsense that belongs on (and confined to - or better yet, quarantined to) No-code techs,"General-Lights", and "Extra-Lights" (their words) and anyone not born with a straight key in their crippled, arthritic, and ancient hand causes world-wide deterioration of the ionosphere, ring worm, global warming, the failures of church and state, dismissal of the laws of physics, flatulence, and the decline and fall of civilization as we know it. If we follow their standard QRZ pattern, the reply post will, sneeringly, confirm that I merely hold a Technician License, and probably have the IQ of a throw rug ("dumbing down") and/or will be called a "pig farmer" - another favorite phrase there and that some of us have no respect for their self-assumed elitist status (YUP That's right). Return this exclusionary philosophy to the murk and mire from whence it emananted and commune only with others of your exalted species on the peak of High Olympus. Confine this infection within its source environment (QRZ) and spare we mere mortals from utter boredom and the observation of further physical attacks upon a deceased equine. This is just another WHINE and CHEESE topic because there have been dreaded changes to amateur radio regulations (Two in as many months) As Popeye said so well in an old Cartoon, to continue this is "disgustipating".

I'm really quite surprised that the curmudgeon patrol from have not responded at all, let alone with the customary dose of vitriol, to the above post. I must, therefore, assume that they agree with this differing view point and have purchased a one way ticket back to the "Mount" and self-quarantine. Good!


May 25, 2005
Gosh that was FUNNY!,
Now that I've crawled back on my chair, I want to compliment your humor and command of the language!
On to the topic; illegal uses of Ham, Marine, GPS, and "outband CB" have all been present for years and it's likely our obligation to try and police ourselves first then perhaps educate others next.
Please note... my use of the phrase "Police" extends only to ourselves and our obligation to preserving our Ham Bands and licensing privelages. To purposelly interfere and break-in on illegal frequencys wouls place "US" in the abusers catagorys, right? Then WHO is to police these misused bands? A call to the FCC normally goes untended since the agency is woefully understaffed.
Just maybe we ought to Key-Up and repremand abusers but indeed it is an action which takes some soul searcing to do...
WHo knows what's the proper thing to do?
Maybe by ignoring the abusers, the bands would be less jammed and more open for LEGAL uses!
Maybe the best procedure is as the ARRL suggests, "Ignore them"
Still the abuse of frequencys makes me MAD!
My 2 cents,


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
I do heartily agree that adherence to the law of the land and the proper use of the radio spectrum should be fully adhered to - regardless of the "service" as defined by FCC. Thank you for your kind comments and I'm glad you enjoyed the response that was written in fermented owl's blood in the dark of the moon. I have become infuriated with the whining, carping, and denegration that goes on by some people who are that change resistant and choose to spread the vitriol like a coat of paint across the hobby. The screeching of quaking voices and quivering fingers being pointed at those who they deem as inferiors just puckers my rectus abdominus. Maybe its because I'm just a cranky ole man. Again, my thanks for your kind words.
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Aug 10, 2005
Sacramento County, California
hunters in this area are using CB more than ham or marine radio.

As for the QRZ hams and the BOFHs (*****y old fart hams) who complain about new hams and the loss of their dear cw requirement, i say eff 'em.

CW is outdated, and is simply a MODE of communication, just like packet, DSTAR, P25 or anything else. waah waah waah. go slather some more bengay on and smell like an over used washcloth.


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
I made the distinct mistake of getting on in the naive belief that hamsters on the net were as friendly and supportive as the ones that I've met in person or on the air. Boy was I wrong. Self-serving elitism and just snotty attitudes within a closed inner circle left a bad taste. I'm sure that they are glad that I'm gone as well. While there are some nice people there, the majority treat anyone who is new or recently returned to the hobby as human offal - worthy only to be flushed down the porcelin bathroom utencil. From a potential friend, they chose to activate my Marcus Vindictus defenses. Yes, I left and the swinging doors didn't smak me in the keester. Morale of the story. Don't go there. You will not be welcomed.


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
QRZ = eHam = armchair quarterbacks. I get better ham advice HERE, from this MONITORING ONLY site. :D


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
Here, all of us have decided to be Elmers to each other in friendship and with nothing to gain. That's what sets us apart from this self-serving, egoistic bunch. They give our avocation a bad name to the public. I completely agree with your comments. My depth of disdain for them is intense and without limit.
73 de Bruce
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi(gh) again,

Knowing East Brunswick as I do I can say there IS something in the water and it's coming from Runyon.

"So far, the only one who admits to being distracted by 14.275 trash QSO's is you.

Uh, not exactly, it was a comparison.

"Tag! You're it."

I'm what?

"You left out erectile dysfunction and its the leading cause of divorce among couples under 30 in certain trashy parts of Alabama."

Yup, there's something in the water there too, skinny dipping. I suppose if I saw them I'd suffer something even Viagra couldn't deal with.

"Your observations will be added to my future curmudgeon responses."

I take that as a threat.

"We are, you will admit, ( you, me, and others) are an equal opportunity offender of those who don't have a clue."

Yeah, sometimes a spanking offends a child but they get over it when they grow up.

"I'm really quite surprised that the curmudgeon patrol from have not responded at all..."

I'm from QRZ and I've responded but I'm not from the curmudgeon patrol, generally I turn Elvis loose on them. (Check out my avatar.)

"hunters in this area are using CB more than ham or marine radio."

Oh, we're back to THIS again? (But not for long.)

"CW is outdated, and is simply a MODE of communication..."

CW outdated? It looks like your VFO doesn't cover the bottom of the bands and you haven't read the ham forums. There are plenty of newbies learning and using it because it is a mode that a computer can't copy worth a crap.

"...just like packet..."

Speaking of which, if you think they bash on the Internet ya ain't seen nuttin' yet! (Witness "Antipode Wars" UK vs AU.)

Re: QRZ,
"Yes, I left and the swinging doors didn't smak me in the keester."

The boot acceleration accounts for the velocity of exit.

"Morale of the story. Don't go there. You will not be welcomed."

PAH! Just because YOU aren't welcome doesn't say anything about anyone else. Every few days I see a new callsign with plenty of "welcome aboard" posts following. Sour grapes good wine do not make young Jedi.

"I get better ham advice HERE, from this MONITORING ONLY site."

There's something to be said about the water in Cleveland too, Al Bundy bathes in the fountain.

"My depth of disdain for them is intense and without limit."

Oh grow up.

Now I'll leave it to you guys to figure out which comments are serious and which ones are tongue in cheek. Which of my cheek pouches has the tongue and which one has the nuts?

Shut up Bruce, don't you DARE say anything about my nuts!


Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2008
hunters on marine radios

Up in the NW part of Wisconsin i`ve heard hunters (mostly cyote hunters during the winter) anywhere from marine channel 71 to something like 86 or 88, not a lot of activity mind ya, but enough to know that they`re there. I`ll be headed back up there sometime soon, and will do me a bit of listening around, as it will be deer season when i`m up there, i`m thinking i`ll hear something. Intrestingly enough, i don`t think the USGS station on the "big lake", as we call Lake Superior, can hear `em (as if they could, then it would get REALLY fun to listen to for a short while :)). So, at least up in "the sticks", there`s some guys on marine radios around, it just seems they know enough to keep it kinda low-key. N9NRA


Premium Subscriber
Dec 25, 2001
Duplin County, NC
now that we are back on the subject.
i went to a local sporting goods store and bought a marine band handheld to use with my Coast Guard Aux duties. when i paid for it the nice lady said "you know you can only use this on the water............. i have to tell eveyone that to clear us."
the real funny part was a marine band handheld that was ........ wait for it........camoflaged! yeah tell me that was marketed to the boat users.
counting the days untill "bambi humters" go home and i have have Channel 23 and 83 back.


Dec 11, 2007
so what is the fine for using a marine band on land while hunting? How often is it enforced?
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