Well I am over here in Aspen Hill area of Silver Spring, and on my xg100p I am only getting 1 bar signal on the PG site and I am cross checking it with my Unitrunker on both the PG site and Montomery site double checking them to when I miss calls and so forth. It seems I am missing a few calls on the PG Site from here as I am somewhat down in a hole on a 2nd story apartment facing to the east. How ever since I am only 1 air mile from the site at Rt200 and Rt 97 aka Georgia Ave I have no trouble receiving when I switched over to that site. I made up a codeplug aka mission plan for both sites and to keep them totally separate when testing. There were quite a few times SYSCOM would show up on the PG Site but nada on the Montgomery. Anyway that is my report from Aspen Hill area of Silver Spring. Interesting UMCP PD Disptached just showed up on the Montgomery site for the first time today..