Jet noise lover
N611VG is the one. ADSBExchange shows that at its last broadcast point it was going down at a rate of -28864 ft/minute - about 285 knots. It was on autopilot, completely overflew its destination (KISP) directly over the airport, never descended, turned around direct to its origin airport (K0A9), violated SFRA/FRZ airspace, got intercepted, then at 1522 local, deviated from its straight vector back to K0A9 Elizabethton and began descending in a right spiral.Although the altitude doesn't change, this might be it. It takes off from Elethabethton, goes to Long Island, turns around and heads back where it disappears over Virginia. Strange.View attachment 143100
View attachment 143098View attachment 143099
It rapidly loses speed from 400-158 knots from 30k to 20k feet, then at exactly 20k at 1523 local, it rapidly gains speed from 158-469 at 14k, gradually loses speed until contact is lost. Final transmission was 344 kts, 9650 ft, 1523:36 local. Aviation Safety Network lists number of pax at 4:
It seems like the autopilot was the only one flying the aircraft at that point, given the changes in behavior at exactly FL300 and FL200, the exact overfly of the destination airport, the exact vector back to the origin airport, and the constant altitude maintained the entire time. Maybe in-flight medical emergency, pilot becomes incapacitated, no copilot, then plane runs out of fuel? FAA Exemption No. 18643 shows that the 560 can be flown single pilot with an authorization course.
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