ROMA 71 scooting up the coast splotchy comms on 391.0, already way past me on my fringe. Once again got up too late.
Currently active here and talking about tankers departing on time for support.ROMA 71 scooting up the coast splotchy comms on 391.0, already way past me on my fringe. Once again got up too late.
Appears to be landing Pax River.0930L: Looks like Bert (VMBA10, #170000) is headed northeast bound over NC now. Some off season travel?
Fat Albert heading into PAX0930L: Looks like Bert (VMBA10, #170000) is headed northeast bound over NC now. Some off season travel?
Could it have been WAM - ADS-B Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) ?I monitored Atlantic City approach on LiveATC a few minutes ago (the archive file for 1700-1730UTC and 1730-1800UTC)
The radar controller was confused as well. When N47 came up on frequency for landing back at KACY, the controller asked them if they had two transponders on. N47 replied that they are doing a WHAM project and it requires the use of two active transponders. So you have N47 flying but showing as two aircraft (two separate active transponders).
Hope that helps. Could not find any information related to WHAM and FAA - although I found a bunch of unrelated stuff.
That makes perfect sense- I just added the H and ended up going no where. Had the controllers asking questions so I don't feel too bad 🤪Could it have been WAM - ADS-B Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) ?
The first link has a video on it. Click on the three circles above video as well as the "Future Capabilites" icon under the video.
More info on WAM
Wide area multilateration - Wikipedia
Mode S Replacement and WAM Expansion to Compliment ADS-B for US Airspace Surveillance - Avionics International
Two initiatives to address critical obsolescence and end of service life issues for Cooperative Surveillance Radar (CSR) systems in the U.S. airspace, the Mode S Beacon Replacement System (MSBRS) and […]
Within the last few weeks they had been working SNC - 233.300 (FM) around Hagerstown, MD.1025- Wizard 22 (P-8 VPU-2 NAS Jacksonville FL) off PAX heading south. Working ZDC Lexington (133.9).
Message was sent to same party @1215L.1150 Local on 11175 usb, "Oxidation" sent coded message for "Added Value"
That’s a MH-53E of HM-12 Sea Dragons. All their helos have the AE5D hex range.Unknown aircraft (probaly a helo or V22) approached the KPHL traffic area at low altitude - departed Norfolk area and looks to be headed back to Pax River
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live - aircraft flight
Messages occurring approx. every 1/2 hour1150 Local on 11175 usb, "Oxidation" sent coded message for "Added Value"