You make fun. But,I still have a dozen Billy Beer cans up in my attic. Saved them years ago when I was into collecting beer cans
You make fun. But,I still have a dozen Billy Beer cans up in my attic. Saved them years ago when I was into collecting beer cans
307.150 Cleve.C. 02:43am.03-22-24
DEATH 31 (WM B-2A)
273.600 Chi.C. 01:55am.
285.625 Cleve.C. at 390, 01:58am.
335.525 Cleve.C. 02:18am.
RACOON's scurrying about in the night sky! 😃
Chuck in Detroit / NODAK 1
Yeah he said his pilot intercom wasn't working so was alpha 3 and hopes to get back out again soon.0935 hrs local: RCH2029 C-5M 83-1285 departed Dover heading northeast appears to have turned around heading back to Dover.
1320- Score 90 (prob MQ-4) working Giantkiller (238.1). Checks into W386 at FL500 and requests climb to FL600. Not showing on ADS-B.
1322- Devil 11 flt (NJ ANG F-16s) working Bay Watch (305.2). Also working ZDC Snow Hill (236.825).
One of Pax River's P-8A's PIONEER-77 #170013 just departed Travis westbound assume to Hawaii or points West.1545- Trine 28 inbound to PAX (120.05)
Does anyone know if President Biden's transport from DC to KILG will be via helicopter this afternoon? I'm looking at a live White House cam and a lot of common folk are milling around, but I really can't see anything related to presidential movement. Thanks!
Never mind: copter landing now, 4:53 EDT...
Right you are - I missed that key "South Lawn" partPer schedule I posted, south lawn to DANG, that'd be helo.