TEFLON-21 KC135 AE04E6 59-1516 checked in with HUNTRESS 260.9 at 0620 local
NOBLE-11 checking in with Potomac tracon 269.5 at 0647 local
HUNTRESS to TEFLON-21, NOBLE-11 and 12 proceeding to tank 260.9 0649 local
NOBLE-11 to TEFLON-21, NOBLE-12 will be taking 10K, 11 will be back in 20 minutes to tank, 12 cleared to boom 231.625 0649 local
NOBLE-12 gives tail number as MA 85108 on 231.625 at 0654 local
TEFLON-21 and NOBLE-11 chatting, 21 gives take off time as 0920Z 0420 local, 21 out of Wisconsin, 231.625 0704 local
NOBLE-11 gives tail as 86178, looking for 10K, 231.625 0704 local
NOBLE 11 and 12 have been pretty chatty on A2A 259.9 , 11 mentioned it was 46 minutes from take off to Frederick (Maryland)