Jet noise lover
1720L - RCH8097 calling MAINSAIL for r/c for two radios on board on 11175, TECHNICAL responds LC.
Yeah I have been following the aircraft on another web site......Either the USA does not want it outside of their protective watch (aka bring it inside the borders) or they have other plans for it.Unusual B-747-300M now in the USA...
Detained Venezuelan Boeing 747-300M Enters US Airspace
The Emtrasur cargo Boeing 747-300FM detained in Argentina has entered US
Would look good in Atlas Air colors but hunch tells me since a controversial tail theyYeah I have been following the aircraft on another web site......Either the USA does not want it outside of their protective watch (aka bring it inside the borders) or they have other plans for it.
Yeah maybe they just want to make sure it was disposed of not re-flown again......not too many of that configuration flying so probably just scrap it out completely. Atlas would only want 747-400 series or 747-8 - this aircraft is not worth their time or effort.Would look good in Atlas Air colors but hunch tells me since a controversial tail they
will fly it to Victorville perhaps to eventually end up in storage or later as spare parts...
The Justice Dept says plane will be disposed of.
SCLA Victorville CA Airplane Boneyard
yeah working with Giantkiller off the coast 255.000 ---> now with Atlantic City approach on 327.125Hearing a couple MAKOS up weakly A/A 376.175 maybe headed back in to A/C.
RCH3278 07-7177 AE146F C17 KADW to EDDM scheduled to leave in about 2 hours with vehicles and equipment for VP visit to Germany which starts Wednesday.
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Could someone explain what device the 2 airmen are holding that looks like a hand-actuaed light? Something for guidance?
Thanks - kind of what I thought.It is basically an IR type light to line up flight pattern so they are in the right spot, rather than too far right or left putting them in the fireworks. Same as landing lights on a runway.