You caught me. "When I use Google Chrome on my Dell laptop."
The audio is consistent for phone or laptop, I find. The "behaving" comment was in reply to post #476, Villythekid, who asked about, and had screen-grabbed, some wonkiness on that site --blank screens, talkgroup IDs but not alpha tags, for example. I encounter similar such when my crappy, work-issued Dell laptop --HEY! Stop laughing!-- is on Open MHz. Since the cutover, that site behaves differently, loading up all the talkgroups before I get a chance to filter the results, the pop-up filter window not responding --those types of gremlins. After toggling around and clicking randomly it settles down, but it takes appreciably longer to set than it did before the system switched. Those fidgets have not yet popped up when I use my phone, however.
None of which is a complaint! I am tremendously grateful for the efforts of the generous person who's overseeing that MoCo feed --Mocomdcitizen, I think it is? I'm just remarking on the seeming difficulty openmhz appears to have, and Villythekid seems to be having, with some of the devices accessing that site.
Here's a screen-grab from a few moments ago, to illustrate. It's not a bad thing, just different.