Maybe to help narrow down what I am looking for, this is UHF Moto DMR with Mototrbo radios and Mototrbo CPS v16Wondering if anyone could share some old codeplugs for Mototrbo, mainly amateur DMR, CAP+, and TIII
Having a very hard time wrapping my head around programming, and this would help.
I did start with a basic codeplug, a couple GMRS channels and a local amater DMR repeater. Best I got was the ham repeater IDAll I have is 2.0 stuff.
Are you able to use the CPS to successfully write any cp that will talk to other radios? Simplex or through a repeater, conventional? I havent dabbled with Cap+ yet, but I have the cp from my work radio that uses a bunch of freqs in the system. Problem with our system is they are not linked, but I guess that makes it easier on the repeater cp side, and the subscriber side, too.
I have an amateur dedicated 2.0 cp with simplex and repeater channels that works on at least two of our local repeaters, and simplex with my GD-77 and 878. I have not tried it on my hotspot that uses the GD-77, but I guess it will work, as its a single freq setup. If you wanna look at it, I'll send it to you.
There is no CAPmax here yet and White cloud communications has two TIII sites. Using DSD+ I haven't had any voice so probably encrypted.CapMax wasn't programmed with CPS "1.x". It was done strictly via Radio Manager. I've never messed wtih CPS 2.0 so I can't tell how T3 programming in it is implemented (if it ever was).
Been trying to log into codeplug supersite, but having login problems. The VA3XPR is a new one for me, I'll get on and see whats thereDid you use google ? Plenty of sites with ham codeplugs out there. First site on the list is DMR Codeplug Files - VA3XPR
Huh?TIII is just a Motorola protocol, but one step at a time.
OK, I have the DMR figured out and can program that. All I know of color code is associating with a frequency. (??)DMR requires a digital talkgroup ID in group contacts, a channel in the zone witht he correct freq/color code/slot and contact assigned.
Cap plus requires a cap plus talkgroup in contacts, freq/color code of each repeater in Channel pool, voice list made up of channel pool repeaters, then a channel in the zone with the correct voice list and tx contact selected. Make sure your radio ID is below 65000 or you will never hear anything.
Please do not transmit on other people's systems (not directed at OP). This is why many folks add RAS to their infrastructure to keep folks from pirating talkgroups.
I was looking at a cheap Icom but reviews don't sound to good. The Kenwood means more overhead in licencing stuff.If they are going Nexedge then you may need to consider a scanner for mobile listening. Kenwood radios won't passively monitor a Nexedge system (although I believe certain Icom models will).
A guide for all on C+ would be great too for those seeking to get their head around a c+ codeplug structure. I feel you would be better at articulating this as you did for Conventional than me. I have a tendency to make it 'war and peace' on trying to simplify any guidance, I may learn something along the way too....I'll try to keep this simple to get the ball rolling...
To monitor conventional DMR you need 4 things. Frequency, color code, timeslot and group code (or Call ID as TRBO CPS calls it). Color code can be a value from 0 to 15, timeslot is either 1 or 2, and group code/Call ID can be 1 to 16776415.
To passively monitor a conventional DMR channel you need to do the following:
1 - Go to Contacts - Digital. Right click on Digital and select Add -> Group Call
2 - Right click on the new group call entry. Rename -> Call it whatever you want. Now in the larger window change the Call ID to the group that you wish to monitor. If your local busses are using talkgroup 5200, enter that here.
3 - Now scroll down to RX Group Lists. Go to Digital - Add - RX Group List
4 - Same as the group call, right click and rename to something meaningful to you. Now in the large window you should see the group call ID that you previously made in the Available column. Highlight it, click on Add and it should move over to the Members column.
5 - Now scroll down to channels. In a new/blank codeplug you should see Channel Pool and likely Zone 1. Right click on Zone 1 - Add - Digital Channel. Again, right click on the newly added channel and name it whatever you want.
6 - In the main window you'll need to setup the basics. Color Code and Repeater/Time Slot - set to the values that you need. RX Only... Click on this one. Now enter your RX frequency and in the Group List dropdown select the list you made in steps 3/4.
Those are the bare minimum steps for conventional monitoring. For Capacity Plus it's a little more involved, which I can cover if needed. For Cap+ you will need to know all frequencies involved in the system as well as the color code for each of those frequencies.
Hope that gets you headed in the right direction!