Has anyone heard any activity in north east Nebraska? I live in Yankton,SD which is on the border with Cedar and Knox County's in Nebraska. Dixon County is less than 20 miles away after you cross the bridge. I still hear activity on the Hartington Tower (42.4800). Can't hear the mobiles very often due to the old duplex system. It looks like the system they are putting in is very similar to our digital state radio system that south dakota now uses.
There is some activity here in the Norfolk area, but very sporadic. Not everybody up here has moved to the state system yet.
Have you tried programming these frequencies and listen for a control channel?
Niobrara-Knox county 154.69500 154.92000 155.37000 155.64750
No new towers are listed for Cedar and Dixon counties....yet....or can somebody correct me on this.....
I am using a radio shack pro-2096 to monitor. To scan the South Dakota digital system I needed to program a custom table in it. For those of you using the old pro-96 or pro-2096, does a custom table needed to be programmed to scan the NE system as well?
Here is a table posted by GOLDENDOME for a Pro 96, I am not sure if it works for the 2096
Originally Posted by GOLDENDOME View Post
0 4095 0.0000 851.0062 6.2500
4096 8191 4096 762.0062 6.2500
0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 12.5000
0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 15.0000
16384 20479 16384 150.5750 2.5000
20480 24575 20480 149.0000 2.5000
If you hear the control channel, let us know so we can highlight the frequency in the database.