Nebraska (Statewide) Wireless Interoperable Network "N-WIN"


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
Update on TG 3110

New TGID 3110 showed up appx 2320, full encryption. Lasted for about 5 mins. I will watch this one to see if it comes around again and to get further information.

Tonight, TG 3110 very active with troopers north of Norfolk across Hwy 81/HWY 20 area with motorist assists, and NSP Norfolk Dispatch showing up as troopers run plates of abandoned vehicles.

Sounds like Norfolk Dispatch is actually this talkgroup (3110) with TG 3010 as Neligh. I am basing this
on proximity of the locations of the Troopers between the 2 talkgroups.


May 6, 2004
In the Lincoln area, I have been getting conventional P25 traffic on 154.1600. It is from NSP; I hear them reading broadcast and I hear the troppers communicating with dispatch. One day I heard a mention of Duell County.

Last night when the roads suddenly turned to ice, I heard troopers being sent to the Milford exit on accident reports and I heard NSP units from York being sent to Utica.

I hear nothing from the trunk system (Programmed by a direct download from the RR site) in the Lincoln/Omaha area, but I have been hearing conventional traffic sporadically on 154.160, which I actually have programmed for G.I. Fire Dept.


Jan 25, 2006
Nebraska City Site is pending.

Freq's are 154.78500000 155.08500000 155.46000000 155.70000000
Last edited:


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
TG 3120/3112 and NPPD unknowns

TG 3120 and 3112 tagged in Pro96com tonight while I was at work.

According to information I have received, 3120 is South Sioux City and 3112 is Oakland, which had some radio traffic a few minutes ago, unfortunately, I was away from the radio to hear it.

Also, anybody have any idea what these 2 NPPD talkgroups are?


Not much to report on description of radio transmissions mainly radio testing on both TG's and TG 3527 with a conversation between employees at Gerald Gentlemen Station near Sutherland and Kearney Ops about the quality of the food in the cafeteria.


May 6, 2004
So, how do you enter the system frequencies? Do you list each site area separately? I never entered a system that has had more than 20 channels. If you put everything you want to hear into one trunk system entry will the system pick what it needs to trunk? Or do you have to isolate each area like, North Platte then Omaha, then Beatrice all as separate entry's? I'm just trying to understand how this works.


Jan 25, 2006
Do you use the software or menus on the radio?

With software, add a trunked system set for P25 auto and add the sites freqs for the wanted sites and add a the talkgroups. Then your done.


May 6, 2004
So, can I take every county listed in the database and enter them all together into one trunk system? That would be a lot of freq's Do you know if the same radio traffic is heard throughout the state? For example if I am in Lincoln and enter Seward, Beatrice and Lincoln, would I also hear Scottsbluff and McCook traffic? Or, is it regional, like what the old system was and I would only hear what was near the sites that are close to me?

I am trying to get how this system is set up, I am very familiar with the EDACS and how the system functions with logical channel order, but on the Motorola systems can I just put several control channels and various system frequencies in one trunk system and the controller will sort it out?

I am using arc500 software to program with. I downloaded RR's N-WIN system directly into the software and then into the radio, but it has none of the sites that I need.

One more question? If I enter all the control channels and all the frequencies the system uses, but exclude the duplicated frequencies, would that work where the correct control channel would find the right frequency if it was in the same trunk system entry? Or, another way to ask it is if the system has 15 control channels and I enter them, or if 5 are duplicated I only enter 10, then if the system used 40 frequencies, but 10 of them are duplicated,so I only enter 30 would it trunk correctly? And would I be able to travel around the state and be able to roam with the system?

Thank you for all the answers.


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
So, can I take every county listed in the database and enter them all together into one trunk system? That would be a lot of freq's Do you know if the same radio traffic is heard throughout the state? For example if I am in Lincoln and enter Seward, Beatrice and Lincoln, would I also hear Scottsbluff and McCook traffic? Or, is it regional, like what the old system was and I would only hear what was near the sites that are close to me?

Not always. If there is a state radio in an area that is normally does not reside in, such as a North Platte NSP trooper in Lincoln, the tower "patches" North Platte traffic over to the NSP radio in Lincoln, or if for some reason, radio techs want to hear traffic from another part of the state, such as demo purposes, radio checks, etc., traffic can be "force patched" to the selected tower at the control point.

I am trying to get how this system is set up, I am very familiar with the EDACS and how the system functions with logical channel order, but on the Motorola systems can I just put several control channels and various system frequencies in one trunk system and the controller will sort it out?

All you need is the control channel, don't forget to program the alternate control channels in case there is a control channel frequency change. The is no logical channel order with Motorola P25 Trunking Systems.
You can program several control channels in the Pro 106, it will find the strongest control channel and receive the data to properly track activity on the selected control channel.

I am using arc500 software to program with. I downloaded RR's N-WIN system directly into the software and then into the radio, but it has none of the sites that I need.

N-WIN is growing. Sites will be coming soon to your area. By the way, where are you?

One more question? If I enter all the control channels and all the frequencies the system uses, but exclude the duplicated frequencies, would that work where the correct control channel would find the right frequency if it was in the same trunk system entry? Or, another way to ask it is if the system has 15 control channels and I enter them, or if 5 are duplicated I only enter 10, then if the system used 40 frequencies, but 10 of them are duplicated,so I only enter 30 would it trunk correctly? And would I be able to travel around the state and be able to roam with the system?

No, you must keep all frequencies programmed, the control channel will not "hand off" your scanner to the next nearest stronger control channel/frequency. Keep the duplicates programmed, and you should roam with N-WIN across Nebraska without much problem. I'm gonna find out later next week on my trip to Denver on how the roam feature works with my Pro 106.


May 6, 2004
I am in Lincoln, but I frequently travel west past York and east to Omaha, so I get a range of listening.

So, would you have to set up two or three trunk systems to be able to monitor more than 32 channels that the Pro 106 limits you to, per system? Am I correct in thinking that you would have to do a system for east, center and west? Or, whatever arraignment you picked. Or, is there another way?

If that is the case, I would almost have to do several systems to accommodate Omaha, Lincoln,Seward, Beatrice, Giltner, G.I., or anything that is over 32 channels would have to get a new system to continue on, Is that right?


Jan 25, 2006
I use the GRE, so it limits me to 32 as well. I put seperate the state up in like Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, and etc. It works fine for me.


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
I use the GRE, so it limits me to 32 as well. I put seperate the state up in like Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, and etc. It works fine for me.

..Of course how you "design" your scanner to work for you is up to you! I have N-WIN set up as sites east of HWY 281, tagged in my scanner as "N-WIN East" west of 281 "N-WIN West".

Norfolk/Madison County has it's own "bank", if that is what you want to call it in the Pro106.

Same with ORION, Sarpy County, Colorado DTRS, etc... Since I travel frequently to those areas, I decided to keep them handy.


Feb 24, 2001
That's what I like about Uniden. With the 996T and the XTs models you can have all the sites under one system. You can have seperate quick keys for each site as well.


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
TGID 3115/3110-Confirmed and NDOR

More new N-WIN Talkgroups are alive:

TGID 3115-NSP O'Neill, confirmed, dispatcher requesting unit go to "O'Neill digital channel", ran a commercial plate.

TGID 3110-NSP Norfolk, doing radio checks around the NDOR office in Norfolk. I stepped out with my Pro106 in hand, walked down the street and seen a man with a portable talking to NSP, and a NSP air unit talking to dispatch.

I will submit to database.

NDOR-Nothing to log, but I seen a D&D Communications van parked at the NDOR Norfolk office last Thursday with techs stringing coax to the tower next to the building.

Maybe routine radio maintenance or is NDOR next???


Feb 24, 2001
Nice to see the guess work is panning out, atleast for the dispatch channels and some of the non encrypted ops channels.


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
Nice to see the guess work is panning out, at least for the dispatch channels and some of the non encrypted ops channels.

It's been kinda "slow" up here the past few weeks, I haven't had any new wildcard hits except for 3115, a few unknowns, NPPD? 3527, NSP? 3094, South Sioux City, 3120 has been logged on Pro96com, but no voice when it appears on my scanner. Lots of data being sent over 154.9050 from various radio Id's on the Channel Grant Screen as I write this.

NPPD has the lion's share of the traffic during the day.

I would imagine new towers will start coming up once the thaw gets underway.