More and More sites coming online across the state. Another 22 in the works now. State Police moving over as coverage allows. State police working on radio upgrades to TDMA and AES encryption with overall plan to move to full time AES encryption by late next year. I don't know anyone still using DES encryption. DES IS DEAD. LOL.
The following State Police Districts have made the move to state system
Dist 1
Dist 3
Dist 4
Dist 5
Dist 6
Dist 11
Dist 12
Lots of new sites and lots of new traffic. Sad not much is going to stay in the clear.
Oh Crud! There's that "E" Word again! I just got done programming all of the districts in my G4! Well, I'll be driving through Los Cruces and Alamogordo areas in May. Maybe I'll get "One Good Listen" out of NMSP before they lock it down! Bummer!!