Yeah. I suspect that the Harris symphony consoles (or whoever is programming them) makes the talkgroup default to encrypted, but it remains selectable by the dispatcher. Then, when they load a new configuration, the talkgroup goes back to secure. I know the Motorola MCC7500s can be "strapped" secure without providing the dispatcher the ability to toggle, but also have an option to make encryption selectable.
I was within range of Spotsy's system tonight, and observed the console RID of 41100510 in the clear on "Patrol 1", I observed within that same timeframe similar RIDs from what I can safely assume are also consoles of 41100530 and 41100550, encrypted. So my assumption remains the above that a dispatcher accidentally changed their console to be clear on Patrol 1, and at some point soon, or as soon as someone from their agency sees this thread, the console will be changed back to E.
*The RIDs may not be exactly correct, they're from memory, but the point stands.