Daveo89, I see several little things that I wish to point out.
You mentioned that the conventional channels are working however this configuration file contained no conventional frequencies. Were these removed recently?
I noticed you have scanlist 11, 12, 13, and 14 enabled, but your scan set only encompasses scanlists 1 - 10.
With the scanset of 1-10, the unit will ignore objects assigned to scanlists outside the listed scanset even if enabled.
Regarding the Monroe/Ontario Counties P25 system, Monroe South has LCN 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 locked out.
Regarding the East Site, the Data Threshold Low should be 88 and I see you have this set to 75
I did not see Attenuation applied to the Monroe/Ontario Counties P25 system in question (maybe you just tested this briefly with the ATT button instead)
You also have a Monroe/Ontario Counties Motorola Trunking system without any talkgroups entered. I could not find this system when reviewing the radioreference database. Can you elaborate?
I would recommend that you look over and address the items mentioned above, then we can begin making small changes only to the system in question to see if there is improvement.