Is there any possibility that the site identifiers in the database are swapped? I live in Marlboro (just north of the Orange County line) and I'm picking up the 'south' system like gang-busters. No signal at all from any of the 'north' frequencies. Seems a bit strange...
Let me expand on this a little bit, as I posted from my phone earlier.The sites are correct.
North cell is Site 1 (700 MHz) and South cell is Site 2 (800 MHz), that is 100% confirmed.
The reason why you're getting South stronger than North up in Ulster County is because of the way the system is engineered. It is designed to focus as much RF into Orange as possible, and thus the antennas on the outer edge of the county (or in neighboring counties) are directional. Because you're located north of nearly all of the North cell subsites, you're "behind" the focus of the antennas.
Instead, you're getting blasted by Beacon, which is focusing its RF to the west across the river.