pro 197 uploading to scanner ?

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2011
Oklahoma City
Ok so here is another question... I have paid for the rr info and have the software have tried to upload to my pro 197 and nothing is being put to the scanner... I have press new to cfeate objects new edit glob at the bottom... I can't seem to get anything to transfer over... also I have tried to use the win500 got all my truncking over to scanner fine with that all the info is in there but nothing is being heard.. I hear a few tones but not any talking can someone maybe tell me what I need to do... I am getting frusterated and I love to listen ...



Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
nphill2615;1701798..................... pro 197 ........................ win500 ....................... and I love to listen ... .......... Nita[/QUOTE said:
Hi Nita,

I looked up pro 197 and it looks remarkably like my PSR-600 (a fine radio, I might add). I also have the Win500 software installed on my computer. Now as to the "love to listen", is that to the radio's output, or could that refer to suggestions here on these Forums? If the latter, I volunteer (there will be many) to personally try to give precise, step by step, instructions, using the same terminology as used by both the scanner, the software, and any user manuals. In fact when it come to referring to any user manuals I will be using cut/paste quotes directly from the same (assuming the manuals are digital). I would expect the same type of information from you. Very specific, detailed, narratives of your location in the scanner software (win500) and/or any activity involving the buttons on the radio.

I saw these words: "new edit glob" in your post. I do not give instructions on how to program from the radio. If you want to try to interact using the software ONLY we can precede. If so, It appears that you are in OK City. If so, what types of radio traffic would you like to monitor. That's my only question for this response, and answers should be limited to this question. The answer/s should be as unrelated to the RRDB and Radio Technology as possible. For instance:

Good answer = Construction workers driving the dump trucks on a large project near my home.

Bad answer = Sites 4n7 and 2k8 of the OKLMUJS P25, Simulcast, multisite, Digital System, using TGID's 47839, 47923, 43602, and another hundred similar TGID's.

We will go slow and precise, we will not move from one lesson to the next without evidence of learning. Remember, we are far apart. If you push a button on the radio, or make a selection in the software, during a process and you do not report the same, correct analysis of any problems cannot take place. There will be many self styled mind readers willing to assist you. I am not one of them.

There will be no need for frustration. When the learning sequence is complete (is it ever, lol?), you will know more on the subject than 60% (or more) of those that will attempt to help you here.



Feb 2, 2012
Box Springs, GA
I kept trying to do that PROGRAM > CLONE SEND, thing and NEVER could get ANY software to upload anytying. Then, just by accident, I clicked the Upload link WITHOUT going through the clone send thing.... And it all uploaded just fine. Now.... when I upload to my Pro-197, I just let the scanner continue with it's normal scanning and then just go to the UPLOAD link in the software. It will stop the scanning and it will recieve the upload every time.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2011
Oklahoma City
yes I would like your help I want to listen to OKC police OKC fire Oklhaoma highway patrol and the EMSA any help would be great thank you


Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2011
Oklahoma City
from Nita

I kept trying to do that PROGRAM > CLONE SEND, thing and NEVER could get ANY software to upload anytying. Then, just by accident, I clicked the Upload link WITHOUT going through the clone send thing.... And it all uploaded just fine. Now.... when I upload to my Pro-197, I just let the scanner continue with it's normal scanning and then just go to the UPLOAD link in the software. It will stop the scanning and it will recieve the upload every time.

I am at a stand still my scanner is a the pre settings it has press new to create objects... new edit glob at the bottom of that message. what software did you use..


Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
yes I would like your help I want to listen to OKC police OKC fire Oklhaoma highway patrol and the EMSA any help would be great thank you

To whom is this response directed?

Thank You ,

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2011
Oklahoma City
ok I am using the ARC500 also have got the software to work seems I was using the wrong com port now I have all the lists to upload to the scanner but, I am not hearing anything from my Oklahoma city Edacs ... am I not doing something right?


Dec 19, 2002
norman, ok
What is a Core Simulcast Layer

OKC's Edacs system is Provoice and cannot be heard on just a scanner. There are some analog things on the OKC system but not police or fire.The "listening to OKC " sticky at the top of this forum explains things pretty well. The OKWIN 800 system of the State of Oklahoma is basically analog now and can be heard. I don't know how much trouble you want to go to in trying to program OKC if all you hear are trash trucks and animal control. I am not familiar with your scanner I wish you well in maybe at least getting the State OKWIN
programmed as a lot goes on there. They even have analog talk groups of OKC PD's divsions so you can hear them on that system in the clear..


Aug 10, 2007
Bethany, OK
Re: "Core SImulcast Layer": OKC's system has two separate (not sure if it's the correct term) "sites". There is a set of repeaters toward the center of town that is the "core", and there are repeaters ringed farther out around town that are the "wide area". But for most of the stuff that matters you'll hear the same things on either one - thus "simulcast".

As BEW mentioned, you can't program OKC's EDACS system into the 197 and listen to the PD/FD. You CAN hear quite a bit, you might not find it very exciting. Valet parking at the airport, administrative and maintenance functions at various venues like the Civic Center or the Zoo, municipal maintenance - streets, water lines, sewer lines, etc. All that is analog and can be quite busy at times.

OCPD has their primary TG for each zone of the city simulcast on the state system, but you will otherwise be unable to hear anything from PD/FD.

I have the state system in my scanners, and have the 197. I use Win500 to program mine. It's been a long time since I last programmed mine, but thinking back on it:

- Your steps don't remind me of anything. I never touched ANY keys on the scanner when programming. Just load the sites / TGIDs in from the RR DB, then select Upload in the software.

- Do you have any Scanlists enabled? You need to turn on a Scanlist that has some TGIDs assigned or you won't hear anything. (The scanner also says something like "Nothing Enabled" too.)

- Are your TGIDs assigned to a "real" Scanlist? IIRC there is a "scratch" list that can be used for programming purposes. Everything was being dumped into that "scratch" list (that isn't real) by default so I was wondering why nothing was being added. At any rate, on Win500 the Scanlists box on General Settings has an option Default Scan List: which I set to 1 so everything I add to the scanner is dumped into scan list 1 if I don't change it to something else.

- Do you have ANY TGIDs set? If you don't want to hand-pick TGIDs to listen to, you need to add a "wildcard" TGID (on Win500, it defaults to Wildcard when I click "Add New") which tells the scanner to listen to any TGID on the system.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2005
E Hawkesbury Twp, ON
yes I would like your help I want to listen to OKC police OKC fire Oklhaoma highway patrol and the EMSA any help would be great thank you

As others have noted, OCPD/OCFD are ProVoice and cannot be demodulated on any consumer scanner.

EMSA is on OKWIN (the state system) and are using P25 but with encryption. Even if you had a P25-capable scanner, you could not copy their transmissions.
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