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Jun 23, 2006
Area C
so what is missing?

(mancow, your PM box is full, i cant send you a PM)

mancow said:
I have everything he needs LESS the 450-520 split RF deck. I can't find it anywhere around here.

I have a very nice HT1000 housing
New back plate
New seals
New knobs
Internal shield
Jumper link
Orange button
Triangle battery insulator
Jumper support


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
That's a task you should probably pass on. Unless it's a known good source it's likely it will have a bad power amp block. Also, there are things to be aware of such as whether it's a Jedi or Visar style RF connector and if it has an RF switch on the board or not.

I will keep an eye out for one at batlabs and maybe some of the guys here that know what to look for can keep a watch too.


Jun 23, 2006
Area C
allrite just let me know if you find one.
you might want to make a WANTED thread for it.

mancow said:
That's a task you should probably pass on. Unless it's a known good source it's likely it will have a bad power amp block. Also, there are things to be aware of such as whether it's a Jedi or Visar style RF connector and if it has an RF switch on the board or not.

I will keep an eye out for one at batlabs and maybe some of the guys here that know what to look for can keep a watch too.


Dec 19, 2002
Bountiful, Ut
landonjensen said:
Well i like this radio because i am going to have it for RX only on my Fire Depts Freqs, but also i will have it able to transmit on FRS-GMRS because my troop uses tham alot in their campouts.
While it may not be illegal to provide Landon with the equipment he seeks, it would certainly be unwise. It would only serve to encourage his curiosity.

Landon is curious about things that a fifteen-year-old should not be playing with. The appropriate response, therefore, should not be attempts to guide or mentor him, the appropriate response should be to discourage him and stiffle his curiosity.

A scanner and a 14 channel FRS radio are appropriate and sufficient for his uses. Give him a real transmitter, even if only on GMRS, and what will kind of transmitter will he seek out next? After all, he already has a scanner, now he wants the next best thing.

I've seen, many times, what unsupervised teenagers with transmitters will do. Their operations draw such unwanted attention as visits from FCC officials, or at least from angry CBers.


Mar 4, 2005
Dixie Land (The South)
Finally, Another Voice of Reason

n6orz said:
While it may not be illegal to provide Landon with the equipment he seeks, it would certainly be unwise. It would only serve to encourage his curiosity.

Landon is curious about things that a fifteen-year-old should not be playing with. The appropriate response, therefore, should not be attempts to guide or mentor him, the appropriate response should be to discourage him and stiffle his curiosity.

A scanner and a 14 channel FRS radio are appropriate and sufficient for his uses. Give him a real transmitter, even if only on GMRS, and what will kind of transmitter will he seek out next? After all, he already has a scanner, now he wants the next best thing.

I've seen, many times, what unsupervised teenagers with transmitters will do. Their operations draw such unwanted attention as visits from FCC officials, or at least from angry CBers.

I am so glad to see someone else with a voice of reason, There have been a bunch of us saying that same exact thing all along thru this thread. Thank GOD for another voice of reason!!! My hat is off to you, My new friend.


What a bunch of pansy ass weak minded individuals you guys are.

Just because he's 15 does NOT mean he's going to start screwing with people. We all have to start at SOME point, so why not an early age of starting with professional communications!?

If I didn't start off with my first MTS2000 at 14 I'd probably still be dicking around with some cheap scanner crap.
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Sep 7, 2006
Parkersburg, WV
n6orz said:
While it may not be illegal to provide Landon with the equipment he seeks, it would certainly be unwise. It would only serve to encourage his curiosity.

Landon is curious about things that a fifteen-year-old should not be playing with. The appropriate response, therefore, should not be attempts to guide or mentor him, the appropriate response should be to discourage him and stiffle his curiosity.

Unless Hollingsworth is a member of these forums I don't see how it's any of our places to determine what this particular 15 year old should or should not be playing with. Certainly he's got parents so let them be the ones to decide such things.

A scanner and a 14 channel FRS radio are appropriate and sufficient for his uses. Give him a real transmitter, even if only on GMRS, and what will kind of transmitter will he seek out next? After all, he already has a scanner, now he wants the next best thing.

Funny I don't remember seeing anything in the FCC regs about this.

I've seen, many times, what unsupervised teenagers with transmitters will do. Their operations draw such unwanted attention as visits from FCC officials, or at least from angry CBers.

So I suppose, using this logic, you would also discourage Landon from getting his ham ticket or if he did, restrict him to rockbound radios that can only access his local repeaters and 146.520? Because God only knows what might happen if he gets ahold of a 2m or 440 rig since most of them can be modified to go out of band with little or no technical expertise.

I would say that if he wants Tx capabilities for his radios that he supply some sort of documentation showing that he has legal reason to be Tx'ing on the frequencies in question, whether it be a GMRS license or a letter (notarized?) from a GMRS licensee....or something.

At the end of the day it's not going to matter much. Aftermarket RIBs and/or RIBless programming cables are dirt cheap on ebay nowadays and in spite of Motorola's efforts the RSS is readily available out there so if everybody refuses to program Landon's radio for him, he's likely to go obtain the tools to do it himself. Then, if he so desires, he'll be able to Tx anywhere he wants within the capabilities of his radio. That situation may well be avoided if somebody programs his radio for him.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
So much for encouraging "kids" to enter the wonderful hobby of radio! :roll:

I started with my radio hobby when I was eight years old. My father and I built a shortwave receiver from scratch using a bread pan upside-down, and one O1A tube. It was one of most memorable times in my life.

It's no wonder that Ham radio is not attracting new, young people. There are a lot of younger people that could teach a lot of adults about the proper use of radio.


Trailer Park Supervisor
Mar 2, 2004
Seattle, WA
I think it's great Landon is curious about radio. We in this thread have provided him with much information and I think that's a great group effort. I think the main thing here is that he wants a FRS/GMRS radio that he can monitor his local police with. I don't see anymore to it than that. The only hangup I legally see is the power output. He has yet to reply back that "yes, I understand that I will need to get a GMRS license". Sure, if he gets his radio programmed, will he ever get caught not having a GMRS license? Probably not... but two wrongs don't make a right.

He mentioned he was a scout. Saying this from a scout leader, he knows he is suposed to be a law abiding citizen and transmitting on this radio without a proper license is illegal period. There's no way around it. It's nothing personal against Landon, it is what it is. I'd program a radio for him any day as long has he has a license to transmit. If he doesn't, it's just receive only.


Dec 19, 2002
Bountiful, Ut
w4rez said:
Certainly he's got parents so let them be the ones to decide such things.
If his parents were giving him adequate supervision, he would not be asking here about police duty equipment.
w4rez said:
So I suppose, using this logic, you would also discourage Landon from getting his ham ticket or if he did, restrict him to rockbound radios that can only access his local repeaters and 146.520?
In my home, I would not allow anyone under 18 unsupervised use of 2 meters, CB, or the internet.


Aug 12, 2005
n6orz said:
Landon is curious about things that a fifteen-year-old should not be playing with. The appropriate response, therefore, should not be attempts to guide or mentor him, the appropriate response should be to discourage him and stiffle his curiosity.

While I agree with your points on his questions about police gear and radio seeming sketchy, I disagree with this line. When I was 14 I joined my local Police Explorers post and became very interested in law enforcement. As a result, I am now a Criminal Justice major and looking to go into the field after graduation. I'm sure glad nobody "discouraged and stifled" my curiosity. On a similar note, I earned my Connecticut EMT-B certification at age 16. We are considered public safety personnel, get issued public safety portables, and can attend to patients by ourselves without "adult supervision". Although I'm now 18, I can't imagine if somebody had told me "NO" regarding my EMT cert.


Sep 7, 2006
Parkersburg, WV
n6orz said:
If his parents were giving him adequate supervision, he would not be asking here about police duty equipment.

And your justification for this is? Wtf is the big deal about him asking about police duty equipment?

So I suppose that, based on the above observation, his parents are incompetent and therefore you have to step in and do their job for them. I'm sure they'd be thrilled with that.

In my home, I would not allow anyone under 18 unsupervised use of 2 meters, CB, or the internet.

He doesn't live in your home now does he?

I really, really think that people stick their nose where it doesn't belong far too often these days.


Dec 19, 2002
Bountiful, Ut
w4rez said:
I really, really think that people stick their nose where it doesn't belong far too often these days.
Then I guess next time some unidentified signal disrupts your favorite 2-meter repeater, you won't object to it. After all, the signal is originating from someone else's property, so it's none of your business.


Sep 7, 2006
Parkersburg, WV
n6orz said:
Then I guess next time some unidentified signal disrupts your favorite 2-meter repeater, you won't object to it. After all, the signal is originating from someone else's property, so it's none of your business.

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. If somebody QRMs my favorite repeater it becomes a concern to me because then somebody is breaking the law and FCC regulations. Plus, when they start QRMing the repeater the (illegal) signal is then entering my property, thus by your analogy becoming my business.

If they do not have a ham license and they get an Alinco HT off eBay and listen to said repeater with it, then it's not my problem until they start transmitting, just like it's not any of my business what kind of firearms my neighbor owns until he starts threatening me with them or shooting at me with them.

Personally, I hate to be told what I "need" and what I don't "need." I own a lot of things that I do not NEED. If I wanted to live in a country where I could only get what I "needed" I would move to China or Cuba.....or Kalifornistan.


Dec 19, 2002
Bountiful, Ut
w4rez said:
then it's not my problem until they start transmitting,
Our society is concerned about people having the means to do wrong, otherwise nothing would be contraband.

I believe that there would be less QRM and illegal operations if children's interest in transmitters was discouraged, than if we encourage or ignore their interest.

My high school had an FM station. Because this actively promoted their interest in broadcasting, many of the kids involved in the station had their own bootleg FM stations at home.
w4rez said:
Personally, I hate to be told what I "need" and what I don't "need." I own a lot of things that I do not NEED. If I wanted to live in a country where I could only get what I "needed" I would move to China or Cuba.....or Kalifornistan.
When Landon becomes an adult, there will be less questioning of whether he "needs" the things he is curious about.


Sep 7, 2006
Parkersburg, WV
n6orz said:
Our society is concerned about people having the means to do wrong, otherwise nothing would be contraband.

True but considering you're from 6-land I'm sure you're used to everything being contraband. There's a multitude of things that I have in my home that are perfectly legal here that would earn me hard time in CA. One more reason for me to want to not live there.

I believe that there would be less QRM and illegal operations if children's interest in transmitters was discouraged, than if we encourage or ignore their interest.

Why? From everything I've read in the FCC enforcement reports the biggest source of malicious interference is from adults, one of which is old enough to be my grandfather.

This is your right to believe this, I'm just certainly glad that the majority doesn't feel this way.

My high school had an FM station. Because this actively promoted their interest in broadcasting, many of the kids involved in the station had their own bootleg FM stations at home.

When Landon becomes an adult, there will be less questioning of whether he "needs" the things he is curious about.

So I guess until then we just keep him in a bubble and restrict him to GI Joe and Spongebob Squarepants until he turns 18 that way he has *no* idea what the real world is like, eh? I'm glad you weren't my parent.

Another self appointed shepherd. Just what the world needs more of. Or not.


n6orz said:
Then I guess next time some unidentified signal disrupts your favorite 2-meter repeater, you won't object to it. After all, the signal is originating from someone else's property, so it's none of your business.

Mebey if you would pay attention and stop making conclusions, you would see he's trying to purchase a UHF HT.

I'm not aware of any current FCC bandplan allocating the "2-Meter" ham service in the UHF T band range.

Also, for the TX frequencies he does want in his radio (GMRS), he DOES have a license for. And he CLEARLY states that public safety is to be RX only. Not only does he have a license, but he is smart enough to state that he does not want any business transmitting on other frequencies. Look at the facts first before you become an e-idiot.
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Dec 19, 2002
Somewhere in this room. Right now, you're very col
n6orz said:
Landon is curious about things that a fifteen-year-old should not be playing with. The appropriate response, therefore, should not be attempts to guide or mentor him, the appropriate response should be to discourage him and stiffle his curiosity.

A scanner and a 14 channel FRS radio are appropriate and sufficient for his uses. Give him a real transmitter, even if only on GMRS, and what will kind of transmitter will he seek out next? After all, he already has a scanner, now he wants the next best thing.

I've seen, many times, what unsupervised teenagers with transmitters will do. Their operations draw such unwanted attention as visits from FCC officials, or at least from angry CBers.

Oh please, is this for freaking real?

By your logic he shouldn't even have a scanner, after all just imagine what trouble an unsupervised 15 year old could get into by showing up at fire and crime scenes or using the scanner to evade the cops while he joyrides people's cars and shoplifts from the local convenience store, right?

Cry me a river. I listen to the amatuer bands on my scanner when I want a good laugh - you guys and your BS'ing about your latest $1500 hamsexy gadget or what the weather is like right now( and no, I'm not talking about SKYWARN either) and other "essential, lifesaving communications" of that ilk. All that money just to tell your buddy what you saw on TV last night... Ever hear of a telephone? Seriously, God forbid some 15 year old snot nosed kid like Landon key up and spoil all that precious chit chat time....

Seriously, if Landon gets on your repeater and gives you hell then you can complain about it. Until then, give it a rest. I'd rather Landon be spending his time doing this than writing worm viruses and smoking dope like many other kids his age do.

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