Today they have been simulcasting the primary SFPD talkgroups (A1-A8) on the new system, all encrypted. Still clear on the old system, but who knows for how long.
SFFD EMS4 (959) seems to be the busiest TG so far in my monitoring; "2-BSES DPW 2" (4083) is the second busiest. Followed by SFFD A1 & A3, Animal Control, and the SF Library.
(I've been logging for the last 5+ days)
I'm still concerned about the audio quality of the TDMA signal, but that may be an artifact of my BCT996p2 scanner and the simulcast. (It sounds like they're talking on old Nextel radios).
Is this how the TDMA is supposed to sound? Or is this simulcast distortion?
Because if it's supposed to sound like that, I can see why users may be unhappy.
By the way, a lot of testing on both the TDMA and analog systems today. Although I don't have a recording of the analog, the analog sounded way better. (So not sure which side the testing was originating on!)
(Today's testing has lots of in the clear digital.)
Actually, audio quality is very important to my specific use (which is not casual consumer).
Listening to this demo of simulcast audio on the SDS100, the audio sounds a lot better than my 996p2; but then we're not comparing the same systems.
I'm on the wait list for the SDR-based Bluetail scanner that Footage has but there is no ETA of when more will be available. (I'd love to hear an example of SF's TDMA sounds on that, hint hint)
I have not idea of what a "SDR-based Bluetail scanner" is.
I have no idea of who/what "Footage" is either.
I'm intrigued with the Unication stuff. Does it have an audio out or a headset jack? I need to get audio out from it (not just the speaker).You could also look at the Unication G4/G5, they work great. The closest thing you will find to subscriber radio quality without the subscriber pricing.
Do you have a link for this? I'd like to pass on to some folks and can't find anything online so far.This was mentioned in a press release made this morning by the department.
SDR = Software Defined Radio
The BlueTail Technologies P25RX stand-alonereceiver allows you to listen to unencrypted law enforcement, fire department, and other agency's P25 digital voice communications publicly available in your area. We are proud to be the only American business offering a non-subscriber receiver with excellent performance in simulcast areas.BlueTail Technlogies
BlueTail Technologies specializes in the design and manufacturing of RF electronics. Our premier product is the stand-Alone P25RX Digital Police Receiver with Bluetooth Audio Support. The P25RX is not an old school police scanner! The P25RX uses a P25 Phase-1 Control Channel to
Powered via USB, the user has a variety of listening alternatives thanks to the integrated USB, audio out, and Bluetooth devices. The P25RX can be a totally portable P25 listening solution when used with a portable USB supply and speaker / headphones.
Now supports P25-Phase II TDMA And DMR!
This thread on RR has more info on it: P25RX P25 Phase 1/2/DMR Receiver With Bluetooth Audio Support
Footage is a frequent contributor to this thread and to RR in general He has a BlueTail radio and
Thanks for the reply. This and subsequent posts involve matters that I don't need to know anything about, at least yet. Possibly never as I've lived in remote rural areas for nearly 45 years now and have no idea or vision for changing that. If we can't take care of ourselves when we get older, we already have a small city (16,000) picked out about 90 miles from the younger members of our family. I'm thinking most of this TDMA and other more complex technologies will stay in metro areas for quite some time. I have the Sierra Nevada blocking almost all signals to the west and the least populated areas of Nevada to the east, so frequency availability is not the issue it is in megalopolises like the Bay Area and southern California. I do try to keep up in spite of that, but for right now it isn't worth my effort.
Bro the State of Nevada is going P-25 TDMA in 5 years. so ya your not right about some of what you said
Bro the State of Nevada is going P-25 TDMA in 5 years. so ya your not right about some of what you said
Has anyone heard any SFPD unencrypted traffic on the new P25 system?
I'm mostly seeing SFFD A1/A1 and EMS4 traffic.