UPMan, when you return to this thread I hope you can pick out the questions from within the ever-increasing noise & static of the whiners and complainers, 'cause I have a couple of questions:
1. Antenna - I gather from the owner's manual this is the same old SMA rubber duck antenna that has come with other Uniden handhelds. When you were comparing reception between the 436 and the SDS, were they both using that rubber duck antenna?
2. Any indication if the SDS is picking up signals at a greater "range" than the x36? I guess I'm partly asking about range and partly sensitivity.
3. The material mentions an 8GB card. How big is supported?
4. I assume this is USB again (according to the manual). Is it still USB 1.1 or 2.0 in terms of transfer speeds or can we expect some speed improvement?
I really like the look of the screen in those comparison and performance videos - between that and the manual it appears that a lot of the things people have requested in the display (big for old farts and small for people who want a lot of data, and color for those who like color, and customizable for all) you guys took into consideration. Well done.
Also the battery pack and the water resistance... if people weren't so quick to gripe and moan they'd notice that these are the things that they've put in 'wish list' posts for a number of years. And obviously it's going to cost a few bucks more.
Anyway thanks for all your work and hope my questions don't get lost in the clutter.