Very excited about this area going Phase 2...just love to hear some extended audio since that's what i'll be listening to for years to come...Phase 2 is a challenge for previous generation scanners from what my hears pick out.
Phase I or II isn't the issue. Simulcast is the issue. It causes an effect similar to multipath distortion, which affects all types of transmissions, even analog FM. In my area, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission uses analog simulcast, which causes a "picket fencing" artifact in the audio even when listening with a base station antenna in a fixed location, and listening to the dispatcher transmitting from fixed location(s).
In the linked files below, the PTC dispatcher is transmitting, yet you hear picket fencing (something typically only hear while one side of the conversation is mobile) even though the transmitters and receiver are all in fixed locations.!ApJIS-l4xqPtgvB6dYUAogUYMXSOmQ
You also hear the frequency of the picket fencing change as one of the transmitter frequencies drifts compared to another. When the dispatcher keys and unkeys, the picket fencing is initially rapid (the frequency difference between transmitters is greater), and then quickly slows to a beat every few seconds as the transmitters re-sync to within 1Hz of each other.
Audio recorded with a 536 & ProScan via Wi-Fi.