Wish all those ports were on the back. Gonna be hard to have a clean panel install if you need to connect a network cable.
If all the ports were on the back, then you and others would say I wish they were on the front.
Wish all those ports were on the back. Gonna be hard to have a clean panel install if you need to connect a network cable.
The unit looks very promising, but I agree with the need for the placement of the connection ports in the rear. Some of us may prefer to keep the scanner connected at all times rather than plugging/unplugging cables. The front panel placement of the programming cable on my 996xt bothered me to the point that I bought the necessary cables and adapters to make use of the rear serial port. Maintaining permanent connections makes operation easier.Wish all those ports were on the back. Gonna be hard to have a clean panel install if you need to connect a network cable.
One question though why didn't you keep the Wifi from 536HP line?
If all the ports were on the back, then you and others would say I wish they were on the front.
For my fellow Radio System Engineers that want all the info:
Marshall KE4ZNR
I too am confused by the multiple cable ports on the front of the radio as opposed to the back.
How about we compromise and place them on the top?If all the ports were on the back, then you and others would say I wish they were on the front.
It makes sense for a mobile scanner. If this is mounted in a car dash, rear ports would be a PITA to get to when you needed access to them.
Things have changed, your sources inside Uniden are now saying you should buy 3.Awesome looking radio, but after my SDS100 purchase “my sources inside Uniden” tell me I won’t be able to afford this one right away.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is it SMA or BNC antenna? Ahhhh nvm I see it. Hope it comes with a right angle BNC connector
By the way the pic looks like a sma.
The lack of any mention of it having WiFi capability is disappointing. Frankly, that's one of the best features of the 536.
I'm also baffled by the idea of putting the USB A and Ethernet ports on the front of this thing, when there is a ton of empty space on the back panel.
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