Shortwave radio user groups

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Jan 1, 2005
I own a Eton e1 but had to send it to drake for repair (Duh) and since it was under warranty, I did just that. We all know it is a great radio but this one sometimes did key lock and had screen display issues so I finally sent it in while it was still covered.

So I bought alot of new radios. Some I kept. Some I returned.

This thread begins with a premiss. I always though that the purpose of user groups was to learn how to best use the radio featured in that group. My latest purchase is a Sangean 909x. I haven't decided to do the mods cause I just got it and want to work it for a month and then decide. I have bought and returned 7 Eton G3s which in my opinion were prone to so much overloading that even using sync, made matters worse and tangled of 4 signals instead of defining one over the others. I bought and returned a Sony 7600gr, which in my opinion is well built but lacks sensitivity. I then bought a Grundig satellit 750 which is alot of fun. I bought a Tecsun 660 which has not been opened to be my travel radio. (The Sangean is my dsp portatop). I also have for am dxing the famous and wonderful Panasonic rf2200. I bought it on ebay and it works great and looks new!!

Now to the point. Whenever I did not keep a radio, naturally I would drop out of the Yahoo user group. Because, I no longer used the radio so I didn't need to belong to the group.

What I have noticed is these so-called groups have become places to wine and complain. I don't get it. If you own a radio and then join the group that focuses on that radio be it a scanner or shortwave, (Yes I have three great scanners), then why would you just post rants and complaints. I thought the purpose is to share information so you get more use out of your radio.

I thought these groups were to be used by fans of the radio to help each other figure out tricks and fun things to do with the radio that otherwise you may not have thought of.

When I owned an Icom r75, that group rocked. Everyone was enjoying the radio and all the talk was about getting the most use out of it.

I personally am not tech savvy but even still, I question paying for mods. (There is now a Super Sangean 909x which so far has gotten mixed reviews. I'll put out the 50 bucks, if after a month I want to upgrade. I doubt I will. If you do not like what you get in the box, why upgrade and modify it to a point where maybe you should have just tried another radio instead of throwing more money into one you bought.

This is the reason I was never happy with the Icom. It had bad audio, lousy sync, and it costs way too much to modify and after paying $600, I figured, it didn't fit my needs so I sold it.

Radios can be reviewed and people can have their own subjective reality. But the user groups should almost work like fan clubs with information that supports your purchase and doesn't focus on what is wrong with the radio.

So I want to know how all of you feel about this. Whether it is a scanner group or Shortwave Radio group or others, don't you think that group members should try to focus on educating one another rather than complaining about the radio they supposedly bought. It seems to me that should be the focus of any user group.

So share your thoughts on this. What groups feel like supportive information based and user friendly groups, and which groups feel like they are all out to attack the very radio they own.



Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
So, this is a complaint about complaints? :^]

Well, why not. I would be leery about a user group that was nothing but high praise for a piece of gear.



Jan 2, 2011
Halifax, NS, Canada
Let's battle

I would like to see some review "battles" of new radios up against some classic radios. Put the Sangean 909X with its 2011 era DSP up against the venerable Sony ICF-2010 or ICF-SW77. Put the Tecsun PL-660 up against an Satellite 750. Put an Icom R-75 with DSP option up against a Kenwood R-5000.

What other radio "battles" would you guys like to see?

As for the Sangean 909X, it seems to me like a worthy successor to Sony's best shortwave portables, getting design, functionality and ergonomics largely correct. Its competition, the Tecsun/Degen radios, have not managed to get as many things right in any one radio they have put out, although they could put it all together at any time. Disagree? Think Tecsun eats the 909X's lunch? Then we need a radio "battle" to sort it out. :)


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Unfortunately that would take a bunch of cash for very little return. Not something most folks would do

best regards..Mike


Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
The battles have already been done. It's called bench testing and the resulting numbers have already been posted for all the top receivers - ham transceivers and general coverage receivers. Check the Wiki, see if the link is there.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yes many folks do indeed do some receiver testing and reviews. However, almost none of them do a side-by-side comparison of radio a vs. radio b.

The reviews links are found here...

Category:Receiver Reviews - The RadioReference Wiki

Just to get back to the original topic - the usefulness of a user group is heavily dependent on whether there's a good moderator and/or the people that make it up. For an example, the E1 yahoo group tends to slide into the moan and groan category on a fairly regular basis, while the 320 group is pretty stable - not many moaners, and when someone has a tech question, there always seems to be someone ready to start a lively debate.

That's not to say that they don't have their place - they do, and if you own a receiver that happens to have one or more of these, you should at least look into joining it. However, how good that group is can be something of an adventure. You should read the past posts (if you can) to get a feel for the group. Then you make a decision...

best regards..Mike


Jan 1, 2005
Reply to some of your comments

I respect everyone's opinions. I am not saying a healthy debate of airing out frustration is wrong. I guess I was not communicating my point well. I am saying that in many of these user groups, that is all they do. I'd like to see more people get help for the radio they have and how to get the most out of it. Think of it as a pie. Two of the pieces being healthy debate and airing frustration but the third part being an exchange of ideas and tricks, etc.


Apr 15, 2010
Lewes Delaware
I have tried to compare every radio I have. Right now im running a Drake R8B up against a SDR Winradio WR-G31ddc. If you check some posts you will see I post some of the results here. Im also comparing a longwire with a Magnetic loop, also I try and post here as often as I can on those results. What I think is that there should be more sites or forums dedicated to just that. I love to experiment and im sure there are others like me.

When I searched the net for the radios and antennas I have I didn't have much success. Most reviews were old or clearly biased. Most reviews I found on radio reference were very good and helpful so this is definately a good source. Any question that I can answer I answer to the best of my ability. I scan some of the yahoo groups but to be honest the info there isn't what im looking for.

just my 2 cents



Dec 12, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Side by side comparisons are very subjective. Everyone's hearing is not the same, every one's cognition of what you're actually hearing is not the same. At least bench tests give you repeatable numbers that you can use to compare. My .02.
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