In response to the messages calling me out, I dont want to hijack the thread any more than it already has but I do feel the need for a public response/explanation... While it is a fact that my most recent submission from last month was disregarded without being questioned, I obviously was mistaken in the belief that I had actually "submitted" the other information I was thinking about which, as Mike referred, was indeed contained in a lengthy email message... In the past Mike and I have had many private discussions regarding all things radio and he has really helped me have a better understanding of radio theory, radio operation, and computer software- and at times, has performed DB entries on my behalf, but to be fair he did, however, suggest a couple years ago that he would prefer that I do use the submission feature... In that most recent email I do believe at one point I had suggested some information on recent changes and observations that would make the RR database more accurate.
As for getting irate? I'm really hoping there must be a misunderstanding there Mike because I would sure like to think that it takes a lot to get me bent out of shape.... I may be mistaken again but usually any irritability from me is most likely solely directed at my own self for the inability to learn a solid understanding of radio theory, modern scanners, etc; but yea, I dont get email via phone and dont get around to my inbox or to these forums as often as I should (unless already engaged in conversation or expecting correspondence)... In short, I try to help out the best I can but am extremely ignorant about most things that have to do with radiowaves and all things computer (heck, just the other day it took me over a minute just to figure out how to properly use the quote button to quote a prior post).
When I get some time I will hunt down that aforementioned email and submit the contained information for review. If anyone would have any follow up to this message/topic, I would prefer PM because I hate to be responsible for continuing this thread off topic....