System ID : 001
System Name :
WACN : 9254A
Tower Number (Decimal): 707
Tower Number (Hex) : T0707
Tower Description : (null)
Control Capabilities : Data,Voice,Registration
Call Sign(s) :
#Format: Table ID,Base Freq,Spacing,Input Offset,Assumed/Confirmed,BandWidth,Slots
#Format: Channel,Usage,Frequency(/Slot),Input Frequency(/Slot),Hit Count
Will a pro-96 be able to trunk this new 700 system?
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8530/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)
Is this going to replace the 800mhz system or just expanding the system
Tonight been hearing testing on the DE State 700 system. Sounds like prerecorded audio transmissions of nonsense like nature. It comes in really good over here in Hurlock, MD area.
TG 9099 RADIO ID: 9981099
"You can not brew tea in a cold pot"
"Crack the walnut with your sharp teeth"