ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC
1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))
((Some acft idents from local Mode-S collection))
0746- Egyptian Air Force 1109 (C-130H #1271/SU-BAB, EAF 16th Sqdn)-depart BWI.
0753- Navy 300 (C-37B # 166376 VR-1 ADW)-depart ADW. Returns to ADW at 1515.
0803- PAT 12 (id as UH-60)-w/Phillips AAF (126.15) request to transit airspace on way to Philadelphia.
0819- Rocco 78 (KC-135R #62-3578 141st ARS, NJ ANG Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ)-w/NAS Oceana Ops (284.9) w/inbound msg and request for expedited fuel delivery. At 1128 w/ACY approach for landing at WRI.
1037- Bash flt (3 X F-22s 119th FS VA ANG LFI)-ACM training on discrete (233.525).
1040- PAT 841- w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1125- Colt flt (2 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-on discrete (226.6) then w/Kiowa Range (233.45).
1129- SPAR 884 (C-21A # 84-0125 CT ANG 103FW/118FS Bradley ANGB CT)-w/Griffin CP (141.55) w/inbound msg.
1132- Venus 93 (C-32A # 99-0003 1st AS ADW)-patterns at ADW.
1133- Raven flt (2 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/ZDC Casino (285.4) enroute to R4500.
1140- SAM 723 (C-40B # 01-0040 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1217- Marine 586 (UC-35 # 166767 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW.
1223- Marine 714 (UC-35 # 166714 VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point NC)-land at ADW
1227- Army 1053 (UC-35 # 01-1053 OSACOM ADW)-depart ADW.
1229- Anvis 21 (C-12C NVESD Davison AAF VA)-land at DAA.
1306- SAM 980 (99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). Not noted on Mode-S
1311- Mussel 5 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-land at ADW
1320- DeeCee 51 (KC-135R # 57-1479 756th ARS ADW)-land at ADW
1437- Army 1052 (UC-35 # 01-1052 OSACOM ADW)-land at ADW.
1446- Drago 51- w/ZDC Calvert (281.4) & w/PTC (348.725 & 335.5)
1453- Sabre 41 flt (4 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW then on discrete (143.6) w/fuel status reports. Note: New callsign for 121st FS.
1501- Clean 81 (Coronet tanker)-on 121st FS discrete (234.8) w/Sabre flt coordinating AAR in block FL240-260.
1507- PAT 343-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1508- Mussel 11 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-w/Mussel Control (292.2)
1517- PAT 889-w/ACY approach (124.6)
1520- Tester 21 (T-6B # 166031 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) in vertical manuevering test.
1522- Tester 14 (T-38C # 67-4943 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1539- SPAR 137 (C-21A # 84-0075 457th AS ADW)-depart ADW.
1600- PAT 4145-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1605- Boxer 31 (C-40C # 02-0201 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW.
1628- Reach 545 (C-17A # 01-0196 WV ANG 167AW/167AS Martinsburg WVA)-depart Martinsburg.
1634- SAM 999 (C-37 # 99-0404 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1656- Sunny 44 (prob UC-12F # 163561 USMC VMR DET MCAS MIRAMAR CA)-land at ADW.
1658- Tester 24 (T-6B # 166060 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1700- Tester 08 (T-38C # 61-0925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
15867.0 1444Z TSC (US Customs Technical Service Center, Orlando FL) USB/ALE w/ALC (Aviation Logistics Center, CGAS Elizabeth City NC)
then in clear and encrypted voice. After some encrypted testing TSC requests they switch to key #1, "the 256-bit key" then they try key #5 " the 128-bit key".
15867.0 1510Z AV7 (unid) USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 11550Z MOBNG (prob 1st Btn, 131st Avn Regt AL ArNG Mobile AL) USB/ALE w/R23916 (prob UH-60, AL ArNG Mobile AL).
15867.0 1719Z PAC (CamsPac Point Reyes CA) USB/ALE w/707 (USCG HHC-130H # 1707 CGAS Barbers Point HI).
15867.0 1851Z DL2 (unid COTHEN Remote Console.) USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 1950Z CNT (US Customs AMOC Regional Comms Node) USB/ALE w/D05 (US Customs Bombadier Q400 N805MR Miami AMB FL)
Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL