1430: Chat on aerial refueling freq 365.7. They mention something about runway 32.
1431: NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac freq 138.425.
1435: Have fighters on 300.125 which is set aside for F-15s as far as I know. They sound distant. (Remember we've got a GOLIATH AWACS in the area today - probably operating in W-72 or even farther south.)
1439: Have a MUSSEL helo on 141.7 talking about not being able to contact WHEELHOUSE (Pentagon) on the secondary freq. (As far as I know, the WHEELHOUSE freqs should be 287.6 and 393.5. I just mentioned to Tony this morning I was going to add them to my scan rotation but haven't yet.)
1444: The fighters on 300.125 are a flight of four....still no callsigns. These guys could be out of Shaw or even our displaced Langley F-15s operating from Savannah that came somewhat north to work.
1446: Flight of four F-16s checks in with FSS on 255.4 to announce entering a low level route (too weak to copy)...all I heard was at 450 feet. (These are probably the NJ-ANG fighters from 138.425 which also got very weak.)
1457: MTN A-10s active on 142.3 and it also sounds like them at Warren Grove Range 283.1
1458: Navy SD 122, flight of two, with ZDC-Montebello 284.7 at FL 210.
1459: Navy SD 122 flight handed off to ZDC-Azalea 263.1...leaving FL 210 for 175.
1509: Navy SD 534 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4...at 15000 climbing to FL 200.
1510: SD 534 level at 200 «281.4»
1513: SALTY DOG 534 handed off to ZDC-Franklin on 132.025 and checks in at FL 200.
1525: The temp at BWI is an even 100 degrees and not a shower in sight on the radar to cool things down.
1538: AXEMAN, flight of two A-10s landing runway 33 at Martin State with Tower on 297.2 after checking in with Raven Ops on 347.2
1538: Pair of RAVENs (A-10s) and a WARDOG (OA-10) chatting on tac 142.3
1544: WARDOG 1 landing Martin State with Tower 297.2
1544: RAVEN, flight of two, 17 miles to the southeast approach Martin State for landing 297.2
1546: PAT 821 with ZDC-Sea Isle 133.125 reports climbing to FL 270
1546: SALTY DOG 121 with Pax on 281.8
1548: RAVEN flight reports gear down, low approach to the runway at MTN «297.2»
Besby Holmes Dies. Don't know who he was? Go here...
And this shameful thing happened in Bethesda...