Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Thanks Tin,some of those low flying jobs probably flying VFR and probably gave quick
blurb to Dover appch or Atlantic City and South he goes.
Large single L threw me also as was waiting to see double alpha tail.
Maybe it is double LL which is Jacksonville NAS.
Beautiful P-3 with white over gray and powerful smooth turbo props.
Looks like he was having fun cruising the beaches...



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
What a dead day!

Very late in 1900 hour heard Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.225 active. The primary aircraft, N164W, then was heard talking with Giant Killer on 118.125 in area W-386. He mentions he's flying with N161NG and they're from FL 250-300.
2017: REACH 396T begins calling Andrews on 378.1 and finally makes contact at 2023 to give his arrival message.

2108: REACH 3114 trying to work Andrews on 141.55 and complaining about ground being very weak. The REACH 396T earlier said the same thing about the 378.1 freq although he was only 10 minutes out. Sounds like maybe they've got a console problem or a mic problem at ADW tonight.
2129: N164W still with Giant Killer on 118.125 at flight level 16000.
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Nov 3, 2005
Good Morning All,
A little action up here in the DUKE MOA this morning.

1029: RAVEN Flight Contacts DC21 on 301.60 (Duke Primary). RAVENS are at 13,500 and are coming up to 16,000. They want 2,000 Lbs Each. RAVEN 1 is 78-0720 and RAVEN 2 is 78-0719.
1039: RAVENs and DC are coordinating their join-up. Sounds like the RAVENS are using their VHF FM Low Band 41.95, picked up some brief comms. (BTW, this is the first I have picked anyone up on the VHF Low Band)
1040: When done the RAVENS will be departing the DUKE VFR and heading to R-5802 then back to KMTN. (301.60)
1044: RAVEN 2 to the Boom. (301.60)
1046: RAVEN 1 to the Boom. (301.60)
1047: RAVEN 1 Contact. (301.60)

1053: They must be wrapped up, I had to take a quick phone call and haven't heard anything for the last 3 or 4 minutes.

That's all I'll hear, I officially hand off the RAVENS to the rest of you gentlemen...
I believe the RAVENS entered the DUKE using the 291.650 (ZOB Bradford/Dubois) Freq. Didn't catch them on the usual 353.85 and had a quick hit on the 291.65.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Didn't have the radios on to catch the RAVENs heading out Dave. Fine job catching their activity in the Duke. At 1052, I'm also hearing MTN A-10s on tac 142.3 and probably them on Warren Grove Range 283.1. Not much otherwise...oops...someone setting up for refueling in W-386 on Giant Killer's 118.125 freq. The tanker is possibly a FUZZY or that's what it sounded like.

1055: The 142.3/283.1 Warren Grove activity is an AXEMAN flight from MTN. There are two AXEMAN A-10s and one WARDOG OA-10 in the flight.
1105: And the RAVEN flight is at Bollen Range (R-5802) on 237.2.
1110: Navy refueling freq 123.525 active.
1110: Sounds like ROMAN 35 entering Pax on Check-In freq 305.2. Callsign should make him an F/A-18 but the transmitter sound is wrong for that type.
1120: AXEMAN flight with Dover Approach 257.875 saying visibility is hazy and he can't see 3 miles. Heading for Swann a couple of minutes later.
1120: Several aircraft trying to contact Andrews on 141.55 and 378.1 and can't find anyone home. They include JOSA 217 and PAT 623 and a couple of others.
1125: AXEMAN flight with Raven Ops 347.2 reporting both Code 1...didn't hear WARDOG check in.
1127: Here he is...WARDOG 1 with Raven Ops 347.2...Code 1, 10 minutes out.
1143: PAT 693, IDs as an Army BE-20 giving arrival msg to Andrews 141.55...dropping off pax, wants no services and wants to get out of there quickly heading for Bradley (CT). The first six Space A pax welcome to jump aboard.
[BE-20 = Beechcraft Super King Air 200 twin-turboprop]

1100-1200 hour and beyond: I'm hearing what sounds like a test flight on the unauthorized 123.45 freq used for chat by some pilots. The aircraft identifies as N777NM and he mentioned making a turn over the Cambridge Airport which is the only firm location I've heard from him. The Landings Database doesn't return anything that would give an indication of his activity from his registration. He's also calling a ground station that I haven't been able to firmly dig out. It's just "?DBD? or ?DVD? Ground" that he calls or something close to that. I was going to stick with the freq until I got more but have to scoot so can't do it. If anyone comes up with anything firm, please post it.

Anyone know who CONDOR 1 is in the D.C. area? I keep hearing him on the DCA Helo Control freq 120.75 over the past week or so. Just heard him leaving Ft. Meade heading for Surburban.
[Edit] Got a reply via email that CONDOR is DC Police helicopter. Thanks Joe. (To go along with FALCON)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Hi guys,

Still settling in to the new job, so no logs during the day, only on the (so far grueling) commutes...

From yesterday morning:

1219Z 351.900 ZDC-Shen - BOGEY 99 (F-5 VFC-13, Fallon) - FL280 requesting dir FFO.
1216Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 235 () - deps ?.
1414Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474 MASD Andrews) - deps
2023Z 119.850 Potomac APP - LOBO 492 (pres. C-9) - on the arr. to ADW.

A couple from this morning:

1249Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - deps DAA QSY 126.65.
1300Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - NAVY 7C 159 (UC-12B 163844 NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - arr msg, last leg of am shuttle; req fuel 8 mins out, tail #3844.
1316Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 375 (C-37B 166375) - deps ADW.
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Jan 5, 2004
AR20 Primary 341.75 is active. FL210
REACH-4129 is one of the aircraft.
Tanker is 16 miles from the IP.

I don't know that they're going to AR20. Just that 341.75 is associated with that track. I could only hear the tanker and he was loud and clear.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just tuned it in after seeing your message Travis and that REACH 4129 is booming at my location. Incredible! Just heard the tanker which is fairly good also. Hard to believe they're in AR-20. Did they say they were there or are you just going by the freq? Heard the tanker's tail #86-0035 which makes him a KC=10A from the 305th AMW at McGuire.

1644: Have an F-16 flight up from Andrews on tac 139.15...sounds like a flight of two. Another flight on 143.15...callsigns ANGRY and SCARY (SCARY 139.15, ANGRY 143.15)
1645: FETTER 1 with Andrews Tower 118.4...transitioning along west side of field. (FETTER = helicopter)
1645: ANGRY flight with TRACON...and a SCARY flight also...348.725
1647: ANGRY flight to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then to Patuxent on 354.8 at 1651 where they check in at 15000 feet. Going to R-4006 for the next 45 minutes.
1657: ANGRY flight now with Pax on 270.8
1657: SCARY flight sounds like they are heading north...with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 and then over to Giant Killer on 255.0 where they say they'll be working in W-107 for the next 45 minutes MARSA with a WILD flight. SCARY is a flight of two.
1659: SCARY tells Giant Killer that they and WILD will be working on 337.225 once established.

1700: Looking for the WILD flight on 143.6 (logical choice)....and here they are at 1701 on 143.6
1703: WILD contacts SCARY on 139.15 to set up their flight plan once in W-107....WILD will be the Red flight and SCARY the Blue flight for ACM activity and then they'll switch off.
1703: ANGRY flight is doing ground attack at Pax and staying on 270.8 for their mission.
1707: WILD flight checks in at FL 210 with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45...four attempts, no reply.
1709: On fifth attempt, WILD makes contact with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45
1711: WILD flight handed to Giant Killer on 255.0 where they check in for mission A-0106 in W-107 to work with SCARY in common territory...they want surface to 50,000 feet. (wishful thinking)
ANGRY at Pax 143.15 tac and 270.8 work with FAC DARK CLOUD
SCARY at W-107 139.15 tac and 337.225 work
WILD at W-107 143.6 tac and 337.225 work

1734: MARINE 713 landing Andrews with Tower 118.4

1739: Freq 350.025 is active...just added this recently to my scan rotation and labeled it DHS Air Interdiction. Heard it is being used in other parts of the country. Nothing to firmly ID the activity yet....just a couple of quick transmissions. It's part of the same group we generally call Customs that includes 282.425. Other freqs with the same label I've added are 136.375, 308.35 and 376.075.
My full list of DHS and Customs freqs now looks like this:
136.3750 DHS AirInterdict (AM)
282.4250 DHS AirInterdict (AM)
308.3500 DHS AirInterdict (AM)
350.0250 DHS AirInterdict (AM)
376.0750 DHS AirInterdict (AM)
166.5875 Customs (FM)
166.4625 Customs (FM) (PL 100.0)
165.2375 Customs (RPTR) (FM) (PL 100.0)
165.7625 Customs (RPTR) (FM)
169.4500 Customs (RPTR) (FM)
165.7375 Customs (FM)

1749: PAT 618 calls Andrews Command Post umpteen times on 141.55 before making contact to give his arrival message....5 minutes out and needs a parking spot.
1759: SHOGUN 01 landing at Andrews with Tower 118.4 (Several units use this callsign but they are all fighters in my database and would more likely use UHF for landing so not sure who this might be.)

1805: SCARY flight ready to head for home from W-107....WILD should be right behind them. «139.15»
1805: ANGRY flight said they'd be leaving Pax in about 10 minutes. «143.15»
1812: ANGRY flight tells BayWatch on 354.8 they'll scoot out of there in 5 minutes.
1813: SCARY flight to SOF on 139.9 with mission results...both Code 1...6-9 minutes out. Flight leader sends his wingman to U-17 to get the ATIS report
1815: ANGRY with Pax 281.8 to check out of the area.
1815: ANGRY with ZDC for the trip home...currently with Kenton 354.15.
1817: ANGRY with SENATE SOF 139.9 with mission results.
1818: ANGRY flight handed off to 314.0 where they check in. (This has been a Pax freq in the past...not sure now.)
1819: SCARY handed off to TRACON 335.5 for approach to Andrews.
SCARY wingman appears to be new to this unit at Andrews. Chat indicates he's here from Richmond.
1821: Finally hearing from the WILD flight...tac 143.6 and ready to change to ZDC-Kenton 354.15. they do and are then handed off to TRACON (BWI) 317.425.
1823: ANGRY to ADW Tower for landing runway 19L. «349.0»
1827: SCARY flight landing runway 19L with ADW Tower 349.0
1829: WILD flight with TRACON (Reagan) 269.0 wanting vectors to runway 19L at Andrews and is handed off to TRACON 335.5 where they do that very thing.
1836: WILD to ADW Tower on 8 mile final for runway 19L «349.0» Two ship formation landing.

So all three flights are on the ground and it's time for a break. 'Till later. I reach for the "off" knob...I hear refueling on 228.0 with one being BOLAR 71 (C-5 Dover)....and more refueling on 238.9 with OPEC 29 (KC-10 McGuire)...and REACH 341 calling Dover CP on 134.1...and JOSA 371 (C-21, 40126) giving arrival msg to SAM Cmd on 141.55, dumping pax and taking on fuel, then heading back to Warner Robbins. And what sounds like an A-10 flight just taking off from MTN curerntly with Raven Ops on 143.8....and a DC tanker from Andrews with LIBERATOR on 351.2
And I don't care what else is up....I'm breaking.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2020: STEEL 72 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) on refueling freq 238.9 working with an unknown receiver.
2021: STEEL 72 with Giant Killer on 238.1 for a radio check. He reports at FL 210.
2055: F-16s off the deck at Andrews...ANGRY flight with TRACON 348.725 and on tac 143.15....just put NVGs on. Flight of two.
2058: ANGRY flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and check in there.
2059: ANGRY to Pax on 354.8 and check in at 15,000.

2100: ANGRY 1 reports to Pax they'll be working in the area for 50 minutes. «354.8»
2102: ANGRY says they'll be working with a ground FAC DARK CLOUD and asks for a discrete freq for their work. If he got one, he didn't repeat it so I'm not sure if they'll change freqs or not. «354.8»
2102: There's a BOXER 78 (201 ALS Andrews) doing touch and goes at Andrews with Tower on 118.4....been at it for at least the past 15 minutes.
2107: ANGRY flight makes contact with FAC DARK CLOUD on Pax freq 354.8. Looks like they'll stay here for their ops and use their tac 143.15 freq for chat as they set up their attacks.
The ANGRY flight is operating at the simulated Iraqi city around Vienna MD. It's the map overlay with the animals and trees for street names.
2118: Have a couple of pilots speaking what sounds like Arabic (or Farsi or Urdu for all I know) on the unofficial pilot's chat freq 123.45.
2124: And a WILD flight of F-16s airborne from Andrews...tac 139.15...SCARY flight also airborne and also on 139.15. Think the freq is for the SCARYs...WILD just talking to them. SCARY is a flight of three. (It's starting to look like there is no WILD flight - someone just made a mistake with his callsign.
2125: BOXER 78 still going around and around at Andrews 118.4
2130: JOSA 371 calls Andrews several times on 141.55 and gets no reply...finally transmits in the blind that he was airborne at 0126Z
2131: OPEC 29 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach 124.6 heading for McGuire.
2135: SCARY flight in ACM activity on their way to their destination. 139.15
2136: SCARY flight checks in as a flight of three with Giant Killer on 255.0 to work in W-107 for 45 minutes under mission number A-0206..
2142: SCARY flight talks about working on 337.225 but instead are told to use 312.3 by Giant Killer so off they go. «255.0»
2143: ANGRY flight asks DARK CLOUD to change freq to 270.8 and they go there and try to hook up.
2144: It didn't contact with DARK CLOUD on 270.8 so they go back to 354.8
2154: SCARY flight with simulated HUNTRESS intercepts in W-107. «139.15/312.3»
2155: And ANGRY still with DARK CLOUD at Pax but having a lot of trouble with the comms from the FAC who apparently has a bad transmitter. «143.15/354.8»

2203: DC 23 KC-135 tanker coming home to Andrews with LIBERATOR on 351.2. Says he'll be in the pattern for about 30 minutes.
2223: ANGRY flight done at Pax (out of ordnance) and looking for a tunnel to Andrews «354.8» ANGRY talks with DARK CLOUD about the comm problems.
2226: DC 23 in the pattern at Andrews...with Tower 118.4.
2228: SCARY 3 tells Giant Killer he'll be coming to him in about 5 minutes to RTB and then SCARY 1 and 2 would be a few minutes after that. «255.0»
2231: ANGRY flight with ADW Approach 335.5 to approach the field and runway 19L.
2231: SCARY 2 and 3 have moved tac freq to 143.6
2233: ANGRY flight giving mission results to SOF on 139.9...both aircraft are Code 1...down in 10 minutes.
2238: SCARY 3 with SOF 139.9...reports Code 1 but with minor problems...coming in as a single ship.
2240: ANGRY flight with ADW Tower 349.0 for landing...non-standard formation, 2-miles apart...for landing runway 19L.
2251: SCARY 1 and 2 to SENATE SOF on 139.9 with mission results...1 is Code 2 for SMS and 2 is Code 2 for landing lights. 10 minutes out.
2255: SCARY 1/2 flight with ZDC-Casino 285.4
2255: SCARY 3 with TRACON 269.5 as a single ship

2302: SCARY1/2 with TRACON 269.5 for approach to Andrews -- and still chatting on 139.15.
2302: SCARY 3 with ADW Tower for landing runway 19L
2307: SCARY 1/2 to ADW Tower 349.0 for landing.
And we've just about got all our F-16s on the ground. A debriefing and then they'll be on their way home before midnight.

(Ref Below) Mark, now that you mention it, I do seem to remember that. Thanks for the reminder. And taking another look at my callsign database, I found it where I entered it - one line off. The ID I have is as follows:
SHOGUN 01 C-20H 76th Airlift Sqdn, Ramstein AB Germany (Tail 92-0375)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote:
1759: SHOGUN 01 landing at Andrews with Tower 118.4 (Several units use this callsign but they are all fighters in my database and would more likely use UHF for landing so not sure who this might be.)

TIN I had this callsign a few weeks back as self id C-20 from Ramstein.
Thought I posted here but maybe I didn't...
Good hunting...

update: Rgr Tin those Scary's still at it this late hour offshore 312.300 and A/A 143.150.
Must be final flight exam intercept test.. :) Now someone else on 143.600/139.900 rtb? Long workout night!
Good tropo humid night,getting both sides of Dover tower 126.350 and appch 132.4250,BOLAR 71 and 73 both doing

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
CONDOR 1 is N911AS, an AS350 owned by the DC Metro Police. It's the one with the blue tail boom. 911AS took over the CONDOR callsign around March, or so - the other one is N911DC, also an AS350, which is painted like a DC police car, although I haven't seen that one since the new one came on line. FETTER is used for traffic reporting, mostly around the Beltway, although I seem to recall it's a Cessna 182.

Just one comm of note today, -120.1 (IAD Tower East)- 1845ish:
[Guard 692 has been cleared into the Class B surrounding IAD, and will return to Davison afterwards]
Tower: GUARD 692, are you in a state-of-the-art Blackhawk, or are you rocking the old-school Huey?
GUARD 692: We're flying the mighty Iroquois today.
[Tower then goes on to talk about how he "got out before the Blackhawks came in."]

Also, N777NM is a Cessna 414 (8-seat twin) that's based at BWI. He could very well be calling Signature Baltimore before arriving.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks for the CONDOR IDs. It's been a long time since I've heard the DC Police helos.

That N777NM wasn't talking with Signature. Whatever the ground station was, he kept flying the same pattern - away from the ground station for a few miles and then start a run toward him. He must have done that pattern a dozen times. It was "different." I think the ground station was filming him for whatever reason.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0948: Fighter tac freq 142.25 active...probably A-10s from Willow Grove.

1000: Warren Grove Range active. «283.1» (The Willow Grove A-10s?)
1005: AXEMAN flight (A-10 Martin State) reports airborne on the hour to Raven Ops «347.2»...then hear them on tac «142.3». It's a flight of two.
1005: Fighter tac freq «138.75» active. (This is a CT-ANG A-10 preset...guess these guys could also be the ones at Warren Grove.) They chat for about 10 minutes and then switch freqs and I lose them.
1012: Flight of F-16s from Richmond up on tac «141.875»...switch to ZDC-Blackstone «235.625» going up to FL 260. Callsign FURY.
1017: FURY 01 flight handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville «351.9» and request FL 280. ID as a flight of two.
1019: AXEMAN flight with Dover Approach «257.875»
1022: Fighter tac freq «138.425» active...NJ-ANG F-16s more than likely since this is one of their presets.
1022: The AXEMAN flight is playing around with all kinds of tac callsigns and authentications....right now they are WARDOG and IRISH WRISTWATCH....sounds like they're having fun with whatever they're doing. «142.3»
1025: U/I flight on FSS «255.4» announce they are entering VR-1709 A-D at 500 feet and below.
1027: Add NJ-ANG tac freq «138.875» to the active list.

So we've got MD/VA/NJ/PA and maybe CT Air National Guard units active within listening range. And I've got to run. Back later.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Hi guys,

One from this morning's commute. Will have my radio back in at work hopefully tomorrow...

1308Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 1204 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - arr msg, fuel and f-w parking, tail #264.
1310Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 1204 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - @ 6000' + req. ILS rwy 32. Told to QSY 118.95 and same comms there.
1316Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1204 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - lands rwy 32.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yes indeed...kind of interesting with the SCARY flight at Pax tonight. Jack posted the freqs above. They were doing simulated HUNTRESS intercepts of intruder aircraft. Amazing...they got their guy every time. ;) They are on the way home now (2205). Kind of nice to have this nighttime activity after so long. Guess no one wants to fly in that daytime 100 degree weather - although it was still in the low 90s at flight time tonight.

Had Air Force 1 landing at Andrews at 2114. «118.4» He landed just a few minutes after SAM 94 that was with him. Heard a NIGHTHAWK 8 coming into Andrews about 15 minutes before AF1. He probably turned into MARINE 1 a little later.

2223: OPEC 39 (KC-10A McGuire) to McGuire CP on 319.4 with arrival msg.
2230: Have another F-16 coming home to Andrews...thought I heard an ANGRY flight earlier along with the SCARY duo. This one is on SOF 139.9 giving mission results and states he's Code 1. Nope...he's another SCARY callsign - single ship. Switches to Tower 349.0 at 2034 for landing.
2238: Yes, there is an ANGRY flight too....he's now switching to ADW Tower for landing. «349.0»
2242: Have JOSA 697 trying to contact GRIFFIN Command at Andrews on both 141.55 and 378.1 with no results.
2244: JOSA 697 tries the JOSA Common freq «283.75» and has no luck there either.
2252: JOSA 697 trying to contact GRIFFIN Command again on 141.55. Still no joy.
2254: JOSA 697 now trying the VHF Andrews Dispatch freq «139.3» and has no better results there.
2255: BOLAR 73 (C-5 Dover) calling Dover CP «349.4»
2258: JOSA 697 (Home station C-21 84-0075) makes contact on 141.55 and gives arrival message. 10 minutes out. He mentions he's been trying to contact them. (Of course he did.)

2303: REACH 367T calling SAM Command «378.1/141.55» (X4 so far, no joy)
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Heard at IAD today:
1937: -141.55 (Griffin CP)- REACH 8017 (KC-135E 58-0017 seen) has 4 pax on board connecting to a Ramstein-bound C-17 in less than an hour, and would like to know if the second flight is on time.

Also around that general time had PAT 2404 asking for vectors to a visual approach to 32 at DAA and Navy 700 on climbout from ADW headed west.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0926: Have Warren Grove Range active on 283.1 and PA-ANG A-10s active on tac 143.75 which I believe are the same flight.
0935: CADE 11 flight (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) up with Harrisburg Approach 281.525 asking for direct Ravine. (Coming your way Dave.)
0941: Fighter tac freq 138.0 active. Someone working with BANDSAW. Not sure yet if this is simulated or they are really working with the AWACS. (This freq is usually associated with the ND-ANG F-16s when deployed to Langley - but Langley is out of service so I'm still trying to identify these aircraft.) The VHF freqs are extremely noisy this morning so it's difficult to understand a lot of the traffic on this freq since they are weak to begin with.
0947: Okay...have an ID on's SPIDER 41 and at least one other F-16 from ND-ANG. Either the runway at Langley is open again or they are deployed somewhere else in the area.
0948: CADE 01 (A-10 PA-ANG) at Bollen Range 237.2. They are talking to a ground controller (prob. FAC) WARCRAFT and say they'll be there for 45 minutes.
0949: HAWK 01 calling SAM Command 141.55 (Had a HAWK 1 ID as a C-21 shuttling between Langley and Andrews back on 5/12/06.)
0954: Raven Ops active on 347.2...must have an A-10 flight from MTN up somewhere...or about to go up.
0956: A-10s from MTN are indeed now up...and using low band FM freq 41.95 for tac/chat.

1001: HAWK 1 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then to Tower on 118.4 for landing.
1002: AXEMAN 1 flight (A-10 MTN) with Patuxent on 314.0
1002: A-10s from MTN on tac 142.3
1004: RAVEN 1 flight (A-10 MTN) with Raven Ops 143.8. (Not sure which of the two flights - RAVEN or AXEMAN is on 41.95 and which is 142.3.....I'll pick AXEMAN for 41.95 and RAVEN for 142.3 based on time of flight.)
1004: Believe it was the SPIDER flight just checked out of Giant Killer's area on 238.1...heading for HEELS at flight level 14,000......Confirm this is the SPIDER 41 flight. He mentions RTB but not to where. Waiting....
1008: SPIDER 41 and 42 with HUNTRESS on 228.9...say they have 1 hour of fuel and are RTB...both aircraft are Code 1.
1012: SPIDER 41 flight with Norfolk TRACON (East) on 370.925 and check in at 14,000....descending to 10,000 a couple of minutes later. (They've almost got to be heading for Langley or Richmond.)
1018: TESTER 14 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent River NAS) with Pax Approach on 250.3 coming from Dover and looking for approach to the field at Pax.
1019: JOSA 507 (C-21 84-0073) calls Andrews several times 141.55 with no contact...switches to 378.1 and makes contact as he's 5 minutes from landing. A-1.
1021: Leesburg Radio talking to a flight I can't hear on FSS 255.4 and mentions they're headed into VR-1709.
1023: U/I aircraft with a pilot with a heavy accent on 138.6. Unknown freq, unknown aircraft, unknown nationality. (Never heard another transmission from him.)
1033: CADE 01 tells the Bollen Range controller they finished at 1031 and are now going to switching weapons to "safe."
1033: WARDOG 1 (OA-10 MTN) with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and then ZDC-Casino 285.4 heading for R-5002 (Warren Grove Range).
1034: Guess the ZDC controller didn't understand R-5002 so WARDOG says he's heading direct Warren Grove. «285.4» Will remain at altitude 11,000.
1047: WARDOG at Warren Grove 283.1...should be other MTN A-10s with him.

1113: MAPLE 29 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 trying to check in.
1114: WARDOG and RAVEN A-10s still at Warren Grove...283.1 and tac 142.3
1115: MAPLE 29 requests direct Burlington «281.45»
1116: Aerial refueling freq 238.9 active (AR-636).
1127: MAPLE 29 calling in the blind to ZBW-Hampton 299.7. (I just added the closest Boston Center freqs to my rotation yesterday and here's the first call. In addition to this one I added ZBW-Rockdale 273.55 and ZBW-Delancey 388.8.)
1136: MUSSEL helos on freq 141.7..."Push Andrews button 4" but I don't hear them anywhere.
1138: One of the MTN A-10 flights coming both Code 1 to Raven Ops 347.2 (Should be the RAVEN flight.)
1141: WARDOG with Dover Approach 257.875.
1144: Refueling freq 238.9 of them is TOPCAT 03 (KC135R McGuire). The other is SENTRY 05 (E3B/C Tinker AFB OK). SENTRY says he's at FL 280 and is 5 minutes late. They mention Giant Killer's 118.125 freq.
1146: The A-10 pair coming home to MTN is the RAVEN with Tower 297.2 for landing.
1149: SENTRY 05 enters Giant Killer's area on 118.125. (118.125 generally for the W-72 area)
1151: GOLIATH (E-3B/C) calling Giant Killer 118.125.
1152: SAM Interplane freq 136.725 active...perhaps AF 1 and lead plane.....The lead is SAM 94.
1156: TOPCAT 03 setting up refueling parameters with GOLIATH (SENTRY 05). 238.9 (GOLIATH=back end, SENTRY=front end callsigns)

1230: U/I fighter activity on 139.6
1245: THUG 01 (C-17 probably heading for McGuire - same with THUG 02 below) with ACY Approach 124.6 reporting at 10,000 feet.
1248: PAT 26 with ACY Approach 124.5 reporting at 8000 feet.
1251: PAT 26 heading down to 5000 feet. «124.6»
1256: THUG 02 at 8000....heading for 5000 feet....with ACY Approach 124.6

1312: PAT 48 to FSS on 255.4 to report he left the Aberdeen Proving Grounds VIP pad at 1235 local. (and then mumbles his way to oblivion)
1332: BARON 13 (U/I) with ZDC-Casino on VHF 127.7 which could make him a KC-135 from Nellis AFB.
1334: FLIGHT CHECK 70 to ZDC-Casino 127.7 to report he's flying a 20 mile orbit around Atlantic City today and part of that track will take him through R-5002 (Warren Grove Range) airspace. He wants to know if R-5002 is "hot." Not sure of the reply but he apparently got an answer he didn't like and says he'll have to step around that area then. I'm not currently hearing any activity at Warren Grove but this probably means someone will be there in the near future today. (Not sure who this FLIGHT CHECK aircraft is [probably FAA] but I've been hearing him with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 several times over the past couple of weeks.)
1339: Navy SD 405 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Montebello 284.7 reporting at FL 210 and wants pilot's discretion to descend to 16000 and cancel IFR
1342: SD 405 reports at 16000, cancelling IFR and waves goodbye. «284.7»
1343: Navy SD 405 calling Leesburg Radio a couple of times with no joy on FSS freq 255.4
1344: Fighter tac freq 140.2 active. This is normally a preset for the A-10s from the CT-ANG Bradley. And the fact that I'm hearing them must mean they are going to Warren Grove Range. What a coincidence.
1345: Warren Grove Range active on 283.1...same guys from 140.2 but no callsign heard.
1348: A-10s off the deck at Martin airborne at 45 after the hour...142.3 tac and with Raven Ops on 347.2
1350: Bluegrass Control freq 241.0 active. Have a FLIGHT 9 calling MuirTower. His whole transmission - twice - was..."Muir Tower, this is FLIGHT 9 on UHF."
1354: Now have FLIGHT 9 calling BATON Ops (193d SOG Harrisburg) on 395.1 to say he's inbound to Muir Army Airfield, 30 minutes from touchdown, tail number 7773, wants Baton Ops to tell maintenance and anyone else that wants to know about his arrival. Says he's A-4. (Yes, Alpha-4, which must be his rank -Major- and not his maintenance status.)
1356: FLIGHT 9 calling Muir Tower on 241.0
Muir Army Airfield is at Ft. Indiantown Gap PA
1358: RAVEN flight from MTN calling Any Radio on FSS 255.4 (and then fades and becomes too weak to copy.) No doubt headed into a low level flight route - maybe VR-1709.

1400-03: FLIGHT 9 calling Muir Tower several times on 241.0 and still gets no reply.
(Just looked it up and the Tower freqs for Muir Army Airfield are 126.2 and 241.0 so nothing unusual about his freq selection. It does seem unusual that both Bluegrass Control and Muir AAF would use the same freq being so close together.) If the full tail number is 63-7773 he could be a C-130 although the 4000 foot runway at Muir is kind of short for a C-130 other than under combat landing conditions.
Muir Army Airfield = KMUI

And now that the temperature is pushing 100 degrees, it has gotten very quiet on the MilAir freqs. Break time...continued below upon return.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1430: Chat on aerial refueling freq 365.7. They mention something about runway 32.
1431: NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac freq 138.425.
1435: Have fighters on 300.125 which is set aside for F-15s as far as I know. They sound distant. (Remember we've got a GOLIATH AWACS in the area today - probably operating in W-72 or even farther south.)
1439: Have a MUSSEL helo on 141.7 talking about not being able to contact WHEELHOUSE (Pentagon) on the secondary freq. (As far as I know, the WHEELHOUSE freqs should be 287.6 and 393.5. I just mentioned to Tony this morning I was going to add them to my scan rotation but haven't yet.)
1444: The fighters on 300.125 are a flight of four....still no callsigns. These guys could be out of Shaw or even our displaced Langley F-15s operating from Savannah that came somewhat north to work.
1446: Flight of four F-16s checks in with FSS on 255.4 to announce entering a low level route (too weak to copy)...all I heard was at 450 feet. (These are probably the NJ-ANG fighters from 138.425 which also got very weak.)
1457: MTN A-10s active on 142.3 and it also sounds like them at Warren Grove Range 283.1
1458: Navy SD 122, flight of two, with ZDC-Montebello 284.7 at FL 210.
1459: Navy SD 122 flight handed off to ZDC-Azalea 263.1...leaving FL 210 for 175.

1509: Navy SD 534 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Calvert 15000 climbing to FL 200.
1510: SD 534 level at 200 «281.4»
1513: SALTY DOG 534 handed off to ZDC-Franklin on 132.025 and checks in at FL 200.
1525: The temp at BWI is an even 100 degrees and not a shower in sight on the radar to cool things down.
1538: AXEMAN, flight of two A-10s landing runway 33 at Martin State with Tower on 297.2 after checking in with Raven Ops on 347.2
1538: Pair of RAVENs (A-10s) and a WARDOG (OA-10) chatting on tac 142.3
1544: WARDOG 1 landing Martin State with Tower 297.2
1544: RAVEN, flight of two, 17 miles to the southeast approach Martin State for landing 297.2
1546: PAT 821 with ZDC-Sea Isle 133.125 reports climbing to FL 270
1546: SALTY DOG 121 with Pax on 281.8
1548: RAVEN flight reports gear down, low approach to the runway at MTN «297.2»

Besby Holmes Dies. Don't know who he was? Go here...,13319,107660,00.html?

And this shameful thing happened in Bethesda...
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
FLIGHT CHECK 70 would almost certainly be King Air 300 N70, which opb the FAA to calibrate navigational aids, and such. Given that ACY is the one of the major FAA bases on the East Coast, it's certainly not odd to hear.

Also, I believe Langley is back open again. If not, the Langley AFB Flying Club Baron that I saw at IAD on Tuesday and was cleared back there might be circling for a while!
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