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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
n3bxv said:
push "51.50" says Five one dot five zero

Boy is THAT rare! I know that many mil radios can actually go into the low end of the 6 meter ham band but this is the first in a very long time anyone has actually been sent there, that I know of.

6 meters is so lightly used in this area I doubt many folks would know that this even happened. Good catch. 73s Mike


Jan 5, 2004
There must be a MUSSELL or NIGHTHAWK flight flying around. Air traffic just cleared Mt. Weather according to their dispatch, but I haven't heard the aircraft. I am now certain that "Signal-3" means a helicopter.

And as soon as I posted that someone comes up on the MUSSELL CONTROL freq 292.2 and reports "Ops normal" and some other stuff too hard to hear.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
freqhopping said:
There must be a MUSSELL or NIGHTHAWK flight flying around. Air traffic just cleared Mt. Weather according to their dispatch, but I haven't heard the aircraft. I am now certain that "Signal-3" means a helicopter.
Both MUSSEL 02 and NIGHTHAWK 08 were up earlier...

at around 2210/0210z Mussel 02 checked back in with Mussel Control...
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Jan 21, 2003
I must have seen one of the Mussell flights heading north along I-95 from through Laurel and into Howard County. It was louder than the helos I'm used to hearing (Trooper 8 for ex) and it had a very bright flashing red light. Unfortunately my radio was not handy.


Jan 5, 2004
SCARY-1 is currently on 139.9 with the SOF. Upon take-off tower told him that they saw what may have been a rag fall from his plane. SCARY has asked the ground crew to check to see what it was. He then said that if it was a rag, then he probably shouldn't be flying it. :eek:


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1908: ANGRY and BULLY flights of two F-16s each are heading north again this evening. ANGRY on tac 139.15 and BULLY on 143.6.
ANGRY is about 5 minutes ahead of the BULLY flight. Picked them up with ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125, to ZNY-Philipsburg 306.2 where they both still are at 1922. Haven't heard them specifically mention Fort Drum but it sure looks like that's where they're headed.
1923: ANGRY 11 flight to ZNY-Milton 269.1 at flight level 270. BULLY on this freq at 1925.
1927: ANGRY flight request to turn left 30 degrees to head to the Falcon MOA. «269.1» They are handed off to freq 327.6 where they call New York Center, have no joy, so back to 269.1 for a new freq and get ZNY-Elmira 298.9 where they check in and again request the left 30 degree turn to hit the Falcon MOA and say they're going to AR-609.
NOTE: 327.6 is yet another new ZNY freq
1929: BULLY flight checking in with ZNY-Milton 269.1 at flight level 270.
1931: BULLY flight handed off to ZNY-Elmira 298.9 where they check in at FL 270. (Both flights fade out at this stop. Heard the BULLY flight handed off about 4 minutes after checking in but they were too weak to copy their next handoff freq.)
1938: The SAM Interplane freq 136.725 has been active for the past few minutes.
The FALCON MOA is located north of Syracuse NY right at the Candian border and often called AKS1.
NOTE: I was mistaken yesterday when I said 273.6 was a new freq for ZNY. It's an old freq for Stoneyfork Sector 49. I had it programmed all along. (where's the smiley face for blushing?) The 327.6 freq from this evening is a new one though. But if you look at the most recent LTA for ZNY, there is no Sector between Milton and Elmira other than Stoneyfork on the high level map so no telling who it might belong to...unless the Stoneyfork freq has changed between last night and tonight.
1955: Have a couple of aircraft on the tanker interplane freq 139.875 talking about refueling in altitude block 250-270. No callsigns heard but did hear an OPEC 38 here a bit earlier. He was talking to OPEC 78 who I heard return to McGuire thru ACY on 124.6.

(Ref below): Yes, I heard them mention the Hancock clearance too when on 227.125 Hagerstown but forgot to type it in. Appreciate you posting it. Anyway, we finally got a destination to AR-609 and the FALCON MOA near Fort Drum/Syracuse. Air Force 1 should have been up (TFR posted last night) for his trip to Charlston WV. I've heard the lead and chase planes on the interplane freq but not the big guy himself.
The FAA's Graphic TFR page is here:
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Jan 20, 2006
Hagerstown, Md

Hey Tin, I just heard them also ZDC <227.150> cleared them direct HANCOCK, which is in New York, just after they passed JERES. He handed them off on 270.3 and up to FL290. If I'm not mistaken I heard AF1 about 15 mins ago just before the activity with ANGRY 11. What is the web page for the NOTAMS that Vschlitz references...?

Thanks.....didn't catch the frequency with the mention of AF1, it just caught my ear setting here at the desk.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Managed a few earlier this afternoon while at IAD using the PRO-2055...


1839Z 136.725 SAM Interplane - JOSA 713 (C-21A 84-0077) - enquiring abt the ramp freeze.
1842Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 713 (C-21A 84-0077) - arr ms and one med pax on board.
1843Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A (97)-1944) - dir JASEN on the arrival 13000' to 11000' QSY 119.85 and req ILS 19R at ADW.
1853Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - JOSA 713 (C-21A 84-0077) - dir JASEN then dir MANNE resume the arrival. Cross ELDEE @ 8000'.
1854Z 364.200 ZDC-HUNTRESS - "this is NORTHERN LIGHTS read you LC".

1907Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 985 (C-21A 84-0088) - arr msg no pax 25 mins out.
1916Z 349.400 Dover CP - REACH 9013 (C-5A 69-0013 337th AS AFRC) - ETA 1935Z five pax no cargo req parking status A2.
1938Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 (C-12T Davison) - deps DAA.
1938Z 227.125 ZDC-Hagerstown - SCARY 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - 17000' for 190.
1940Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - JOSA 363 (C-21A) - 13000' for 17000'. Then on 141.55 with GRIFFIN CP requesting delay code due ramp freeze. Response, "great, you guys ROCK, see ya." :cool:
1945Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - EVAC 119 (C-12A 84-0119) - t/off time ADW 1940Z pass to Scott CP.
1948Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - EVAC 119 (C-21A 84-0119) - dir LDN @ 17000' QSY 120.65.
2001Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 467 (?) - lands rwy 14.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Tony said:
1854Z 364.200 ZDC-HUNTRESS - "this is NORTHERN LIGHTS read you LC".

That's interesting Tony. Since NORTHERN LIGHTS is presumably a ground station, it almost sounds like you were hearing him transmitting from an antenna somewhere near you, possibly at IAD.

2121: OPEC 38 (KC-10A McGuire) checks in with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 at 8000 feet. Requests direct Coyle and gets direct McGuire instead.
2131: Another tanker...think it was OPEC 46 direct McGuire after checking in with ACY 124.6.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Some evening logs..

REACH 298 arrive Andrews 1645z,req 145k fuel.
OPEC 78 KC-10 #83-0082 arrive McGuire 2305z
REACH 2107 C-17 depart Dover 2315z
REACH 0445 C-5 depart Dover 2335z
CANFORCE 3053 prob Canadian Challenger jet arrive Andrews,req customs.

RAF pilot is now Langley F-22 Raptor certified.
In case we hear a British accent in the offshore areas with the Langley F-22's



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Angry flight up from ADW with Potomac <257.2>
A/A <139.15> Weather Recall, Thunderstorms in Syracuse
Bully-1 up with SOF as well <139.9><234.8>
Bully1 up with Potomac <257.2> , cancel flight plan, unable to go up to Syracuse, going to try to work 4006 A/A 143.15
Bully1 with Potomac<269.5> looking for direct PAX.
2318z/1918 One of the Angry birds having VHF problems, working SOF on Uniform acknowledges Weather Recall<234.8>
Bully11, with ZDC Calvert on <281.4>.. Trying to get into 4006, but not getting into due to thunderstorms. Holding and working with SOF trying to get into W107(Giant Killer)
Angry11 joins friends on ZDC Calvert <281.4> A/a 139.15 Bully and Angry discuss not getting into 4006... Everyone holding and working to get into W107
Bully with ZDC Calvert<281.4> Request direct Paleo and then Sea Isle to W107, Everyone pushes V-07(143.15) to work things out
2335z /1935
Bully and Angry push to <354.15> ZDC-Kenton (changed and I missed, but entered w107)
A/A 143.15 Angry and Bully agree that <337.225> is common fight freq
2345 <255.0> Bully 11 checks into W107 with Giantkiller
Bully and Angry planning on spending 15mins(until 0000z/2000) then returning to KADW.

2352Z NIGHTMARE and COCHISE on <319.4>(should be McGuire CP) asking about "Time on Target" "how much VFR Traffic? Time of Run will be 3 mins. "Cleared in, on our way" "Tybee" "Vectors to 19, ILS" "
<385.9>Crab 56 with Crab ops, Departure from KMTN

0009z/2009 Bullys and Angrys quit playing and push back to <255.0> A/A 143.15 Discussing that Controller thinks the two flights are MARSA and she's a bit confused, so they join up to be MARSA

0016z Bully MARSA with Angry Flight of 4 check in with ZDC Sea Isle<285.4> Cleared direct Nottingham-Andews, Everyone to A/A 143.15
0023Z Push <354.15> with ZDC- Kenton
0026Z Push to Potomac TRACON <317.425> Non Standard 6 Mile Trail for Bully 11 Marsa Angry...
0026 Bully/Angry with POTOMAC TRACON <270.275> Apparently no Answer
Switch to <355.5> with Potomac TRACON, vectors to KADW
Bully 1 Reports to SOF<139.9> "We're getting vectored all over waiting for traffic to land"
Potomac finally clears them to ILS 19r at KADW <355.5>
0038z/2038 Bully/Angry with KADW Tower <349.0> For Landing.

Whew! Done for a while...
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
ANGRY 1+2 also now on ZDC Hagerstown 227.1250

ANGRYS all over tonite avoiding weather,pop up storms here in Cecil.

a few freqs heard..

227.1250 ZDC
269.500 Pot appch
281.400 Pax River
285.400 Sea Isle
317.4250 Pot appch
335.500 BULLIES landing.

Also caught COCHISE and NIGHTMARE holding over Delaware Bay at Tidy setting up for landing
runway 19 which is probably Dover.

Scan the VHF air band,civilian aircraft deviating all over the place.Had a few inbound BWI banking left over my house
at 8-10k and Philly also busy.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Chuck said:
2352Z NIGHTMARE and COCHISE on <319.4>(should be McGuire CP) asking about "Time on Target" "how much VFR Traffic? Time of Run will be 3 mins. "Cleared in, on our way" "Tybee" "Vectors to 19, ILS"

I've been parked on that listening too Chuck. I think the NIGHTMARE/COCHISE are pilot nicknames rather than callsigns. COCHISE gave his callsign one time and I missed it. His suffix is 76.
TYBEE is in Georgia.
TIBEE is in Wisconsin
(And thanks for the TIDY ID Mark.) TIDEY 39-11-53.050N / 075-17-38.410W (DELAWARE)

2058: DC 44 (KC-135R Andrews) with Andrews Metro 344.6 checking on thunderstorms coming into the area. Wants to know when they'll hit. Say DC-44 will be be around Andrews at 0130Z. The storms will not be in the Andrews area before his proposed landing.
2104: DC 44 to LIBERATOR on squadron freq 351.2...will be in the pattern and land at 0130Z, is A-1 and should have around 36K on the gas when landing.
2104: AR-636 primary 238.9 active.
2106: DC 43 also with LIBERATOR to report arriving 0130Z. «351.2» 43 also lets 44 know he owes them a beer upon landing.
2112: DC 43 to Andrews Metro 344.6 to ask about the storm to the northwest of Andrews.
2114: JOSA 681 (C-21 40120) to SAM Command with arrival msg...dropping off pax on Navy side, then back to Andrews side for gas...wants to get out in 45-60 minutes but might not be able to get back to Wright-Patterson tonight. «141.55»
2114: DC 44 with ADW Tower 118.4 reports gear down.
Does look like a boomer about to hit our area according to radar
2120: OPEC 49 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY on 124.6 heading down to 7000...asking about the thunderstorm on his radar off to the west. Heard OPEC 49 a couple of minutes earlier with McGuire Metro on 239.8 also asking about this storm.
2122: CRAB 56 (C-130J MD-ANG) with Phillips AAF Tower 126.15.
2122: OPEC 49 back with McGuire Metro on 239.8 asking about McGuire wx.
2127: OPEC 49 doesn't think he can make it to McGuire through the storms...says he's thinking of stopping at Atlantic City and waiting out the storm. «124.6»
2131: CRAB 56 still calling Phillips on 126.15 but no one seems to be home.
2142: JOSA 633 calling Andrews Metro on 344.6 the past couple of joy.
2148: JOSA 633 makes contact with Metro and gets wx report for the area...heading to Andrews via ELDEE. Should be at Andrews in 10 minutes and miss the storms. «344.6»

2201: JOSA 633 (C-21 84-0129) arrival message to Andrews. Dropping off an R-4 plus2 and two Space A pax. «141.55»
2209: JOSA 633 landing Andrews «118.4»
2217: Have a tanker (probably an OPEC) talking to OPEC 49 on the ground at Atlantic City on the interplane freq 139.875. They're talking about the thunderstorms around McGuire.
2220: U/I aircraft with ZNY-Elmira 298.9 reporting at FL 170. (Still on this freq at 2227 but is unreadable.)
2221: CAN DO 02 to Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 wanting to know the wx for making the trip from Dover to McGuire...says he's presently 50 miles west of Woodstown. (Heard this callsign once before - CAN DO 01, Tail 03-3126 landing Langley 1/18/06. That one was a C-17.)
2226: Have that tanker chatting again on interplane 139.875...says he expects to be at McGuire around 0300-0315Z...will take his time and is around Norfolk at the present time.
2244: CAN DO 02 to McGuire CP on 319.4 with arrival the blocks at 0300Z (15 out), A-2 maintenance status.
2248: VENUS 26 with ADW Tower 118.4 doing a touch and go before landing.

2300: OPEC 48 Heavy with ACY Approach 124.8 heading down to 8000...wants wx at ACY since McGuire is "Struggling with wx right now."
2300: VENUS 26 landing ADW. «118.4»
2302: BOLAR 72 (C-5 Dover) calling Dover CP. «349.4»
2303: OPEC 48 getting wx from ACY...agrees his radar shows the same as ground radar...cells on both sides of him. «124.6»
Radar's currently showing rain covering this entire area. Not a drop has fallen at my location but radar shows me covered in green. Harford County seems to be getting hit the hardest at the moment.
2307: BOLAR 72 still calling Dover CP. «349.4» No joy. Still trying at 2311 and 2314.
2318: BOLAR 72 finally makes contact with Dover...15 minutes out, 100 percent training completed, A-2 for a couple of minor writeups.

The VHF freq we often hear the OMAHA aircraft patched to has been very interesting the past couple of days, including tonight. That's all I'm saying.
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Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
The VHF freq we often hear the OMAHA aircraft patched to has been very interesting the past couple of days, including tonight. That's all I'm saying.

I know what you're saying. :wink:


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
The VHF freq we often hear the OMAHA aircraft patched to has been very interesting the past couple of days, including tonight. That's all I'm saying.

For the first time in a long time, I saw both of the OMAHA Blackhawks flying around the DCA area this afternoon. From radio calls on -120.75- (DCA Tower Helicopter), the operational range went all the way from the Wilson Bridge to the Beltway near Greenbelt. I didn't see either of the Citations, although I was only there for an hour, or so, this afternoon. N26494 looked like it was being prepped for flight around 0800 on Wednesday morning. There's also been an unusual amount of helicopter activity over NW DC all week, although not tonight (distant lightning, but no rain so far).

Now that I've posted, nothing too special this afternoon -
1659: -349.0 (ADW Tower)- BULLY 1, flight of 2, for a straight in approach, landing 1+1.
1712: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- SAM 0466 departed, vectors to LDN and up to 17K
1718: -118.95- SAM 0513 departed, vectored towards the north
1736: -351.2 (Liberator CP)- "We'll be leaving 1 tanker behind, if you could pass the message on to Charleston"


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
A few from yesterday afternoon before "tire hell"...:cool:


1439Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 21 (the usual) - lands rwy 14.
1453Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 02 () - deps ADW to 9000' QSY 118.67/120.65.

1510Z 133.100 Manassas TWR - COYOTE 33 (UH-1N 158281 HMLA-775 Det. A.) - lands Dulles Av. ramp.
1544Z 141.500 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - TREND 01 (C-21A) - dep msg.
1547Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - TREND 01 (C-21A) - 13000 to 17000' QSY 120.65.
1549Z 119.850 Potomac APP - COAST GUARD 102 (C-143A 02) - cross ELDEE @ 8000'.

1614Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BRS2465 (C-130H FAB2465 Brasilian AF) - deps ADW QSY 135.4.
1616Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 MASD Andrews) - deps ADW QSY 123.82.
1617Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - EVAC 38872 (KC-135R 136th ARS NY ANG) - deps ADW QSY 120.65.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0845: Couple of tankers on interplane «139.875». No callsigns...suffix 50 and 51 only.
0851: ROCCO 81 (KC-135R McGuire) on squadron freq «303.0» with arrival message.

0935: Flight of four F-16s from VA-ANG Richmond up on tac 141.825...enter Giant Killer's area on «238.1» and announce «391.2» as their ops freq. The four split into two groups of two and the second pair went to V-18 which turned out to be «141.6» for tac.
0940: Pair of A-10s from Martin State up on low band FM freq «41.95»
0952: Finally found the A-10s....RAVEN, flight of two A-10s, calling "Any Radio" on FSS «255.4» to announce entry into VR-705 A-E, flying at 500 feet, 300 knots.
VR-705 Point A=N40-03-00/W77-16-00
VR 705 Point E=N41-15-50/W77-54-30
The 193rd SOG at Harrisburg schedules this route.

1000: Northrup Grumman test flight freqs 123.2 and 123.225 both active.
1020: Richmond F-16s going home...cleared out of GK's area and are with Norfolk TRACON «370.925» Callsign TBOLT 11 for the flight.
1020: Activity on refueling freq 228.0. No callsigns - just chat.
1027: Warren Grove Range active «283.1» Unknown unit. Their tac freq is «140.2»
1030: Navy SD 320 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Calvert «281.4» at FL 220.
SALTY DOG=Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 [VX-23] Patuxent River NAS
1034: Northrup Grumman aircraft are calling each other DRAGON 1 and DRAGON 2. «123.2» (They've done this in the past.)
1037: SODA 66 calling Navy Ops on Andrews Navy PTD «386.8» No joy after several calls.
Only SODA in my database is KC-135, 134th ARW TN-ANG Knoxville
1041: AR-636 Primary «238.9» active. One of the aircraft from that freq goes to....
1042: Giant Killer on «249.8», IDs as JEDI 11 and reports direct Snow Hill at FL 260. (Not sure on ID since so many units use the JEDI callsign. Sounds like a fighter though.) [Turns out to be an F-22A. JEDI is a confirmed F-22A callsign for Langley from the 27th FS.]
1048: JEDI 11 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury «257.7» and checks in there at FL 260. Requests direct Salisbury, Smyrna, Lancaster....cleared to FL 270 at 1050.
1048: RAVEN flight checks onto Warren Grove Range «283.1», IDs as a flight of two. They're using «142.3» for tac now.
1052: JEDI 11 handed off to ZDC-Coyle «254.3» and checks in at FL 270.
1054: JEDI 11 requests turn to 030 degrees and direct Lancaster when able. «254.3»
1057: JEDI 11 cleared direct Lancaster. «254.3»
1057: JEDI 11 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown «363.0» and checks in at FL 270...three times, no reply. Goes back to 254.3 to complain about it. He's sent right back and checks in again and gets a response. Guess the controller at Coyle woke him up.

1102: JEDI 11 handed off to ZNY-Westminster «323.3». Checks in and says he requests the Lancaster 195 radial for 15 miles. He's doing a funeral flyover and requests delay for 20 minutes there. Wants to cancel IFR flight plan and then pick up a flight following once done with his flyover.
1105: JEDI 11 cleared from FL 270 down to 200. Also hear him talking to someone on Langley tac 233.525. Let's call him an F-22A from the 27th FS at Langley, currently deployed to Oceana NAS
1106: JEDI 11 handed to ZNY-Modena «335.6» where he checks in and repeats the message about the funeral flyover. Turning to course 100. Says he can get lower in a hurry if necessary. He wants to get below the weather and then cancel his IFR flight plan. Says initially he'll be down at 5500 feet. Cleared now to 12,000.
1110: JEDI 11 wants lower...still in the wx at 12000....gets 9000. «335.6» Says his flight will head for home after the flyover. I missed the name of the town in PA...was Mount something..maybe Mount Devon. Mentions going home to Oceana when done here which should further confirm ID of F-22A.
1110: JEDI 11 is a flight of two F-22A aircraft....on tac «233.525» he's talking to VOODOO which is also a good Langley callsign. Can't hear VOODOO though...might be controller on the ground at the cemetery location
1111: JEDI 11 cleared off the ZNY freq and I missed the push freq if he gave it although I think he just cleared off with ZNY to go to his tac freq....he's now talking with VOODOO who is on the ground...using tac «233.525»
1114: JEDI 11 reports overhead now to VOODOO. «233.525» Talking about landmarks on the ground to get his bearings for the flyover.
1117: JEDI 11 wants to know if he's flying too low. "Is everyone looking up?" Says he'll do another pass and then clear out. «233.525» Hearing the JEDI flight no matter how low he goes. Those F-22As have such beautiful transmitters.
1118: Refueling freq «365.7» active. (But following JEDI 11 too closely to listen to them.)
1119: Navy SD 320 with ZDC-Irons «360.85» leaving 19000 for 11000.
1120: Navy SD 320 handed off to ZDC-Calvert «281.4» again where he checks in at 12000, heading for 11000...says he's going to restricted area R-4006 and wants 11,500 to enter there. Says he has a freq of 354.8 to switch to.
1121: JEDI reports he was tally all. «233.525» (It's amazing...JEDI is practically on the ground in Pennsylvania and is still perfectly readable.) I guess VOODOO is the ground coordinator - the same part DRAGO 02 plays for Arlington National Cemetery flyovers.
1125: JEDI 11 tells VOODOO they have about 40 minutes (fuel remaining). «233.525» He told ZNY earlier his delay would be for 20 minutes in the area of the flyover.
1128: JEDI 11 says he's 5-10 miles to the north-northwest of VOODOO's position. «233.525». Apparently, he's also talking to a Lancaster area controller. I don't have that in the rotation so am not hearing it.
1130: The RAVEN A-10 flight is still working Warren Grove Range and yakking on tac «142.3» Lots of yak.
1131: JEDI 11 says "8 to 10 mikes" (Guess he means how long he can stay on station.) «233.525» He asks VOODOO to give him a call when something ends.
1134: JEDI 1 to VOODOO for radio check....says he's 12 miles north and wondered if he could still hear him. «233.525»
1136: Apparently, the earlier passes were just practice and that's why he asked if he was too low at that time. Says he's "just hanging around wherever"...currently 7-12 miles north. Getting ready to make the real flyover. «233.525»
1137: RAVEN pair coming home...both report Code 1 for call in to Raven Ops. «142.3»
1138: JEDI says, "we're turning inbound now...2 plus 4 but we can change that." «233.525»...inbound 1 plus 48...1 plus 40 (these are time countdowns)....1 plus 20.
1140: ANGRY 1 flight (F-16 Andrews) with ZDC-Kenton «354.15» at 17,000 feet. Not sure if he's headed out or coming back from the Syracuse FOL. requests direct Atlantic City radial.
1142: JEDI done and pulling out..."see you later. I'll give you a call." «233.525»
1144: ANGRY on tac freq «139.625» "See you in a few." (this freq belongs to COBRA SOF at Syracuse) Guess they're heading out.
1145: JEDI 11 flight back with ZNY-Modena «335.6» climbing back to altitude.
1146: JEDI on tac «233.525» asking how each other thought it went. Wingman says "it was bumpy as s**t."
1147: JEDI 11 handed to ZDC-Swann «360.7» where they check in at FL 200. Request direct Oceana or Norfolk when able. Swann tells him to standby...he'll do that right now.
1149: RAVEN flight landing with MTN Tower «297.2»
1149: ANGRY asking Syracuse COBRA SOF if they have anyone scheduled for the range after 1615Z «139.625» There is also a SCARY flight headed north on tac «143.15»
1151: JEDI mention DC off to their 2 o'clock position. «233.525»
1153: JEDI handed off to ZDC-Calvert «281.4 where they check in at FL 200. Swann told them Calvert would handle their request.
1154: SCARY flight headed to W-107 and check in with Giant Killer on «255.0» Say they'll be using the airspace below 6000 feet. (Won't hear too much from them I guess.)
1155: JEDI 11 flight cleared down to 19000 feet. «281.4»
1156: JEDI 11 cleared down to 17000 feet. «281.4»
1157: JOSA 935 reports takeoff time as 1555Z and delay was due to maintenance. «141.55»
1157: JEDI 11 cleared down to 14000 «281.4»
1158: TALON 91 to ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» requests direct Sea Isle. (Not enough info to ID TALON. Many units use that callsign.)
1158: JEDI 11 cleared direct Oceana «281.4»
1159: JEDI 11 cleared down to 10000 feet. «281.4»

1201: JEDI 11 flight with Norfolk TRACON «370.925»
1202: JEDI 11 flight on tac «233.525» and fade away.
1207: TALON 91 handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle «281.45» where he checks in. Requesting direct Barnes (MA) when able.

All is quiet now...SCARY still up in W-107, TALON 91 heading for Barnes and that's about it. Time for a break.

(Ref below): Excellent catch Dave. I was wondering if they'd go that way. When they use that low band tac freq, they slip right out of MTN without getting caught unless they happen to say something when very close by. Is that 293.7 a STEEL interplane freq? That's the way I labeled it in my rotation but wasn't sure of it. And Duke's secondary freq is ????? Memory failure here.
Thanks Dave.
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Nov 3, 2005
Good Morning Tin and All,
At 1000: Have STEEL 11 and 12 in the DUKE MOA. I am sure the two RAVENS will be up working with them after they finish the VR-705 route. STEELS are air to air on 293.70 and 301.60. Thanks for the low band freq, I'll see if I can get anything up here.
1015: RAVEN 1 contacts Cleveland Center on 353.85. They are now at 17,500, will drop to below 15,500 and are clear to enter.
1032: Sounds like they're done refuelling...that was quick.
1037: RAVENS contact Cleveland Center on 353.85 and request IFR Clearance Direct RAVINE.
1038: Sounded like they mentioned R-5802. If it is raining there as bad as it is here right now I don't think they will have too much play time.

Ref Above: STEEL Interplane is 293.70. DUKE Secondary is 259.40.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
But before taking that break....
1213: TEAM 15 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post «319.4» Couple of calls, no joy.
1213: JEDI 61 (C-17 McGuire) to ACY Approach «124.6» Out of 12,000 for 8000.
1213: JEDI 61A (six one alpha) calling McGuire Command Post «319.4» (Same C-17 in spite of the "alpha" added to his callsign.)
1217: TALON 91 handed off to ZNY-Kennedy «282.3» and checks in as a single ???5.

Now, the break.
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