0946: Fighter tac 141.6 active. Usually a VA-ANG freq.
0947: Warren Grove Range active with FLYER flight talking to ground FAC MAD DOG.
0953: U/I fighter tac freq 141.625 active.
0953: DEVIL flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ACY App/Dep 327.125
0954: DEVIL 11 with Giant Killer on 255.0, IDs as a flight of four for work in W-107. The flight is working 138.425 for tac. (Thought I heard him say they'd be working with a BICEP flight)
0957: AXEMAN (A-10, MD-ANG Martin Stater Airport) airborne on tac 142.3
0958: AXEMAN to Raven Ops on 347.2 to report the flight airborne at 56 after the hour.
0959: One of the AXEMAN A-10s reporting a problem...he's getting a stall warning and the flaps are deploying. This happens for a few seconds and then turns off. No decision on landing yet. 142.3
1007: AXEMAN flight continuing its mission...they come up on FSS 255.4 to report entering low level flight route VR-1709 at Point Alpha. (faded and missed the rest about altitude and speed).
1009: Another NJ-ANG F-16 flight on tac 138.875. (Possibly BICEP)
1013: BASH 23 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) with Norfolk TRACON (East) 370.925 Sounds like he's heading home.
1015: FLYER flight finishing up at Warren Grove Range. 283.1
1016: BASH 21 flight with Norfolk TRACON (West) 360.6
1018: BASH 23 with Norfolk TRACON (West) 360.6
1021: BASH flight with SOF on 142.175 giving mission results and maintenance status of flight. It was a flight of four F-16s.
1033: Have a pair of F-22As on tac 233.525. No callsign yet. ID from transmitter sound and traffic. The F-22A pilots seem to always give their speed in mach numbers rather than knots.
1040: U/I Army helo with Aberdeen Range Control 248.4...wants to transition to R-4001 area from his position just west of APG. Will stay above 1000 feet.
1043: U/I F-22A flight with GK on 249.8 and switching to 39 Prime.
1045: U/I fighters on tac 139.625.
1046: STUD 11, flight of two tells GK on 249.8 they're heading to Oceana (STUD is the F-22A flight from 233.525 tac and is a known F-22A callsign ex Langley.)
1047: Bollen Range active 237.2
1050: More F-22A traffic on tac 257.075.
1051: Have a U/I flight with ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35 mentions a stop in the Evers MOA with a delay of 20 minutes. (The Evers MOA is in West Virginia and seldom used.)
1056: SCARY flight (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) on tac 143.6
1059: AXEMAN and WARDOG flights from MTN working at Warren Grove Range 283.1
1102: SCARY flight with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 heading for Pax
1103: SCARY to Pax Approach on 305.2 at 15000 feet and handed to BayWatch on 270.8 where they check in for work for the next 30 minutes and then a tunnel back to Andrews.
1104: More possible F-22A work on tac 228.45.
1105: BayWatch telling SCARY 1 he's simulcasting or bleeding over onto Washington Center while talking on 270.8. SCARY 1 doesn't believe it. SCARY 1 and 2 talking about "bleedover" on UHF over on the tac freq 143.6.
1109: SCARY flight setting up for ground attack at the Pax Range around Vienna. 143.6
Buddy lase mission with a GBU-12 drop on the first attack.
1110: F-22As in ACM activity on tac 228.45.
1113: SCARY flight working with a simulated FAC callsign KILLER at the range. 143.6
1118: ____ 35 entering R-4006 for the next 30 minutes with Pax Approach 305.2 and then to BayWatch 354.8. Says when finished he'll return to Atlantic City at requested altitude 9000 feet.
1120: TESTER 26 with BayWatch 354.8.
1122: MEXICO 21 flight with Giant Killer on 249.8 about to finish work. MEXICO is one of the F-22A flights on either 228.45 or 257.075 and is a new callsign recovery for ex Langley F-22A. (Change MEXICO from the old F-15 to the F-22A callsign list.)
1124: BATON (EC-130J Harrisburg) working on 295.8...possibly with an OPEC tanker.
1133: Finally found the RAVEN flight...working MTN Tower for landing 297.2 (They must have been working low band for tac and I just didn't stumble upon the freq.)
1134: AXEMAN/WARDOG flight coming home and check in with Raven Ops on 347.2....10 minutes out.
1145: U/I female on 295.8 talking about an AR track and getting there at 1600Z. Only can hear one end of the conversation.
1145: AXEMAN/WARDOG landing Martin State 297.2
1152: SCARY flight of F-16s still working at Pax on tac 143.6.
1200: Noon and about all that's left flying is the SCARY F-16 flight and they're about to finish up. Break time.
(Ref below): Dave, I took that FLYER info down. I might have confused traffic from two different radios. Not sure where AXEMAN is headed when they come out of VR-1709. Nice catch on the RAVENs. I'll look for them when they head back down this way.
Dave, would you happen to have a list of the ZOB freqs and Sector names that you usually hear for traffic to the Duke? I'd like to add them to my scan rotation if possible.
Thank you Dave. I had those two ZOB freqs from your posts but didn't know the Sector names to add to the scanner display. I do now. Looking for the RAVEN flight and not hearing them over the next 45 minutes after you reported they finished in the Duke.
Anyone have recent info on when the runway work at Langley is supposed to be completed? I heard end of July but that was months ago. The F-22A aircraft from the 27th Fighter Squadron at Langley arrived at Oceana NAS June 30th after their deployment to Alaska. That's why we're suddenly hearing them again.
There is another news story about their deployment from WAVY here:
And right below that story is a link to a neat video clip of the F-22As at Langley with the story of their deployment and the runway construction. The story indicates end of July but it's from back at the start of the work. Note the youthful look of the commanding General of the 1st Fighter Wing in the story. As I get older, everyone looks young anymore.