Sticky Thread For MilAir 2016

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

1320 EDT- Pacer 11 (C-21A # 84-0075 457th AS ADW)-depart ADW then w/PAX approach (135.625) & PTC (127.95). Advises PTC they are part of an Eastern Sector air defense exercise with an E-2C in the PAX areas. NOTE: ADS-B is showing callsign as SPAR 476.

Earlier in day 0840 EDT- Tiger 52 (unid)-w/Huntress (228.9 & 364.2). Also working w/Mig-1 (T-38 Talon 71st FS LFI)

1326 EDT- Tiger 51 (unid) working on 364.2.

Probably part of same exercise.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0720- Score 14 (E-2C Hawkeye # 163849 VX-20 PAX)-depart PAX then ADS-B shows flying around restricted areas at low levels, below 5,000 ft which puts them below my PAX radio horizon.
0825- ADS-B shows Team 22 (KC-10A # 79-1710 305th AMW WRI), Team 23 (KC-10A # 87-0121 305th AMW WRI) & Team 24 (KC-10A # 83-0082 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading east out over Atlantic.
0828- Tango 51 (unid)-w/BW (305.2) requesting permission to loiter in restricted area while troubleshooting equipment problem.
0830- Valor 40 (C-40 # 02-0042 86AW/76AS Ramstein AB GE)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west.
0840- Tiger 52 (unid)-working as airborne intercept controllerw/Huntress (228.9 & 364.2) & Mig-1 (T-38 Talon 71st FS LFI)
0844- Brave 1 flt (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-w/BW (354.8) & PAX approach (281.8). At 0853 RTB ADW.
0846- ADS-B shows Jinx 31 (C-17A # 04-4136 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) departing WRI. Returns to WRI at 1400.
0850- Venus 41 (C-37A # 97-0401 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9) then ADS-B shows heading south.
0855- Terra 97 (C-32B # 00-9001 109th AW/150th SOS NJ ANG WRI)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
0856- SAM 689 (C-20B # 86-0204 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south.
0930- SAM 668 (C-37B # 11-0550 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeast. Returns to ADW at 1400.
0935- ADS-B shows Ascot 6504 (C-17A ZZ171 RAF 99th Sqdn Brize Norton UK) at FL340 just south of Lancaster PA heading south.
0937- Wild 1 flt (F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-w/BW (354.8)
1050- Tester 12 (T-38C # 158200 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) in supersonic test run at Mach 1.05
1055- ADS-B shows E-6B TACAMO # 164407 (VQ-4 Det PAX) departing PAX and heading west. Returns to PAX at 1615.
1056- Navy 100 (C-37B # 166376 VR-1 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west.
1100- ADS-B shows Topcat 3 (KC-135R # 63-8029 NJ ANG 108th ARW/141st ARS WRI) departing WRI then heading west.
1107- Banger 21 flt (4 X F-16s 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-check in w/ZNY Millville (323.3) & ZNY Big Flat (322.4). Appear to

be headed to Warren Grove MOA Range or W/107/W108 area. At 1200 w/Devil Ops (261.0) w/acft status reports.
1108- NASA 692 (C-20D # 163692--Navy from VR-1 Andrews)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading southwest. Returns to ADW at 1250.
1109- ADS-B shows Castle 50 (C-130H # 84-0213 166th AW/142nd AS DE ANG New Castle DE) departing New Castle then heading north towards Harrisburg PA.
1120- ADS-B shows OK 1 (Global Express, Botswana Defence Force) over Wilmington DE at FL220 heading south.
1123- ADS-B shows Decoy 99 (C-17A # 89-1190 WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) departing Martinsburg then heading northeast. Decoy 99 lands at WRI at 1600. ADS-B shows Decoy 99 departing WRI at 1725. At 1752 w/Galaxy CP (297.9) w/inbound msg.
1126- Devil 11 flt (F-16s 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-check in w/ZNY Millville (323.3) & ZNY Big Flat (322.4). Appear to be headed to Warren Grove MOA Range or W107/W108 area. Also w/ZDC Casino (285.4)
1150- ADS-B shows Score 87 (C-38A # 94-170 VX-20 PAX) departing PAX and heading south.
1200- Marine 374 (UC-35D # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading north.
1243- Bully 1 flt (F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-land ADW.
1245- ADS-B shows Castle 07 (C-130H # 84-0207 166th AW/142nd AS DE ANG New Castle DE) departing New Castle.
1248- ADS-B shows Tiger 68 (P-8A Poseidon # 168851 VP-8 NAS Jacksonville FL) over DE at FL380 heading south.
1315- ADS-B shows Jumbo 70 (C-5M # 87-0035 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) off Atlantic crossing Atlantic City at FL160 heading east. Lands at Dover (126.35) at 1330.
1320- Pacer 11 (C-21A # 84-0075 457th AS ADW)-depart ADW then w/PAX approach (135.625) & PTC (127.95). Advises PTC they are part of an Eastern Sector air defense exercise with an E-2C in the PAX areas. NOTE: ADS-B is showing callsign as SPAR 476.
1327- Tiger 51 (unid)-working as airborne intercept controller w/Huntress (228.9 & 364.2) Pacer 11 & Mig-1. At 1357 Tiger 51 advises Pacer 11 that Zulu Control (unid) and Giankiller clear Pacer 11 into W386 sector J.
1329- ADS-B shows Steel 71 (KC-135T # 59-1468 PA ANG Pittsburgh) departing WRI then heading northwest.
1340- Mig-1 (T-38 Talon 71st SDQN LFI)-w/BW (354.8) for permission for one rapid descent from FL350 to 2,000 ft in R-4005.
1348- DeeCee 21 (KC-135R # 57-1512 756th ARS ADW)-land at ADW.
1533- Guard 209 (UH-72A # 11-72209 A. Co. 1-224th Security and Support Battalion (S&S) Weide AHP)-land at Weide (126.2)
1534- Tester 12 (T-38C # 158200 NTPS PAX)-w/ADW tower (349.0) for simulated IFE landing.
1540- Evac 23514 (KC-135R # 62-3514 108th AW/141st ARS NJ ANG WRI)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg. ADS-B shows Evac 23514 landing at WRI at 1745.
1550- Tiger 54-w/Huntress (228.9) advising that Mig-4 is going to RTB. Then Tiger 54 w/BW (305.2) cleared direct to STEIN.
1551- Mig-4 w/PTC (269.625) advising he is RTB and cleared direct to LFI.
1557- Tester 16 (T-38C # 70-1576 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8).
1608- Two unid acft (no calls noted)-working on PAX test discrete (262.95).
1740- BAF 610 (Falcon 900B CD-01 Belgian AF 21st Sqdn Melbroek BE)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeast. Probably heading home.
1855- SPAR 29 (C-37 # 01-0029 6AMW/310AS McDill AFB FL)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south.
1905- ADS-B shows Force 25 (KC-10A # 79-1710 305th AMW WRI) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
1906- ADS-B shows Baton 20 (EC-130J # 96-8154 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg) in low level acty in vicinity of Harrisbrug.
1915- ADS-B shows Topcat 7 (KC-135R # 63-8029 108th W/141st ARS WRI) departing WRI and heading east out over Atlantic.

HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

15867.0 1745Z P03 (USCG COTHEN Remote Command Console CGAS Elizabeth City NC) USB/ALE w/J06 (USCG MH-60T # 6006 CGAS Elizabeth City NC)

15867.0 1958Z WRLNG (Connecticut ArNG AASF Bradley IAP Windsor Locks, CT) USB/ALE calling R23876 (CT ArNG UH-60A #83 -23876). Then in voice calling 876 w/no response.

11175.0 2020Z Authority USB w/EAM (TRU4WV)


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

P-8 day again here in the Mid Atlantic.

Have Tiger 68 & 87 (VP-8 NAS Jacksonville FL) tooling around Atlantic City & McGuire.

Had Trident 26 (VP-26 NAS JAX) fly up the coast and head out over the Atlantic.

Pioneer 03 (VX-1 PAX) flying up the coast and out over the Atlantic.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0645- SAM 669 (C-40C # 01-0041 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south. Returns to ADW at 1315.
0745- Navy 378 (C-37 # 166378 VR-1 ADW)-patterns at ADW. At 0900 heads south. Returns to ADW at 1435.
0815- Brave 1 flt (2 X F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW (348.725) then w/ZDC Calvert (281.4) & BW (354.8 & 305.2)
0825- ADS-B shows Baton 62 (EC-130J # 98-1932 193rd SOS PA ANG Harrisburg) departing Harrisburg and heading southwest.
0835- ADS-B shows CG 2005 (USCG HC-130J # 2005 CGAS Elizabeth City NC) at FL250 flying north along VA/MD/DE coast.
0845- CG 102 (C-37 # 02 CGAS Wash)-depart DCA then ADS-B shows heading west.
0850- Bully 1 flt (2 X F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW (257.2). Bully 1 w/121st SOF (234.8) declaring he is RTB ADW.
0900- Tester 13 (T-38C # 158201 NTPS PAX)-w/NTPS Ops (264.15) w/PIREP
0901- Tester 23 (T-6B #166053 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) for vertical maneuvering test.
0902- Tester 08 (T-38C # 610925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
0906- Angry 1 flt (2 X F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW (348.725). Another sortie to PAX areas in mid-1100 hour.
0908- ADS-B shows Jedi 61 (C-17A # 04-4132 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) departing WRI then heading south for low level acty in vicinity of Atlantic City.
0920- ADS-B shows Team 42 (KC-10A # 86-0036 305th AMW WRI) & Team 43 (KC-10A # 83-0083 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI and heading east out over Atlantic. Team 42 & 43 return at 1330 for patterns at WRI prior to landing..
0925- ADS-B shows Spur 66 (KC-10A # 79-1710 305th AMW WRI) arriving from the north and landing at WRI.
0934- ADS-B shows Jinx 51 (C-17A # 04-4133 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) departing WRI and heading south at low level towards Atlantic City.
0955- SPAR 29 (C-37 # 01-0029 6th AMW/310th AS McDill AFB FL)-land at ADW. Departs ADW at 1305.
1018- ADS-B shows Lucky 42 (KC-135R # 57-2599 AFRC 916ARW/77ARS Seymour-Johnson AFB NC) passing over Baltimore at FL410 heading north. At 1335 noted over Baltimore at FL380 heading south.
1020- DeeCee 41 (KC-135R # 59-1469 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW. Returns to ADW at 1300 for patterns prior to landing.
1025- ADS-B shows Trident 26 (P-8A Poseidon # 168848 VP-26 NAS Jacksonville FL) over MD/DE coast at FL290 heading northeast out over Atlantic.
1030- ADS-B shows Tiger 87 (P-8A Poseidon # 168755 VP-8 NAS Jacksonville FL) over VA/MD coast at FL140 heading northeast. Pattern at WRI at 1100.
1055- Pioneer 03 (P-8A Poseidon # 167956 VX-1 PAX)-depart PAX then ADS-B shows heading northeast out over Atlantic at FL280.
1105- ADS-B shows Tiger 68 (P-8A Poseidon # 168851 VP-8 NAS Jacksonville FL) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI & Atlantic City.
1115- ADS-B shows Tiger 24 (P-8A Poseidon # 168767 VP-8 NAS Jacksonville FL) flying along VA/MD coast at FL200 heading northeast.
1116- Air Force 1 (VC-25 # 82-8000 PPO ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). POTUS heading for Miami FL.
1118- Raven flt (3 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-on discrete (266.6) coordinating weapons (GBU-38s GBU-54s) for CAS training in PAX areas.
1120- SAM 44 (C-32A # 09-0015 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). AF1 back-up
1130- SPAR 28 (C-37 # 01-0028 6th AMW/310th AS McDill AFB FL)-land at ADW.
1131- ADS-B shows Yanky 44 (C-130H # 74-1644 CT ANG 103AW/118AS Bradley ANGB CT) over Atlantic off Atlantic City at FL220 heading southeast.
1250- Venus 92 (C-32A # 98-0002 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south.
1328- unid acft (no call noted)-w/VX-20 Ops (285.2). ADS-B shows P-8 Poseidon # 167954 operating in PAX restricted areas at this time.
1330- Venus 23 (C-20B # 86-0203 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south.
1331- ADS-B shows Jumbo 90 (C-5M # 87-0035 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) coming off Atlantic at FL180 over Atlantic City and heading for DOV.
1338- ADS-B shows Jedi 41 (C-17A # 04-4132 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) departing WRI and heading northwest.
1443- Energy 51 (BE-200 N6451D Dep't of Energy ADW)-land at ADW.
1445- ADS-B shows Castle 13 (C-130H # 84-0213 DE ANG New Castle DE) departing New Castle and heading south.
1446- ADS-B shows Navy BD996 (C-130T # 164996 VR-64 WRI) in low altitude acty in vicinity of WRI.
1517- Tester 08 (T-38C # 680925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (354.8) requesting vertical maneuvering test from 2,000ft to FL500.
1522- Tester 18 (T-38C # 638135 NTPS PAX), Tester 23 (T-6B # 166053 NTPS PAX), & Tester 26 (T-6B # 166016 NTPS PAX)-working w/BW (270.8 & 354.8)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
3:30pm local MYTEE 11 flight of 2 with ZNY 269.100>ZNY Phillipsburg 306.200.
Couple of B-1's returning Dyess from Global Power mission..
Euro spotters had fun catching these guys early this morning


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ

Anyone have the current freqs used at the Warren Grove Range?

Warren Grove primary is 283.1 but they may have a secondary or an alternate like years ago. Checking my old notes, before they switched to 283.1, 286.2 was primary and 139.625 was a VHF alternate. I thought there was another UHF secondary back then but I can't find it in my notes. And it was rarely used.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Warren Grove primary is 283.1 but they may have a secondary or an alternate like years ago. Checking my old notes, before they switched to 283.1, 286.2 was primary and 139.625 was a VHF alternate. I thought there was another UHF secondary back then but I can't find it in my notes. And it was rarely used.



Those are the ones I had in my notes but wasn't sure if they had changed them or not. Will plug them in and see if I get anything


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
10/25/16 @ 0515 local-
GOLD 02, 11, 12 out off the coast of LI all heading east past Nantucket. Heard GOLD 12 on 303.0, Also hearing weak chat on 141.7


Jul 6, 2011
GOLD01/ MAZDA51, Flight of 6 fighters were direct KANNI (SW of Nova Scotia) and refueled at 0853Z
Boom freq was 314.100
Switched to HF primary 3455Khz
GOLD11/12 refueled an unknown number of fighters (MAZDA61?). Boom freq was 343.100
Some of the tail numbers are provided here:
(Possibly F-16s from Shaw AFB headed to Morón Air Base.)

Via comms and PlanePlotter.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1548 EDT- Pioneer 16 (P-8A Poseidon 3 167956 VX-1 PAX) working on 135.625, 120.05 & 123.7 for landing. Pilot has a distinct UK accent.

1551 EDT- Italian Air Force KC-767 MM62228 looks to be heading into Andrews coming from the west. According to ADS-B he left from the Dallas-Ft Worth area.

1632 EDT- Executive 1 Foxtrot (C-40C # 05-4613 AFRC | 932AW | 73ASScott AFB IL]) making his way back to Andrews.
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

1445Z--ADS-B showing
AE0139 HOSER11 63-8003 Boeing KC-135R.
AE0499 HOSER12 58-0010 Boeing KC-135R
AE05AC HOSER13 63-8029 Boeing KC-135R All from 305th AMW at McGuire all leaving McGuire together and heading west.

Looks like it could be related to Global Thunder.

At 1830Z all three Hosers, in trail formation, and apparently heading back to McGuire . Hoser 13 is east of Wash DC, Hoser 12 is over Fredricksburg VA and Hoser 11 is over Lynchburg VA.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
10/29/16 @ 0945 local- Executive 1 Foxtrot (98-0002) C-32A heading NE of the NJ coast


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
1055 EDT- ADS-B showing MC-12W Crook 40 orbiting over the Toms River NJ area. Probably departed from WRI

CROOK has been there for weeks. He's out of Lakehurst NAS. 255.7 is the usual. Its usually an MC-12 doing video feed testing back to Lakehurst.
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