Sticky Thread For MilAir 2016

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Yesterday & today there's been a UC-12B N47511 AE06D1 flying tight orbits over the DC area. I've seen him before transiting into/out of our area but first time I've seen him doing these orbits of the capital. According to ASDS-B he belong the the US Navy Air Systems Command.

Mayee related to the marathon?


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
An FYI to any/all who may be using Lenovo gear.

Military Warns Chinese Computer Gear Poses Cyber Spy Threat

Lenovo seeking access to classified Pentagon networks, J-2 report says

By Bill Gertz
October 24

The Pentagon’s Joint Staff recently warned against using equipment made by China’s Lenovo computer manufacturer amid concerns about cyber spying against Pentagon networks, according to defense officials.

A recent internal report produced by the J-2 intelligence directorate stated that cyber security officials are concerned that Lenovo computers and handheld devices could introduce compromised hardware into the Defense Department supply chain, posing cyber espionage risks, said officials familiar with the report. The “supply chain” is how the Pentagon refers to its global network of suppliers that provide key components for weapons and other military systems.

The J-2 report was sent Sept. 28, and also contained a warning that Lenovo was seeking to purchase American information technology companies in a bid to gain access to classified Pentagon and military information networks.

The report warned that use of Lenovo products could facilitate cyber intelligence-gathering against both classified and unclassified—but still sensitive—U.S. military networks.

One official said Lenovo equipment in the past was detected “beaconing”—covertly communicating with remote users in the course of cyber intelligence-gathering.

“There is no way that that company or any Chinese company should be doing business in the United States after all the recent hacking incidents,” the official said.

About 27 percent of Lenovo Group Ltd. is owned by the Chinese Academy of Science, a government research institute. In April, a Chinese Academy of Sciences space imagery expert, Zhou Zhixin, was named to a senior post in the Chinese military’s new Strategic Support Force, a unit in charge of space, cyber, and electronic warfare.

China has been linked by the National Security Agency to large-scale cyber spying against both the Pentagon and American and foreign defense contractors.

Joint Staff spokesman Capt. Greg Hicks declined to comment on the J-2 report but said the military is wary of foreign nations’ cyber spying.

“Although we are concerned any time another nation or individual attempts to initiate intelligence collection against the Department of Defense, we do not discuss internal assessments,” Hicks said.

Lenovo spokesman Ray Gorman said he was unaware of the Joint Staff concerns.

On company efforts to acquire American information technology firms, Gorman said “we have stated many times that we continue to look worldwide for opportunities that make sense for our customers and shareholders, add value to our product portfolio, and help keep us on track for continued profitable growth.” He declined to comment on specific acquisition talks.

A Pentagon spokesman said the Defense Department has not imposed a “blanket ban” on all Lenovo products and does not blacklist suppliers or individual products.

Pentagon policy for protecting mission critical functions in securing computer systems and networks “requires the department to perform supply chain risk management functions when acquiring products for use in its national security systems,” the spokesman said, adding that the analysis is done on a case-by-case basis.

Rep. Robert Pittenger who has investigated Chinese cyber risks in the past, said he is concerned by the Joint Staff report.

“Chinese cyber security and supply chain concerns remain a significant problem for both the Defense Department and the remainder of the federal government,” Pittenger (R., N.C.) told the Washington Free Beacon.

Pittenger said it is important for Congress to press Pentagon acquisition officials “to act swiftly on perceived cyber-threats and remove IT vendors from our supply chain if evidence exists suggesting a security vulnerability.”

“I would be very disappointed to learn, however, if the Defense Department or the Air Force sought to obfuscate the facts regarding contracts with Lenovo when this issue was brought to my attention back in April,” he added.

On Friday the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee wrote to the FBI warning that secrets stored on former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s private email server may have been compromised by a Clinton aide’s use of a Lenovo computer.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.) stated in a letter to FBI Director James Comey that Heather Samuelson, former White House liaison to the State Department, used two Lenovo laptops to sort some of the thousands of classified emails from Clinton’s server.

“Lenovo computers, and specifically the models used by Heather Samuelson for reviewing classified emails, have been shown by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to contain software, dating back to 2010, that permits remote hacking attacks,” Goodlatte stated.

Disclosure of the Joint Staff warning comes after a similar warning from the Air Force Cyber Command in April.

An email notice stated that “per AF Cyber Command direction, Lenovo products are being removed from the Approved Products List and should not be purchased for DoD use.”

“Lenovo products currently in use will be removed form the network,” the email stated.

The Air Force later sought to play down the warning in the email and a spokesman told reporters the email was “coordinated” and should not have been sent.

Lenovo equipment has been a major cyber espionage worry since the company first purchased IBM’s laptop computer business in 2005.

A congressional China commission report produced several years ago revealed that the Army Cyber Directorate in 2007 investigated a Lenovo-brand desktop computer that was engaged in “beaconing activity.” The report said the beacon was a “self-initiating attempt to establish a connection to a suspicious foreign entity.”

Rep. Mike Pompeo, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said the risks posed by Lenovo technology are serious.

“It is critical that the U.S. government, particularly the Pentagon, use the most secure technology available,” Pompeo (R., Kan.) said.

“The threat from cyber attacks is real and demonstrated, as seen by China’s hack of the Office of Personnel Management, which impacted millions of Americans,” he added. “The U.S. must take all reasonable steps to ensure we are not an easy target for our enemies, competitors, or even partners.”

Larry Wortzel, a former military intelligence official and member of the congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, said he helped alert security officials to a plan by the State Department to purchase 900 Lenovo computers in 2006. The computers would have been used to handle classified information and the State Department canceled the sale over cyber spying concerns.

“The Chinese government has a major stake in Lenovo,” Wortzel said in an email.

“China remains one of the main threats to U.S. government and corporate information systems,” Wortzel added. “One way to keep those systems safe is to ensure you are not getting system updates that may have a back door that can be opened by a Chinese intelligence service.”

A National Security Agency document made public by renegade contractor Edward Snowden revealed that China has stolen sensitive military technology through cyber attacks, including radar designs, engine schematics, and other data through a program code-named Byzantine Hades. The program caused “serious damage to DoD interests,” according to a briefing slide.

NSA detected more than 30,000 cyber attacks, including more than 500 significant intrusions into Pentagon systems. The attacks broke into at least 1,600 network computers and caused more than $100 million in damage.

Data stolen included Pacific Command aerial tanker refueling schedules, Transportation Command logistics information, and Navy nuclear submarine and anti-aircraft missile designs.

In 2014, Lenovo purchased IBM’s BladeCenter line of computer servers for $2.1 billion. The sale prompted the Navy to replace the upgraded IBM servers within Aegis battle management systems deployed on guided missile destroyers and cruisers over concerns China could hack the Navy’s most advanced warships through the server.

Specifically, the equipment being replaced is IBM’s x86 BladeCenter HT server, a part of the Aegis Technical Insertion, or “TI,” 12.

The upgrades, first reported last year by USNI News, involve TI-12 hardware upgrades, and the Advanced Capability Build, or “ACB,” 12 software upgrades. The components make up the Aegis Baseline 9 combat system upgrade, which combines ballistic missile defense and anti-air warfare upgrades for the warships.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, Lenovo computers since September 2014 were loaded with adware called Superfish that could allow hackers to spoof encrypted security controls in what are called “man-in-the-middle” cyber attacks. The attacks allow hackers to take over secure web browsers.

Lenovo purchased Motorola Mobility, the company’s cell phone division in 2014, and has sought to buy the Canadian cell phone maker BlackBerry in the past.

Lenovo in the past has denied its products are engaged in cyber espionage. “Lenovo has been a trusted supplier of information technology in the U.S. since 2005 when it bought the IBM ThinkPad PC business,” the company said in a statement. “Every single company selling technology to the U.S. government—including HP, Dell, Cisco, Apple, and Lenovo—use foreign components in their products. So it’s critical that the U.S. continue to follow a standards-based process that allows for procurement of technology that is both cutting edge and totally secure.”

U.S. intelligence agencies in August 2015 warned that Lenovo, along with another Chinese-government-linked firm, Huawei Technologies, had shipped some 80,000 computers to several nations in the Caribbean. The computers were found to contain spyware that can permit remote intrusions.

The cyber spying concerns are not limited to the Pentagon.

The Australian Financial Review newspaper reported in 2013 that all of the “Five Eyes” intelligence services—those in the United States, Britain, Australia, Canadian, and New Zealand—strictly prohibit the use of Lenovo computers over concerns about the potential for cyber espionage.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Re: Lenovo computers. Consider that most consumer computing equipment is manufactured by either a Chinese company, or contains Chinese produced subcomponents or firmware / software, this potential vector extends way beyond Lenovo. Something to consider, but hard to avoid in the present market space.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Mid 1600 EDT hour---looks like an air defense exercise going on in PAX areas. Have Brave 1 & 2 (F-16s 121st FS DC ANG Andrews) working w/Huntress (139.7) & BW (305.2 & 256.5)

1628 EDT- Reach 674 (C-21A # 84-0137 457th AS Andrews) just landed at Andrews. C-21A with a Reach callsign?????

1635 EDT- CG 2003 (HC-130J CGAS Elizabeth City NC) working on Chnl 21A (157.05). ADS-B shows him west of Salisbury MD at about 9500 ft. He's calling Sector Hampton Roads then call for any stn on this freq but gets no response. He then switches to Chnl 23A (157.15) & tries calling Hampton Roads w/no response.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Mid & late 1600 EDT hour. Several flts of VA ANG F-22s operating out in W386. Working on 228.45/233.525/236.825/238.1. One of the callsigns is Cobra flt.

1730 EDT- ADS-B showing E-4B # 75-0125 NAOC (callsign Weld 60) approaching Andrews.Landed at Andrews at 1750 EDT using callsign Coach 85 heavy.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
0853- Acft MP (Mike Papa)- w/Base on discrete (136.275) asking Base to check w/Oscar Team leader. They were supposed to be on freq SB10 but not there. MP QSLs that they are on freq SB12.

0950- ADS-B shows Volga Dnepr' AN-124 RA-82074 departing Dulles and heading south.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1220 EDT- Trooper 11 (BE-300 MD State Police) working w/PAX approach (135.625).

1232 EDT- USCGC Barque Eagle (WIX 327 NRCB New London, CT)-working on CG discrete (157.05). NOTE: Currently at CG Yard Curtis Bay MD for extended repair work.

1245 EDT- Coach 85 (E-4B # 75-0125 55WG/1ACCS Offitt AFB NE)-land at ADW.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
11/03/16 @ 1220 local
237.15 what sounded like a phone patch from an F-16 over NYC "I'm calling you from my F-16 over NYC. We'll be home in 2 to 3 hours" "Do you need help getting on base". Only hearing one side. Said he would call again once over VA area.
At the same time, BLUE 31 coming in.
Maybe F-16s coming home from the middle east?
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
11/03/16 @ 1220 local
237.15 what sounded like a phone patch from an F-16 over NYC "I'm calling you from my F-16 over NYC. We'll be home in 2 to 3 hours" "Do you need help getting on base". Only hearing one side. Said he would call again once over VA area.
At the same time, BLUE 31 coming in.
Maybe F-16s coming home from the middle east?


Nice Catch !!!!!!!!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1735 local RCH 1005 calling Schenectady then Command Post then SKIER Ops
on UHF.
AC-130U 89-0511 from 1SOW Hurlburt Field. Been floating around East coast areas this past week.


Jul 22, 2009
Re: Lenovo computers. Consider that most consumer computing equipment is manufactured by either a Chinese company, or contains Chinese produced subcomponents or firmware / software, this potential vector extends way beyond Lenovo. Something to consider, but hard to avoid in the present market space.

Serves America right. We as a nation and people chose to turn over our manufacturing capacity and lots of R&D to Red China. We reap what we sow.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0853- Acft MP (Mike Papa)- w/Base on discrete (136.275) asking Base to check w/Oscar Team leader. They were supposed to be on freq SB10 but not there. MP QSLs that they are on freq SB12.
0950- ADS-B shows Volga Dnepr' AN-124 RA-82074 departing Dulles and heading south.
0954- ADS-B shows Jinx 51 (C-17A # 03-3125 305th AMW/6th AS WRI)-in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
0955- Navy 377 (C-37B # 166377 VR-1 ADW)-depaert ADW then heading south. Returns to ADW at 1405.
0957- Marine 374 (UC-35D # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW. Returns to ADW at 1410.
1000- DeeCee 41 (KC-135R # 57-1487 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW then heading east. Also w/Liberator CP (351.2) w/departure msg then check in w/GK (118.125) for entry into AR-636 in block FL250-280. Returns to ADW at 1130 for some pattern work prior to landing.
1005- Venus 91 (C-32A # 98-0001 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW then heading south. Returns to ADW at 1400.
1040- ADS-B shows Topcat 4 (KC-135R # 63-8003) & Topcat 5 (KC-135R # 58-0010) both from NJ ANG 108th AW/141st ARS at WRI departing WRI then heading west.
1045- Raven flt (2 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-in CAS training on discrete (266.6)
1049- Unid flt (F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI--no call noted)-ACM training in W386 (254.2)
1050- Scan 84 (Dash-8 N984HA NGTF)-on Northrop discrete (123.225) advising Speilberg (unid grnd mobile unit) that they are over Dover and will begin run in one minute.
1100- ADS-B shows Navy BD996 (C-130T # 164996 VR-64 WRI) departing WRI then heading west.
1114- Omaha 5 (prob US Custom AS-350 N6977A)-w/Wash Helo (134.35)
1155- ADS-B shows Baton 55 (EC-130J # 01-1935 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg) departing Harrisburg and heading east over southern NJ prob out to W107/W108.
1200- Hustler 01 (C-21A # 84-0075 457th AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south. Returns to ADW at 1500.
1229- SAM 838 (C-20B # 86-0206 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeast.
1230- ADS-B shows Hobby 03 (C-130J #05-8157 AFRC 403AW/815AS Keesler AFB MS) over Richmond VA at FL270 heading north.
1232- USCGC Barque Eagle (WIX 327 NRCB New London, CT)-working on CG discrete (157.05). NOTE: Currently at CG Yard Curtis Bay MD for extended repair work.
1243- Nighthawk 6 (helo HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-w/ADW tower (118.4) for area transit.
1244- SPAR 739 (C-21A # 84-0142 MI ANG 110FW/172AS Battle Creek MI)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west.
1245- Coach 85 (E-4B # 75-0125 55WG/1ACCS Offitt AFB NE)-land at ADW.
1246- ADS-B shows Team 37 (KC-10A # 87-0122 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading south along the NJ/DE/MD coast at FL250.
1315- Blackjack 1 & 2 (CG MH-65Ds CGAS Wash)-intercept training on CG discrete (157.05). CG 6503 acting as TOI with intercept comms on simulated freq 121.5.
1325- SPAR 29 (C-37 # 01-0029 6AMW/310AS MacDill AFB FL)-land at ADW.
1326- ADS-B shows Team 41 (KC-10A # 86-0032 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI.
1327- ADS-B shows Hoist 91 (KC-10A # 79-1712 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading south. Also w/Brickyad (WRI CP--134.1) w/departure msg. Also on WRI tanker discrete (139.875)
1328- ADS-B shows Rider 75 (C-17A # 07-7169 436th AMW//3rd AS DOV) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
1335- Blackjack 2-w/Huntress (139.7) reporting Sparkle is Sweet Red Red.
1337- ADS-B shows Blue 31 (KC-10A # 83-0032 305th WRI) over VA Eastern Shore at FL180 heading north. Also w/Brickyard WRI CP-134.1 & 251.2)
1405- ADS-B shows Castle 57 (C-130H # 90-1057 DE ANG 166AW/142AS New Castle DE) departing New Castle and heading east then in low level acty in vicnity of Northern Chesapeake & Delaware Bays.
1410- Tester 13 (T-38C # 158201 NTPS PAX) & Tester 18 (T-38C # 638135 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8 & 254.8)
1420- ADS-B shows Ascot 4524 (A-400M Atlas C1 ZM406 RAF 24th Sqdn) at FL320 passing oveer Harrisburg PA heading southwest.
1425- SPAR 798 (C-21A # 84-0110 USAFE 86AW/76AS Ramstein AB GE)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/departure msg.
1426- Musel 1 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-w/Wash Helo (134.35) then QSY to ADW for landing.
1433- ADS-B shows Garb 13 (E-6B #164386 TACAMO VQ-4 Det PAX) at FL160 over MD Eastern Shore approaching PAX.
1435- T-Bolt 1 flt (F-22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-check into W386 (238.1)
1436- Score 57 (unid, VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (270.8) adivising they are complete and RTB PAX.
1540- Bash flt (F-22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-ACM training on discretes (233.525 & 262.025)
1545- SAM 774 (C-40B # 01-0041 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1550- Raven flt (2 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-CAS training on discret (266.6). Also w/Raven Ops (275.7) w/acft status reports.
1600- ADS-B shows Topcat 7 (KC-135R # 58-0010 108th ARW/141st ARS NJ ANG WRI) departing WRI
1615- ADS-B shows Canforce CC-142 # 142806 (Canforce 402nd Sqdn) departing Dulles then heading north at FL 220.

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

12222.0 1005Z MAG (USCGC Hamilton WMSL 753 NMAG Charleston, SC) USB/ALE sounding.

12222.0 1116Z EDI (USCGC Cuttyhunk WPB 1322 NEDI Port Angeles, WA) USB/ALE sounding

15867.0 1210Z PAC (USCG Comm. Det. Point Reyes, CA remotely controlled by COMMCOM, Chesapeake, VA) USB/ALE calling N16 (USCG HC-144 # 2316 ATC Mobile AL)

15867.0 1620Z WRLNG (Connecticut ArNG AASF, Bradley IAP, Windsor Locks, CT) USB/ALE calling R08743 (CH-47F #07-08743 2-104 AVN, CT-ARNG, Windsor Locks, CT).

15867.0 1645Z OKD (COTHEN Remote Directional Transmitter, Chichasha, OK) USB/ALE sounding.

15867.0 1655Z D47 (US Customs P-3 AEW&C #N147CS/BuNo 152722, Jacksonville AMB, FL) USB/ALE calling CNT (US Customs AMOC Central Regional Communications Node). After ALE handshake Omaha 47 Charlie Sierra in clear & encrypted voice w/Central Node.

15867.0 1705Z D48 (US Customs P-3 AEW&C #N148CS/BuNo 154575, Corpus Christi AMB, TX) USB/ALE sounding.

15867.0 1728Z R26086 (Alabama ArNG UH-60A #88-26086)USB/ALE sounding.

15867.0 1740Z P1Z131 (1/131st Avn, Alabama ArNG, Dannelly Field, Montgomery, AL) USB/ALE calling R26086.

15867.0 1754 LNT (USCG Communications Command (COMMCOM) CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA) USB/ALE w/K21 (USCG MH-65D # 6521 East Coast). After ALE handshake CommCon in voice w/CG 21 (not heard) & QSLs for departure msg from 6521 advising they are heading for Jacksonville FL.

15867.0 1953Z K98 (USCG MH-65D # 6598 CGAS Atlantic City) USB/ALE sounding.

15867.0 2235Z AXQ (USCGC Oak WLB 211 NAXQ Charleston, SC) USB/ALE sounding.


Nov 4, 2016
N350JW is circling the Hagerstown area at 17000' the same time as N213LA is circling the Martinsburg area at 5000'

What's up with these planes? N213LA and N350JW almost always are circling Hagerstown.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
11/04/16 @ 1040 local
Two V-22 Osprey just went over low (whole house shook) towards NYC. Caught them on 143.825 in FM, NIGHTHAWK 31, approaching Verrazano Bridge, talking about landing in NYC some where.


Jan 5, 2004
What's up with these planes? N213LA and N350JW almost always are circling Hagerstown.

Probably testing surveillance systems. That's the go-to place for doing so, I presume because of an established 'test range'.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
From Web SDR

((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

11175.0 1250Z KWX 57 (US Embassy Warsaw Poland) USB calling Mainsail w/no response.

11360.0 1300Z Korsar (Russian Air Force 334th Air Transport Regiment, 6985th Air Base, Pskov) USB R/Cs w/Davlenie (Russian Air Force 708th Air Transport Regiment, 6958th Air Base, Taganrog), Polis (Russian Air Force 117th Air Transport Regiment, 6956th Air Base, Orenburg), Klarnetist (Russian Air Force 12th Air Transport Division, 6955th Air Base, Migalovo/Tver), Polotnoy (unid), Karsta (unid), Proselok (Russian Air Force 566th Air Transport Regiment, Bryansk). Also on 18030.0 USB & 6685.0 USB.

11180.0 LBJ (Norwegian Navy) USB w/Norwegian 335A (Norwegian Navy P-3) w/wx for Oslo/Gardermoen (ENGM) & Bergen/Flesland (ENBR)

11360.0 1331Z Acft 76731 (IL-76MD) USB calling Korsar w/no response.

11178.0 1406Z Ankara 25 (Polish Air Force) USB R/Cs w/acft ?07

11175.0 1410Z Sigonella USB w/test count.

15016.0 1440Z Flawless USB w/EAM 4FYBOZ

04613.5 1538Z 69 (O/M Russian) USB w/65 (not heard) passing probable tracking data. Possible Russian Air Defense.

From My Equipment:

12222.0 1331Z TSC (US Custom Technical Service Center Orlando FL) USB/ALE calling K34 (USCG MH-65D # 6534 CGAS

Atlantic City NJ)

15867.0 1402Z Z14 (USCG Sector St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg, FL) USB/ALE calling J44 (USCG MH-60T # 6044 MH-60T

CGAS Clearwater FL)

15867.0 1523Z R08818 (CH-47F #10-08818 Co B 2/211 GSAB, IA-ARNG, Davenport, IA) USB/ALE sounding.

11232.0 1721Z Trenton Military USB w/Tiger 334 (CC-130 # 130334 8th Wing CFB Trenton ON--very weak) establishing working freqs as 11232 primary & 9007 secondary. Trenton Military advises there is no new trfc for Tiger 334.15867.0

1855Z LNT (USCG Communications Command (COMMCOM) CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA) USB/ALE calling K21 (USCG MH-65D #6521 East Coast)

11175.0 1922Z Red Fern USB w/EAM 4FVWMM (tries twice before completing EAM broadcast)

Ron (
Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA (390747N 763711W)
Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909
45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
11/04/16 @ 1040 local
Two V-22 Osprey just went over low (whole house shook) towards NYC. Caught them on 143.825 in FM, NIGHTHAWK 31, approaching Verrazano Bridge, talking about landing in NYC some where.


They used that freq here earlier this summer when they were supporting POTUS visit to Baltimore.It's also used by McGuire tankers
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