Waltz41 said:
I can add a little bit more to this, working on getting the rest. If I do I'll put it up.
Two of them that are there now, are 80-0016 and 78-0475, which supposedly are both former Otis jets. At least 8 but maybe 10 as 6 did arrive last week with at least 4 straight from Kadena.
Thanks Brian. These might be difficult to get for awhile until they go operational. I read somewhere - maybe in Airscoop - that they have plenty of hangar space right now and will keep them inside while they can. They had those original two that you mention, four more arrived from Kadena and I wasn't sure whether the next pair from Kadena made it before the F-15 fleet was grounded.
There was one and possibly two more Coronet missions last night apparently. A pair of F-117s had gone to Burlington before their flight to Dubai for an airshow.They were accompanied by GOLD 81 and GOLD 91 tankers.
I was also waiting for the last bunch of Spangdahlem F-16s to depart last night but never heard them come through the area while monitoring interflight freq range 138-144. However, there was a CLEAN tanker --CLEAN 02 (59-1507), a KC-135R from the 99th ARS at Robins that came through the area last night and then returned around 0400 this morning. It might have been local support for the F-117 flight or part of the expected SP F-16 flight - if they finally left after three days of trying. I also had a CLEAN 81 (79-1713), a KC-10A from the 305th AMW at McGuire last night that was later heard in the U.K. this morning but I don't know for sure who he was with. I guess he could have been with that SP F-16 flight if they departed.
The DE-ANG guys are coming back from Gulfport MS.
1124: RULER 70 (C-17A, 02-1112, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) through the area.
1227: RULER 80 (C-17A, 03-3113, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) came through.
CARMEN 4 (C-130H, 84-0209, 142nd AS DE-ANG New Castle) flying north through Georgia heard at 1215. CARMEN 1 (84-0206) heard there at 1305.
1326: CARMEN (4? or 5?) (both 84-0209 and 84-0210 flying overhead) to New Castle base ops...30 minutes out, A-1...has 37 pax, 14 crew, 1 pallet, 2 rolling stock...343.0 (Hmmm...14 crew on a C-130)
1358: Above had to be CARMEN 5...now CARMEN 4 calling in...15 minutes out, A-1, has 43 pax and 14 crew...343.0
1416: RULER 80 (C-17A, 03-3113, 183rd AS MS-ANG) has apparently dumped his DE-ANG load of people and things and has departed New Castle heading south
1433: CARMEN 1 (C-130H, 84-0206) through my area at this time heading for New Castle.
1300: WILD flight of two DC-ANG F-16s airborne from Andrews....interflight 143.6 > TRACON 348.725 > ZDC-Calvert 281.4 > Patuxent Check-In 305.2 > BayWatch 354.8 for event 25B in R-6609.
1305: ANGRY flight of two DC-ANG F-16s airborne from Andrews....interflight 143.15 > TRACON 348.725 > ZDC-Swann 360.7 > > ZDC-Coyle 254.3 > ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 > Giant Killer 255.0 on mission 0731 into W-107 at 1320
1311: SCARY flight of two DC-ANG F-16s airborne from Andrews....interflight 139.35 > TRACON 348.725 > ZDC-Swann 360.7 > ZDC-Coyle 254.3 > ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 > Giant Killer 255.0 at 1325
1350: ANGRY and SCARY flights coming home from W-107...SCARY ZDC-Casino 285.4 | ANGRY ZDC-Kenton 354.15 then both flights > TRACON 317.425 > TRACON 270.275 > ADW Tower 349.0 for 1L...SCARY flight touching down at 1410...ANGRY flight down at 1414...no idea about the WILD flight, wasn't monitoring them.
1341: RHODY 38 (C-130J, 06-1438, 143rd AS RI-ANG) to New Castle base ops to report he's airborne...says he landed at 1830Z and was airborne at 1839Z and thanks them for their help...343.0
1347: RHODY 38 calling Andrews Command Post....10 minutes out with 9 pax for offload...parking on 10 row..."Is ERO a possibility for this on 10-Row?"...378.1
1350: BATON ?? (EC-130J, 01-1935, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) calling BATON Command with arrival message...30 minutes out, A-2, 12K on the fuel...395.1
1411: A-10 flight from MD-ANG at Martin State active on interflight freq...142.3 (Heard w/Harrisburg at 1419...281.525....then w/ZOB-Tyrone 299.2 at 1430...must be working The Duke or somewhere up that way. There were also some A-10s from Willow Grove up at the same time. They might be the ones I heard w/Harrisburg and ZOB.)
1419: Navy fighters in ACM activity...callsigns DOG 1 and DOG 2...365.7
1435: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 06-6168, 436th AW Dover) working Dover Tower....126.35
Late 1300 hour has Langley F-22As going out to W-386 on mission V-0704...latest one was DEVO 11 flight to Giant Killer on 249.8. There might be a DRAGNET AWACS E-3C out there too.
1414: DEVO 11 to Giant Killer to complain he has other aircraft in his airspace at FL 250 and understood his flight has an exclusive on that airspace...249.8
Approximately 1630, French Air Force (Armee de l Aire)...CTM 0001, A-319-155X, 1485/F-RBFA departed Andrews. This should be the aircraft carrying French President Nicolas Sarkozy home after a one day visit.
And, at 1650, the support staff aircraft CTM 0014, DA-900, 4/F-RAFQ departs Andrews.