Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: thank you

Hi BM82557,

Well, in about two weeks time, you're going to be sitting in a good location to monitor comms from the new C-5s of the 167th AS WV ANG out of Martinsburg!!



BM82557 said:
I'd like to thank everyone who posts here. I'm new to milair monitoring and if it wasn't for the info here and in the combat air patrol wiki I wouldn't have heard too much during the Thanksgiving cap. As it was I copied just about everything from beginning to end. I'm only about 33 miles SW of the area so I had pretty good reception.

Thanks again!!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1005: TP 25 (TESTER acft-USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) reports at 16,000 feet to ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1006: TP 25 handed to ZDC-Irons 360.85 where he checks in at 16,000 and requests highter...cleared to FL 210
1011: SCARY 1 flight of two F-16s from DC-ANG Andrews active on tac 143.15
1011: TP 25 cleared from FL 210 to 280...360.85
1012: SCARY clears #2 off freq to get the ATIS report (so they're on the way home)
1013: TP 25 handed to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 where he checks in at FL 250 on his way to 280
1016: SCARY 1 flight with ZDC-Casino 285.4 requesting direct Andrews
1019: SCARY flight handed to U-8 TRACON freq 317.425 where they check in
1019: SCARY #2 cleared to SOF 139.9 where he reports the flight is 6.9 minutes out, both code 1
1024: SCARY 1 flight handed to TRACON 270.275 where they check in at 7000 feet heading for runway 19L
1025: REACH 1 on Andrews PTD freq 372.2 to give arrival message...30 minutes out, is a C-21, tail 40140, has 3 Pax - highest rank an A-4, needs 3000 pounds of fuel upon landing. (Call was to McGuire, not Andrews. Thanks Tony.)
1027: SCARY 1 flight handed to ADW Tower 349.0 where they begin their landing routine
1032: Last SCARY reports gear down, full stop landing...349.0
1033: NAVY SD 123 (SALTY DOG aircraft from Patuxent NAS) with ZDC-Brooke 327.0
1034: NAVY SD 123 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 where he checks in at FL 280
1048: NAVY TP 26 with ZDC-Brooke 327.0
1049: NAVY TP 26 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 where he checks in at FL 260
1052: OPEC 13 (KC-10A McGuire) with Giant Killer on 118.125...says he'll be working with FUZZY 12 (KC-135 NY-ANG Niagara Falls
1053: OPEC 13 and FUZZY 12 chatting about the IP and getting there on time...they say they're on on refueling primary freq 238.9
1055: FUZZY 12 with someone else on tanker interplane 139.875
I've recently been told the NY-ANG also has KC-10A aircraft assigned at Niagara Falls but I have no proof of that. If so, the FUZZY callsign could be shared but it just doesn't sound right to me.
1059: FUZZY 12 checks in with Giant Killer 118.125 at FL 350...he reports the refueling block today will be from FL 240 to 260.

1100: TEAM 12 (KC-10A McGuire) and FUZZY 11 on interplane 139.875...FUZZY 11 says he's about 1/2 hour behind (not sure if that means behind schedule or behind TEAM 12)
1103: Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.2 active
1103: More refueling activity on appears to be OPEC 13 and ??? 11 (not sure if it's FUZZY since he didn't use a callsign...OPEC/TEAM/FUZZY all using suffixes in the same range today)
1112: VENUS 40 landing Andrews...reports gear down to ADW Tower...118.4

Break time...back in a bit.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
11.27.2006 continued...

1502Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 22 - conducting apps on 19R.
1511Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - EVAC 44129 (C-17A 04-4129 6th AS McGuire) - reporting off the ground ADW.
1512Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 44129 (C-17A 04-4129 6th AS McGuire) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1517Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 47317 (C-130H 94-7317 731st AS AFRC) - to 12000' QSY 123.825.
1524Z 372.200 McGuire PTD - REACH 01 (C-21A 84-0140) - i/b to WRI with 3 pax 30 mins out tail #84-0140.
1527Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 01053 - ILS 19L.
1529Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - SCARY 1 - reporting low key, traffic in sight.
1536Z 351.900 ZDC-Gordonsville - NAVY SD 123 () - acknowledging traffic advisory.

1625Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 40 - 5 DME gear down.
1628Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - VENUS 40 reporting 10 mins out, status A1 req. parking.
1652Z 119.300 - Potomac APP - RANGER 83 - @ 3000' ADW in sight.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

Unless there has been a VERY recent change, the 107th ARW/136th ARS is KC-135R only, and those will be moving out as below due to BRAC 2005.

BRAC 2005 Actions:

Move the ANG Air Refueling Wing 8 KC-135R aircraft and associated manpower to Bangor IAP AGS, Maine. Bangor IAP AGS will retire its 8 KC-135E aircraft. Move the Airlift Wing’s headquarters element to Langley AFB, Va.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
1055: FUZZY 12 with someone else on tanker interplane 139.875
I've recently been told the NY-ANG also has KC-10A aircraft assigned at Niagara Falls but I have no proof of that. If so, the FUZZY callsign could be shared but it just doesn't sound right to me.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
I'd like to thank everyone who posts here. I'm new to milair monitoring and if it wasn't for the info here and in the combat air patrol wiki I wouldn't have heard too much during the Thanksgiving cap. As it was I copied just about everything from beginning to end. I'm only about 33 miles SW of the area so I had pretty good reception.

Thanks again!!

Welcome aboard. As Tony said, you're in a good position for the expected activity at Martinsburg - and lots of other events within range of your location. Will look forward to your posts.
Citation Jet/Tony said:
Unless there has been a VERY recent change, the 107th ARW/136th ARS is KC-135R only, and those will be moving out as below due to BRAC 2005.

BRAC 2005 Actions:

Move the ANG Air Refueling Wing 8 KC-135R aircraft and associated manpower to Bangor IAP AGS, Maine. Bangor IAP AGS will retire its 8 KC-135E aircraft. Move the Airlift Wing’s headquarters element to Langley AFB, Va.

Best regards,


Right you are Tony. The guy that gave me that info lives in that area and assured me they have both types. I questioned it at the time and still do - partly because of the BRAC situation but mostly just because of the type aircraft. If/when the BRAC final results are in, this also means a change to the NETTF (NorthEast Tanker Task Force) of which they are a part. It'll be interesting to see how that all shakes out.
1120: FUZZY 13 working refueling freq 276.5
1123: FUZZY 11 and a TEAM aircraft on 238.9
Refueling activity/practice AR ops all over the place this morning.

For Andrews:
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE. 27 NOV 17:40 UNTIL 27 NOV 18:10 (1240-1310)

Now it's time for that break. Back later.
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center

One Potomac TRACON controller working 5+ frequencies. They just
switched or added another controller as of 1344z.

Freqs were 119.3, 119.85, 124.2, 124.7, 128.35 * All simulcast on the ATC side *

The reason I realized this was because I heard TRACON address ARMY 204 in the early 1300 hours and thus scanned all PCT freqs in my bank but could not find him.

(Added: Now that I think about it, ARMY 204 could have been on UHF but I doubt it as the ARMY flights are usually VHF. BUT not to be ruled out. However, ATC was still working the above freqs)




Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1229: BOBCAT 11 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 K with Giant Killer on mission V-2705...238.1
1232: BOBCAT 11 reports estabalished in the area...238.1
1232: U/I fighter activity on interflight freq 138.0 (possibly the Vermont F-16s at the Langley Detachment)
1240: Two fighters on that 138.0 freq...still appear to be F-16s and still no callsigns used. One is telling a story about a Cessna that used the taxiway to takeoff and flew right over the top of his jet.
1244: Confirm it's VT-ANG on 138.0...ID as MAPLE 91 calling Ops and again confirm this freq as V-20 preset as I logged on their first flight. They report 130 miles out and are told to use another freq. Say they'll come back to this freq when 10 minutes out. Thought I heard 142.xx something, something. Searching....
1246: SHIFTY 01 (also F-16 VT-ANG Burlington/Langley) with ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 checking in at FL 210
1247: MAPLE 91 descending to FL 220 with ZDC-Blackstone 235.625
1247: MAPLE 91 using interflight 142.3 (Hmmm...this could get confusing if they use this freq and conflict with MD-ANG A-10s)
1247: MAPLE 91 flight confirms at FL 220
1249: MAPLE wingman comes back with ATIS report for runway 26...142.3
1251: MAPLE 91 says to push V-20...come up again on 138.0 where they report 10-15 minutes out and both Code 1...then report they will go back to 142.3 and check in on that freq. (Both times they changed to 142.3, they used the freq rather than a preset number.)
I believe we've now confirmed that V-20 or 138.0 is the Detachment Ops freq for the VT-ANG at Langley. Last flight down to Langley they used the same terminology for that freq.
1256: SHIFTY 01 now with ZDC-Montebello 284.7
SHIFTY 01 and MAPLE 91 both VT-ANG flights on the way to Langley. This may be the initial staffing of the detachment there.
1259: U/I F-22A flight w/Norfolk TRACON 370.925...Push 11 and come up with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 where they check in at FL 230 (too late on both freqs to catch callsign)

1301: Same F-22A flight is working 257.075 for interflight...callsign RATS...Push 7...
1302: RATS 31 comes up with Giant Killer 238.1 to check into W-386 A-J on mission V-2714 for the next 30 minutes and will be MARSA with COWBOY (also F-22A) ...Push 39 Prime
Adding RATS to Langley F-22A callsign list.
1304: COWBOY 21 w/Norfolk TRACON 370.925....Push 7
1304: COWBOY 21 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer 238.1 to work W-386 A-J on mission FL 210, climbing to 230, MARSA with RATS.
1306: COWBOY 21 established in area...push 39 Prime...238.1
1307: TOPCAT 3 (KC-135 McGuire) with Giant Killer 118.125 to enter area (probably W-72)
1309: RATS flight on GK's ops freq 391.2 which must be the 39 Prime reference
1312: WILD flight of two F-16s (DC-ANG Andrews) off the deck and climbing out...w/TRACON 348.725 and on interflight 143.6
1314: WILD flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and check in 14000...cleared to 15000 feet
1315: RATS on 257.075 in ACM red/blue air activity with the COWBOY flight
1316: U/I fighters (prob PA-ANG A-10s from Willow Grove) on interflight 143.25 (Very noisy freq..lots of static)
1316: WILD flight handed to Pax 305.2 where they check in as two F-16s and cancel IFR.
1317: WILD flight asking for exclusive use of area R-6609 up to 20000 feet...305.2
1318: WILD 1 flight handed to BayWatch on 270.8 and repeat the above request...20 minutes playtime.
1329: The A-10s from Willow Grove are a FLYER 1 with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and then to ZDC-Casino 285.4
1334: COWBOY flight confirms RTB in 5 minutes to Giant Killer on 238.1
1334: Also have interflight freq 142.25 active with either FLYER or another Willow Grove flight. (turns out to be FLYER...they must have changed from that noisy 143.25 freq)
1336: FLYER flight handed to Pax on 305.2 and check in there.
1337: FLYER flight handed to BayWatch 354.8 where they check in VFR...say they'll work 18,000 and below.
1338: COWBOY 21 IDs as a four ship flight with Giant Killer as they prepare to RTB...238.1
1339: RATS 31 flight of two ready to RTB w/COWBOY and RATS 33 (Hmmm...guess they were both 3-ship flights and RATS 33 has joined up with the COWBOYs on the way home.)
1340: RATS 33 now says he's going to follow RATS 32...238.1
1343: WATERBUG 929 with BayWatch...354.8
1346: SCARY flight of two F-16s off the deck at Andrews...348.725 TRACON and 139.15 for interflight. On the way to Pax R-6609 so will work 281.4/305.2/270.8 at least.

COWBOY and RATS F-22A flights on the way home to Langley....SCARY just climbing out of Andrews on the way to Pax...WILD two ship flight working R-6609 at Pax...FLYER two ship flight also at Pax...individual Navy flights around Pax area...tankers all over the place and transports coming and going from the three major AF bases within listening range...and with that I've got to run for awhile. Back later.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
11.27.2006 continued...

1816Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 92 - requesting vectors for the RNAV/GPS app to rwy 19R.
1840Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 664 - @ 3000'.
1841Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - WAMO 12 - 4 mis to the SW requesting the PAR to rwy 32 QSYs to GCA 118.850.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1828: REACH 9020 arrival at Dover with Command Post...349.4...wants more trash bags for Customs. (not quite sure what the relationship is between trash bags and Customs :confused:)
1833: ARMY 10301 calling SAM joy x2...141.55
1834: SAM Command calls ARMY 10301...tells him to give msg....10301 says he's 20 minutes out with an R-3, gets parking spot in 4 row...141.55

Very quiet evening...not much of anything happening.

NOTE: Re our discussion about C-5s for Martinsburg. Westover is splitting their A models between Martinsburg and Wright Pat. Dover and Travis are sending B models to Westover.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TIN wrote:
NOTE: Re our discussion about C-5s for Martinsburg. Westover is splitting their A models between Martinsburg and Wright Pat. Dover and Travis are sending B models to Westover.

Can confirm that Tin as recent mil logs have 2 ex-Dover tailed C-5B's now in the hands of Westover.
87-0033 and 87-0037 and probably another or 2.

However 3 former Travis C-5B tails are now Dover tails..
84-0062 and 85-0002 and 85-0004
So many moves the last 2 years hard to keep track and getting harder..
Used to be easy..odd numbered C-5B tail=Dover, Even number tail=Travis.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1448Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474 MASD Andrews) - deps ADW 1500' for 5000' then 11000' QSYed to 123.825 later.

1556Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 22 - cleared for the restricted low app to 1L @ or above 800'.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
1603Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 119 (C-21A) - t/off time 1600Z - no joy here so tries on 141.550 as well.
1603Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 7035 (C-5B 87-0035 436th AW Dover) - deps ADW to FL230.
1603Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 119 (C-21A) - 5000' for 11000'.

...then interrupted by a meeting...

1639Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.850 for Davison GCA.

1711Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TRUCE 11 (presumed KC-135R 117th ARW AL ANG) - deps ADW dir HAFNR to FL230 QSY 121.675 dir GVE then cleared to FL260.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
First half of 1300 hour shows...
WILD F-16s DC-ANG Andrews working at Pax | flight of two...interflight 143.6
SCARY F-16s DC-ANG Andrews working at Pax | flight of two...interflight 139.15
They are also working various Pax freqs including 354.8 with BayWatch
UGLY A-10s PA-ANG Willow Grove working at Bollen Range...237.2

1338: PACER 21 reciting problems with his aircraft and mentions pax going to Dover that are waiting for him | C-21, tail 40073...using freq 283.75 (I used to list this freq as JOSA Common but it's more than that. I think it should probably be listed as the 375th Airlift Wing common freq.)
1345: U/I aircraft with Giant Killer asking to "jump into the airspace for a couple of minutes" to work out a problem and then will RTB, wants Kilo airspace...238.1 (Sounds like an F-22A)
1349: WILD flight coming home to Andrews...with TRACON...335.5
1351: WILD with SOF both reporting Code 1 status...139.9
1354: WILD flight to Andrews Tower for landing...349.0
1355: WILD 2 and then 1 report...gear, base, stop, right (and they're done)...349.0
1355: AERO 21 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Casino 285.4 at 16000 feet
1358: AERO 21 handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 where he checks in at 16000 feet...then cleared direct Salisbury
1359: FLYER and UGLY flights (A-10s PA-ANG Willow Grove) on Base Ops freq...141.8

1401: GRAYHAWK 21 (E-2 Norfolk NAS) with Norfolk TRACON ...370.925
1402: AERO 21 handed off to Pax Advisory...checks in for area R-4006 and cancels IFR...305.2 (seems to be a single ship)
1404: AERO 21 with BayWatch...confirms he's a single ship...354.8
1410: VOODOO 41, a single F-22A from Langley checks into W-386 K for the next 10 minutes. He's at FL 230...238.1
1412: A-10s (MD-ANG) off the deck from Martin State...142.3
1414: And here comes a playmate for AERO 21...AERO 22 with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 heading for Pax
1415: AERO 22 requests to cancel IFR and enter R-4006 at 16,500 feet...256.8
1415: WAMO 51 with Andrews Approach...119.3
1416: A-10s flight from Martin State is callsign COLT, flight of with Pax...281.8
1416: AERO 22 handed off to Pax Advisory...checks in to join up with wingman AERO 21, says he has no weapons on board...305.2
1418: AERO 22 handed to BayWatch where he repeats he's going to join up with his flight leader - AERO 21...354.8
1419: There's also an AXEMAN A-10 from MTN on interflight 142.3
1420: COLT 1 checking into R-6609 with BayWatch...354.8
Turns out this is two AXEMAN and one COLT in the flight
1421: MEXICO flight of F-22As from Langley checking into W-386 with Giant Killer at FL 230...238.1
1421: AERO flight IDs as two F-16s to work ground attack at Pax on their interflight freq of the F-16 pilots is playing the role of a ground based FAC using callsign NAIL 01. He says he's ground based with Special Forces...:)
1425: TRITON 11 flight of F-22As checks into area W-386 A-J, mission V-2809 and says they'll "be MARSA with all the other aircraft."....238.1
1427: COLT 1 asking BayWatch for a discrete UHF freq...354.8 (doesn't repeat the freq he gets)
1428: TRITON 11 says there is a major exercise going on and tells Giant Killer they'll need the airspace for the rest of the day...238.1
1428: SCARY flight coming 1 is Code 2, 2 is Code 1...139.9
1429: LYNX 21 flight into W-386 A-J as reported to Giant Killer, will work for the next hour and will be MARSA with VOODOO, MAI TAI and TRITON flights...238.1 (all are previously identified F-22A callsigns)
1431: LYNX flight changing to 39 Prime....238.1 (should be 391.2 if it stays the same as yesterday)
1434: U/I fighters on interflight freq 140.2 (should be A-10s from either Bradley or Barnes)
1436: Langley interflight 233.525 active with F-22As
1437: VOODOO 31 flight checks into W-386 A-J with Giant Killer and says MARSA with MAI TAI, LYNX, TRITON flights...238.1
1438: U/I flight of NJ-ANG F-16s on interflight 138.875
1439: AERO 21/22 chatting about A-10s in their airspace...138.425
1439: AXEMAN A-10s chatting about F-16s in their airspace...142.3
1439: AXEMAN tells BayWatch they can always move to another area, just let them know...270.8
1440: SCARY flight with Andrews Tower for landing...349.0

10 radios going at the moment and all are constant chatter from all the fighters...not paying any attention to all the transports or whatever else is happening in the area...time for a break after only an hour...fingers and ears overloaded. (As I'm about to wander outside, I hear a BICEP flight of NJ-ANG F-16s working with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925 descending down to 6500 feet. This might be the flight I heard on 138.875 a bit ago. Don't know if they're going into Langley or Richmond or just transiting the area.)
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Nov 3, 2005
Hey Tin,
Sounds like you have your hands full....
FLYER 1 and 2 were up in the DUKE MOA, sounded like they were doing some acm with each other. They were waiting for a SLUFF 61 Tanker (Rickenbacker). FLYER wanted UGLY to get a hold of ops to see if the tanker was coming. It wasn't, so they left. The UGLY flight probably would have came up after playing a Bollen. I was getting some weak transmissions from the UGLIES on 143.75. The FLYER flight was using VHF Low of 34.75.

An AXEMAN flight was up earlier, I didn't pick much up from them except when they left and went to the Bollen range, that was probably around 10AM.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Hey Dave...good to hear from you. It's been a bit. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

I wasn't around the radios this morning to hear the FLYER/UGLY flights heading up your way in the Pennsylvania wilds at Duke or would have given you a shout. I guess I also missed the AXEMAN/COLT flights earlier today before they went to Pax.

Things are settling down a bit now through the 1500 hour. The Andrews flights went home, the AERO flight headed back to Atlantic City and the COLT and AXEMAN flights are heading home in the last half of the 1500 hour. By the way, the COLT flight was a two ship as was the AXEMAN flight. They were just with Raven Ops on 347.2 heading home.

The activity in the offshore areas is still going but it seems that four flight (TRITON, MAI TAI, VOODOO, LYNX) F-22A gaggle is done. Based on the transmission about "major exercise" today, I expect more flights heading out to Giant Killer's areas today.

Now, here it is 1555 and TRITON 11 flight of F-22As is heading back out to W-386 with Giant Killer on 238.1 and he says he'll be MARSA with "all the other guys" so I guess we can expect another batch of F-22A flights soon. Looks like they're going out, burning up their fuel, going home for a fillup and heading right back out again.
TESTER 11 and TESTER 02 from the USN Test Pilot School at Patuxent NAS are working the Pax area on discrete freq 264.55 doing test maneuvers of some kind.

1612: Langley tac freq 233.525 active with F-22A activity
1613: TESTER 02 with BayWatch saying he's going to do vertical maneuvering down to 10,000 feet over Vienna...354.8
1614: There is also a suffix 12 (probably another TESTER) w/BayWatch...354.8
1616: LYNX 21 flight of F-22As with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then over to Giant Killer to enter W-386 K at FL 230 for the next 27 minutes...238.1
I've also been listening to the Baltimore area helo freq 123.025 as a group of helos was working a stolen car chase along Route 95 and then to Donaldson Avenue where the mooks bailed out. They were seen going into a drainage ditch pipe. They've been working this for the best part of an hour and apparently have only caught one or two of them. They have descriptions on all the bailees and it's almost funny to listen to the traffic although I'm sure it's not for the guys on the ground. Ahhh hell...yes it is funny. The mooks never learn.
1625: TRITON 11 F-22A flight leaving the offshore area headed for Langley via HEELS at 14,000 feet...238.1
1626: NAVY 7C 005 calling Davison Ops to say he's 10 minutes out and would like a fuel truck to meet his flight...139.4 (Guess this means the runway at Davison is open again.)
1627: TESTER 02 calls BayWatch to report RTB...354.8
1628: VOODOO 31 flight IDs as a flight of three F-22s entering W-386 at FL 230 and says they'll be MARSA with TRITON, MAI TAI and LYNX...238.1
1630: VOODOO reports established in the airspace...238.1
1631: Langley interflight freq 228.45 with F-22A activity.
1637: MAI TAI 41 flight (F-22A Langley) climbing out of Langley...currently at 16000 heading for FL 230...w/Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1639: MAI TAI 11 (was 41 on previous freq) checking in for work in W-386 w/Giant Killer at FL 230 on mission V-2809...238.1...then report switching to 39 Main.
I'd say MAI TAI should probably be 41 since we had TRITON 11, LYNX 21, VOODOO 31 in the same mission.
1645: VOODOO flight heard on Giant Killer's ops freq...391.2
1648: Police helos following yet another car chase on 123.025...currently at Northpoint Road. (We've got Baltimore County and Baltimore City helos right now but the City helo is bingo for fuel and has to break it off.)
And it winds up in a bailout of course with ground units - Balt City PD w/K9 units - pursuing the mooks and helos following who they can. There is a certain group of these jamokes that don't know you must "buy" a car when you want one. Guess they figure it's much cheaper to steal one.
And Baltimore City PD manages to catch all three of them. Merry Christmas'll enjoy your cellmate Bruno.
1655: SALTY DOG 321 (VX-23 at Pax NAS) with BayWatch...354.8

1701: Navy fighters in ACM activity on 365.7...callsign DOG. (DOG 1 and 2 so far...also callsign SNAPPER who seems to be an airborne controller of some type directing the intercept by DOG 1 and 2.)
1719: DOG 1/2 still working with SNAPPER in directed intercepts of various airborne targets...365.7
1720: And now DOG 1 and 2 are changing roles...DOG 2 will become the interceptor chasing DOG 1 as SNAPPER points out the BRA of the target. Strange SNAPPER gives the target BRA (Bearing, Range, Altitude), he precedes each with the word "Compton" - or so it sounds - rather than using the "BRA" or "bogey dope" terms used by the Air Force...365.7

I never logged it earlier, but somewhere around 1645-1700, there was a flight of A-10s probably from MA-ANG at Barnes at the Warren Grove Range using 283.1 and interflight freqs 140.2 and 139.9.

Time to round up some dinner (or is it lunch?). Only the DOG/SNAPPER flight of any interest at the moment. Good clear comms on 365.7 from here so I'd guess they're operating somewhere around Pax.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jay, the site for your download says "Free Downloads" but I can't figure out what to put in the search box to find it. I tried the file as you named it and also with the extension put on by the site (cv8qv2) but that doesn't get it either. The site doesn't seem to like me unless I become a paid member.

By the way, that was an interesting ground attack scenario done by the pair of AERO 21/22 F-16s at the Patuxent Range at Vienna. One of them played the role of NAIL 1, a Special Forces ground FAC, and then the other became NAIL 3 when they swapped sides.
Last half of 1800 hour finds a CRAB 56 (C-130J, MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) in the pattern at Andrews w/TRACON 119.3 and ADW Tower 118.4

1910: JOKER 51 (Prob. F/A-18C, VFA-34, Oceana NAS) with Giant Killer on 233.7...checks in as a flight of two to enter the area (W-72 probably).
1922: JOSA 119 with arrival msg to Griffin Command at Andrews...arriving 0045Z, is A-2 for a crew entry door stuck, has an S-4 plus two Space A pax on board...378.1
1922: NAVY 7N 017 on 139.4 probably to Davison AAF
1932: ARMY 01052 calling Andrews with arrival msg...25 minutes out, has an S-3 on board and sounded like he IDed as a C-35...141.55
1932: NAVY 7N 017 calling on 139.3 (Andrews Navy Ops/PTD)
1946: JOSA 233 reports leaving Andrews at 0043Z...Ground tells him to have a good flight (she's got a good sounding transmitter tonight)...141.55
1952: MUSSEL 03 reporting ops normal and requesting change to SYSCOM...292.2 (I'm getting desperate for activity)
1952: ROMAN 81 (F/A-18 VFA-106, NAS Oceana VA) reporting at 6000 feet to Norfolk TRACON...370.925
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Jan 5, 2004
Some random activity just heard.

Unknown on 141.75 giving an inbound report of 20 minutes out with an R3 onboard.

MUSSELL-03 on 292.2 reporting "Ops Normal, Dulles". Then heard a minute later with IAD tower 128.425 then 120.1 diverting from Rt7 towards Fair Oaks Mall.
1917- MUSSELL-06 now reporting at Aldie with IAD tower on 120.1
1929- Not real sure where he's going. I saw him heading more north than east for a while. He just now switched to DCA tower.
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
TinEar said:
Jay, the site for your download says "Free Downloads" but I can't figure out what to put in the search box to find it. I tried the file as you named it and also with the extension put on by the site (cv8qv2) but that doesn't get it either. The site doesn't seem to like me unless I become a paid member.
works fine for me and the other people. what browser or plugins do you have? it could be blocking it although i have one and it works..

Download Link: target-practice.mp3 it should say and you wouuld click on it


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jay said:
works fine for me and the other people. what browser or plugins do you have? it could be blocking it although i have one and it works..

Download Link: target-practice.mp3 it should say and you wouuld click on it

I use Netscape so perhaps that's the problem. I tried it with the link just as you posted. I guess I should try Explorer like the rest of the human race uses. <shudder>

Edit: Damn...I found it. The link is at the bottom of the page. The red arrow was there but the link beside it is not showing on my PC. The print is in white letters which obviously don't show very well on a white background. Problem solved. I was mostly curious what kind of reception you got from your location compared to how I hear Pax from here.
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